The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I do appreciate all the suggestions and advice. I’ll be back if AHBL.


I ended up having to get a new computer and retire my 17 year old Dell. At the end I had pretty much no control over it as it had been taken over by Microsoft, Google, and AVG. They did let me use it from time to time but I needed more so broke down and bought a new basic computer which should be my last one. Lots of new stuff to learn how to do with the new PC and it was really aggravating having to answer a ton of questions to get it set up. “Not right now” and “Skip” were my friends. I do not love change.


I did the final dry trim on the Zamaldelica Auto today. The yield was a bit below 28g but honestly with it being flowers not so dense I was pleasantly surprised it weighed that much having been grown in the 1 gal fabric pot.


These babies are coming along okay so far. I just fed them a little this afternoon as I still think they should be a little darker, what do ya’ll think? I do value feedback and suggestions.



It’s still a nice pile of buds! :+1::blush::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Wait until you see the tabs in file manager. A useful feature that should have been in Windows decades ago.


I think that’s pretty good for an auto in a one gallon, though I don’t weigh that often.


I say this with all seriousness I believe I may have gotten a foreign keyboard with my new computer. Check out where some of the keys are located and some with two symbols that do not belong together on one key.


I was looking and started thinking I needed to cut back on the amount of hash I was smoking. It was messing with my mind seeing the @ key and # key where they are and the keys in their place is that a pound money symbol?


Looks counterfeit to me.

Does that say “Dill” in the upper right-hand corner?


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Dell, what are you going to do. :v:

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I like dell computers :wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I just grew 2 critical red hourglass glass. I believe they were from @repins12 though. Unsure if they are related at all but the flower time was around 80 days on mine. I went to long by mistake about 90. I’d say 75-80 days is the sweet spot on those.


The computer I replaced after so many years was a Dell.

Lol very possible they use different keyboards everywhere. I just found out that the usa is the only place that QWERTY is kind of a standard. It’s a real pita. Plants are looking great.


I think it’s genuine :slightly_smiling_face:…Dell is probably the biggest seller of monitors and keyboards and they make for different regions.

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That looks British to me. Just different enough to really be frustrating occasionally.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @LoveDaAutos, @420noob, @globalhead, @rasterman, & all the rest of the crew! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::sun_with_face::beach_umbrella::ocean::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I tell you what really hurts the most about having to get a new computer. Because the old one up and died I lost my seed spread sheets!!! I could care less about all the photos, contact information, email addresses etc. but losing those spreadsheets nearly brought me to tears. I’ll get started on a new Auto spreadsheet but not sure I’ll remake the others.


There is nothing more heart breaking than losing your data on a new computer swap, it might be in there somewhere. I hope you find it as I am sure you spent many painstakingly hours to make that list! :crossed_fingers::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: