The OverGrow Podcast

Not so much with the podcast stuff. I didn’t venture into that thread much


I was talking about why he got originally banned. Deets.


Oh… he’s got a big mouth and speaks his mind :rofl:


I’ve been close to being banned. Have had Joe pm me twice. Once in red. :alien: :skull_and_crossbones:


Bro that’s nothing. Joe used to pm me daily for my marshydro comments :rofl:


Fuckin Marshydo :rofl:


my bad, had to take my name off. didn’t know it was for being on the podcast, thought it was for helping out. i have nothing i want to say to anyone that is worth listening to.



I never heard anyone say that this is a new idea of their own. I knew from the git go that another attempt had been made and due to unforeseen circumstances didn’t continue. To say that it’s like slapping your name on someone else’s idea is wrong. Just the ramblings of an old hillbilly though. Take it for what that’s worth. It was just a good idea that someone picked up when it was dropped and ran with it.
No problems.


I’m excited to check it out. Afraid I wouldn’t b of any help tho. I can barely work this phone and I don’t know a thing about any social media or podcast or such things. This is my only social media ever. Never tweeted or posted or liked or swiped anything cept on here lol. I learn a lil more every day. If I figure there’s any way I can help out down the road I may jump in but for now I’m gonna b an excited spectator. There’s an awful lot of creativity and artistry in this community so I’m eager to see what u guys n gals come up with. I know it’s gonna b great


@insaneyanish I’m looking forward to working with you, Thank You.
@mndlss I agree :grin:
@Bayarealivingsoil 100% @HolyAngel did a fantastic job, I hope to do an interview with him.
@sfzombie13 as the first one to signup you will be the first one to receive a OGP sticker when they are produced.
@DougDawson would be a honor to interview @LemonadeJoe @Northern_Loki and @toastyjakes Would you being interested in doing an interview? Second question, I would like to use 7 seconds of your hauling ass across the lake on a jet ski video for a trailer video I’m working on, asking your permission to use it.
@CocoaCoir bookmarked the Ableton website, will check it out, Thank you.
@DesertHeartGardens are you making music, do you play an instrument?
@HeadyBearAdventures Congratulations on the Job! Not just any job but one that will feed your soul by offering a hand-up to those in need.
@Pigeonman Thank you for signing up, your name came up first when I was talking to @Rhai88 about who we would like to see and hear on a podcast. If you have an interest the standing offer is “Would you like to be the first face to face interview?” Before you answer please know it will be at least 2 weeks before I can schedule such a interview, we will need to talk on the phone before the event to make sure were on the same track ahead of time.
@SonsOfAvery Excellent suggestion! Mrs. Helios and I were talking about how to provide interaction between OG’s and the podcast on you tube. We were thinking that providing a code for people to post in this thread in a dibs format would increase interest. Stickers and seeds could be won things of this nature do you more ideas to share on how we could achieve this?
@Esrgood4u the idea of a podcast goes back to 2017 on OverGrow, Thank for the good luck.
@AppalachianBiscuits The story of the person whom I believe you’re speaking of did far more than break forum rules and piss off mods, I have nothing to say about him.
@tresbundles and allotment the podcast idea dates wayyyyy back, I supported the former podcaster financially, verbally and openly in the 7 years of OverGrow to help increase interest. I’m still upset with what this person did to destroy the trust gained.
@WhiteBoyRick I got proof, your it. Your approach to negging an individual to try and force them to tell you something that has no need to be talked about is repulsive at best and meant to harm others as it is the worst you have to offer.
My final response to what happened previously… it is what it is.


I want to help out… No one wants to hear me talk but i could always do some tech stuff for you. I can promote it on my blog too.


Im confused? What am I proof of?


I’d love to hear you speak. A good look at the business side of things. Working with breeders. Selling seeds. Your interaction with overgrow and being a sponsor. There’s a lot of interesting aspects to talk about you with you brother!


If I share an idea to build a three-tiered greenhouse and I decide not to do it, but someone else does, is that morally wrong? Not at all. I think the dissent has more to do with the friendship some of the members have with MCR0161. There’s nothing wrong with being upset about him being banned, but at the end of the day, he violated the rules, snuck back in and got caught. He should have just talked to Joe about having his membership reinstated and faced the issue head on.

Personally, my limited interaction with him was nothing but positive, but I’m not about to protest the use of an idea simply because we got along. It’s not like there’s monetary gain involved and he’s being screwed.


I dont think there was any monetary gain involved for MCR. It was the monetary gain that was not involved for a certain somebody that brought the ban.

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I don’t believe that for one second. He was banned, snuck back in and was caught. Simple as that. What you’re suggesting is pure speculation, and if you truly believe that, why are you still here? Stand by your conviction and ban Overgrow.


Its a public forum. Not a motorcycle club. Lol

It’s privately owned.

Its still a public forum. I dont need to be a member to view it.

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