The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

She must have accidentally swallowed one …I once had a Russian Shepard dog for a while you would love to pick first size stones in his mouth and walk around with it.
Hopefully there was only the one and she has no major injuries :slightly_smiling_face::v:


So I’m thinking a prior camper may have just dumped bacon grease or something similar in the gravel. On top of the rock she vomited up the x-ray showed 4 more smaller stones in her colon so they gave her some fluids via an IV to move things along and make the passing easier. They felt they would pass with no problems so all good news. They did also note that her arthritis in her back has gotten worse. I hate when they get old.


These are the seed run girls in a photo taken this evening.


Russian Tsar Bomba which turned out to be a photo plant not an auto. It’s been in the flowering light phase for 12 days now and almost immediately upon being flipped started taking off towards the light which it surpassed this morning when I woke up. So I had to Super crop it about 18 inches on an angle towards the camera lens if you look close you can see it’s curled back up like the trunk of an elephant headed back up to the light.


@MissinBissin do you by chance have any of the Russian Tsar Bomba auto seeds locked up in your vault?


OK, here we go.

4 Auto bag-seed
7 store-bought Fem’s

Thanks for asking… open to initiatives @LoveDaAutos


So which did you send me the last time the auto bag seed or the store bought fems? I am wanting the fem auto version of the RTB.

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Me too @LoveDaAutos

The only ones I’ve left are bag seed at this time.

Or FEM photo-period

Nukeheads has them

Okay thanks

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Wish I had some ready to go @LoveDaAutos
7.50 for 5 Seeds / 15 for 10 ++


Everyone should have a little Russian locked up in their Vault… hehee.
some of the Russian and Polish Ruderalis is better then people think and have been used to make a bunch of the Gen 2 Autos that are a bit bigger… it’s all about the longer veg time. 4wks, 3 min…
Here is one I’d love to work
Siberian Ruderalis - Khalifa Genetics - Regular Landrace Seeds


That rtb sounds truely epic!

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Have you grown anything from Nukeheads before?

I ask because I ordered a couple varieties from them. One I was not able to make do good things from the two I started, but they were autos as labeled. The 3rd was supposed to be an auto, but was not. It was a very cool looking plant, so I eventually flipped it to 12/12 and it flowered happily. No reply to my polite email about the issue.


Yes I have @RainToday and I like what they offer. . Websites a mess, but I’ve grown:

  • Purple Dawn 2021 / 22
  • Russian Tzar Bomba; Fem photo & auto 2023-24
  • Acapulco Gold Fem ‘24 in-progress
  • White Widow Fem 2020

I would probably order a few packs from Nukehead if it wasn’t for the $18.50 shipping charge for three packs of seeds. Fortunately I don’t need the seeds I just want the seeds so I can say “hell no” to the overpriced shipping.


Thanks! That’s good to know :slight_smile: I’ll put the rest of their seeds in the “try this again” basket then.

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I’ll split an order with You @LoveDaAutos if you ever feel like it.

we can cut that shipping charge in half, then mail me the Goods

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I’m still struggling trying to get photos from my phone on to my computer but may have found a way to get pics from my camera on to the computer. I took a couple photos of the Sour Bubble plants this morning. I’m sure hoping they show their sex soon or that tent is going to be way overcrowded. I also hope that plant in that back center turns out to be a gal.


Those look great now…

I have trouble with pics on this newer chromebook ( i can never find them) … i have to post pics from my phone as well.

And for security purposes i try to not have a bunch of pics on my phone…


this one has me drooling