The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I need to learn how to catalog inventory…


Oh ouch! That’s horrible. I agree with you, losing hard built data is way worse than losing any device. What kind of death happened to your computer? If you haven’t disposed of it yet, depending on how it died maybe there’s hope of retrieving the info from the drive with the aid / coaching of some of us tech folks.


Hey Rain :slightly_smiling_face: it could be AVG causing the problem …if it is booting AVG should be removed using a tool which removes all registry items and if windows is asking activation key running a KMS (key management service) will fix that.
If the drive is working files can surely be retrieved :slightly_smiling_face:

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Better to keep important data on a cloud storage space like Google drive :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think :face_with_monocle: @DougDawson is pretty good with computers :computer:, you might want to try him. :ok_hand::crossed_fingers::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


What do you mean by “died”? Is it a laptop or desktop? Does it not turn on? Does it turn on a give a series of beeps and flashing lights. Most times your data is still there unless the hard drive itself died. Please provide some more info bud.


Mrs Foreigner’s server died completely and she took it into a shop and they retrieved all her data.

Don’t ask me how because I don’t know.


It was a very old tower computer I’m thinking 16 or 17 years old. One day recently it had turned itself off while in use and would not power back up. I tried another power cord and that wasn’t the problem. I ordered a new, inexpensive computer to take it’s place and have already recycled the old one at the landfill which I should have stated. Thanks for checking in though, it is appreciated.


Oh man, that sucks. Was likely just a power supply if the machine just wouldn’t power on, I would bet your data was all there for the taking. Sorry to hear that bud. If it’s gone now there is nothing to be done but I would give 2 pieces of advice. First is to get an external backup drive to store a copy of your stuff on and or use some kind of cloud storage.

The second is to never just toss out a dead PC that had your data on it. A hard drive can be easily removed and stuck in an external enclosure. They are extremely cheap to buy and would turn said drive into a USB drive which you could retrieve your data from and even use as a backup drive. If you ever run into such an issue again, feel free to PM me, bud. I have been in IT working on PC’s, laptops, servers, networks and all sorts of other equipment for over 25 years so I can usually help in such situations. I am just a message away if you ever need a hand. :v:


Well I did have my buddy at the landfill run over the computer with his D-10 dozer. :wink:


I will reach out if I have computer problems in the future. Thank you for the offer.


USB drives are great to save info that way if computer blows up or whatever all your saved data is safe and easily opened on other devices.


Hey @LoveDaAutos good morning, looks :eyes:like we are getting a cooler day only 75 on the east coast in MD and we are going to get some much needed rain for the next few days! :ok_hand::beach_umbrella::ocean::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::v:


It was decent here yesterday with the temps in the lower 80s in the afternoon. Still quite humid but at least it wasn’t mid 90s.


Not sure how many boring young plant pictures ya’ll want to see. Thinking maybe updating once a week or every 10 days or so? Just took these pictures a bit ago of the Sour Bubble youngsters which are getting a little bigger each day.


It’s been consistently 95+ here in Colorado. Tent in my closet is doing okay (not great but okay) but only thanks to an AC running on full blast in the lung room over. (2.7x2.7ft tent is in a closet, next to a bathroom, attached to the room with AC)

Supposed to break Thursday for a bit. Silly heat! I can see how it causes problems.

I personally vote for all the pictures :). Young can help identify things for us newbies. How are the gnats coming along? :fire:


I have made a really difficult decision today not to purchase the NFL Sunday Ticket as I feel the price of $449.00 it too high for me to justify. It pains me greatly as I am a very big fan of the game.

Stalemate with the fungus gnats at this point but everything is in place to knock them down.


Knock those fuckers down (and try Reddit for good pirate football links :wink: :wink: — not that I’d know or condone that).

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Always nice to see good grow porn! :wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Good morning :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: @LoveDaAutos and friends, got some much needed rain here last night and we are expecting 4 to 5 inches more in total. Hope everyone’s day is off to a good start! Enjoy :blush: your coffee :coffee:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::v: