The OverGrow Podcast

Instead of a podcast how about a series of one act plays?


Brother, you can repost anything I post, I have no problem with that. As for an interview, I mean, I guess we could work something out. Not sure what I would say, what do I know, lol. But we can talk my friend.


I think ideally youā€™d want to drive the most traffic and have the most interactions on YouTube to help boost the algorithm and bring in more views. Which could potentially mean more people joining OG, which is surely part of the plan!

Perhaps announcing what prize will be available in advance on a thread here will encourage people to go watch.
Could even have a selection of seeds available as prizes and do a poll so people vote on what the prize will be that week. (Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be no shortage of seed donations, this is OG afterall :heart: )

The giveaway could simply be having a specific ā€œkey wordā€ (a different one for each episode so peoplecant cheat) and have people comment it in the youtube comments of each video as their entry.
Then selecting a winner from everyone who comments the correct word.

Having the giveawayā€™s near the end of each episode (but not always at the very end so viewers have to watch the whole thing) will hopefully ensure that people watch right to the end, which the youtube algorithm also like its viewers to do.

Hope that made sense, itā€™s 4am here and Iā€™m very tired :smile:


Watching this come together in real time is an honor. Thank you Mrs. Helios. & @Heliosphear


October 15th 2021 I started making promotional videos for OverGrow.
The videos that followed were all made to promote the people who make OverGrow a community.
Have a fantastic Sunday. :sunglasses:


Make no mistake, I am 100% supportive of you taking on this project @Heliosphear . I couldnā€™t think of anyone else that has the same love and dedication to OG that you have. I appreciate you, bud, and canā€™t wait to hear the first episode! :star_struck:


@Heliosphear Hi, I planned to go on the last podcast to do an episode for people who want to get into breeding. Iā€™ve always wanted to make a comprehensive guide for breeding going from how to get started, but in the end go into more advance methods and thinking aswell, but my dyslexia makes it very time and energy consuming to contribute in text over large format, so a podcast would be the perfect media for me.

IF you would be willing to work with me on this I would love to contribute to the community with all the information and experience stuck in my head.

Thank you :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


I think @emeraldgreen would be an excellent guest on the podcastā€¦ I canā€™t wait for the first one to come out.


I have to warn you that this may likely violate YouTubeā€™s terms of service. Firstly, creating incentives like this is not allowed (basically you are cheating YTā€™s algorithms). Secondly, we should avoid anything that could result in us being banned from YouTube. Cannabis is the gray zone on YT and we need to be prepared to be suspended anytime. The main goal is to provide video content, which may not be well-suited for our platform, and hopefully attract new users to come to We do offer Seed Giveaways section here on the site, so there is no need to extend it to YouTube. The core of discussions about each video should stay here on the main site.


He was a previously banned member. Trust me, we do not take this lightly - you need to strongly violate our rules in order to earn a ban. If your account is suspended, it means you are banned for life. This indicates that you cannot return under a different identity and attempt to disregard what happened by pretending everything is perfect.

Utilizing our community and taking advantage of the name and design of Overgrow without approval is not something we should support. He was simply using it to establish a business for himself.

Exactly the opposite. And another gain involved by creating a leverage against OG staff.

Even if we put aside the reality that MCR was a previously banned member with a long history of always having multiple accounts and using them to manipulate our users, one fact remains. If you are building something on top of someone elseā€™s work (and getting back in shape required a lot of invested time), at the very least, you should have the decency to approach the owner and ask for permission beforehand. Thatā€™s how the trust is build.

And, by the way, please donā€™t be angry with @Heliosphear. He is not a member of the staff and does not have any decision-making power in terms of moderation. The idea of having an OG YouTube channel is quite old, but I canā€™t be personally involved due to time constraints. It would simply be too much for me to handle. My main focus is on operating the main site. @Heliosphear approached me and I agreed. He is a respected member of the community with excellent organizational and design skills. Iā€™m confident that he can handle it.


We havenā€™t always seen eye to eye on issues @LemonadeJoe but I will say right now that I think the moderation of the forum has been well handled in almost every situation Iā€™ve seen that they were dragged into since I joined.
I had only been on one other forum before OG and I saw the mods showing bias to their friend in their decisions.
Thatā€™s why I am here in fact.


@LemonadeJoe I think itā€™s good that this is brought up now in the start so we can move on with the idea. I thought the whole previous post about it had multiple red flags, but I reached out to him after a OG staff was in the first episode of the podcast because I thought it meant it got approved.

Tbh, I think the whole thing was quite messy and we need to proceed beyond past events. One person can take action, but when it very early on start to be talks about money, or merch left and right. This is a huge red flag for meā€¦

Pz :v:t2:


Thatā€™s fair enough, keep the giveaways to the threads here then. Donā€™t want to draw unnecessary and negative attention from the Lords of YouTube.

I suppose as long as thereā€™s no monetizing of the youtube stuff they wonā€™t be that bothered about banning it.
I know some YouTube cannabis podcasts that bleep out the word ā€œweedā€ everytime its said, just so they can keep their monetization going lol.


i thought that when the channel gets popular enough youtube monetizes it for you.

this is a good one right here. i wondered what the hell happened to allow it to get all the way to putting it on the air before anyone said anything about it. the thread had been going on for over a week before it came together, why on earth didnā€™t anyone notice before the thing came out that it was unauthorized?


Yeh theyā€™ll offer you the opportunity to do it. But you can just decline.
I turned them down years ago when they iffered to monetize a channel I had, just my small stand against capitalism :smile:



I did recently get a really nice RODE mic. Donā€™t have a DAW for it or anything yet but still.


@LemonadeJoe I appreciate your reply. Iā€™ve seen a couple members leave or be suspended and had no idea what happened. I get that itā€™s likely contention, and talking about it publicly would devolve into a shit show.

Iā€™d like to see a wall of shame. An informational mod only thread to help keep users informed of others who are here to cause shit. Post the threads or messages that led to their ban, other names they have registered etc. We have feedback threads, but they arenā€™t used with fidelity.

When people disappear and some users say ā€œhe was a bad dude, we donā€™t talk about itā€ I feel like a mushroom :mushroom:


I am so glad this idea is still going to be a reality! Keep up the good work all, this is a great time to be a part of the site and to see great things happen by some great people!

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I want to say yes but my anxiety is getting the better of me. Will PM you so we can talk in the background to figure things out :v:


Hey @Heliosphear . They used most of my questions on the first OG Podcast. Iā€™m a decent researcher and script writer (refer to the start of the Cobra Lips co-op threadšŸ¤£). Iā€™m a PM away and ready to help, if you find the need.