The OverGrow Podcast

This was to be read in the “trailerman” voice right? Cause that’s how I read it.


We have that here daily already :see_no_evil:

My God , dont read all the posts for a bit and stumble upon this . Wow . Mcwhatever was Colon?? LMAO . Go figure , lol .

Only seen this like maybe 600 times since the days of BB’s. As the world turns .

Carry on



I’m not staff and I had no knowledge of him being a banned member or anything until after the fact.


i second this. had no idea this dude was gone, but was wondering what happened to the podcast.

@Heliosphear i’m also good at writing, wrote the intros to the last podcast without any knowledge of the content beforehand and hit it pretty good from what i’ve been told. i can help with writing if needed. and is this going to be called the first podcast or the second? it is the second and the other one, while not officially authorized was sure not forbidden, and with all the talk all over the thread was tacitly approved when it wasn’t forbidden. semantics is all it is.


Trust me, I’m not staff. I had no knowledge of him being a banned member or anything until after the fact. I might be in “TeamOG” but that was for being a “Leader” of which all my leader powers got stripped after the first week. The extent of my abilities over yours are that I occasionally get to sit in on some leader level convo’s and offer my 2 cents as I’m on here constantly, but that’s about it. I’m grateful for that, but I have no power or knowledge over anyone else here that’s not a moderator or a true Leader(TL4).

Yeah I wondered that as well and why I even went forward with it. I threw my name in the hat as a half joke after it had already been mentioned by others and, everyone jumped on it. Happened really really fast imo lol. But I had a great time and enjoyed doing it. As far as I know he’s going to continue producing content. I wasn’t here nor privy to whatever got him banned originally nor have any say about it now. Gonna be whatever its gonna be.


@HolyAngel I’m so sorry, I thought that the OverGrower tag was staff members. It’s my bad and I don’t blame you or anything! It was just how I understood the situation and I understand that you got in between everything happening.

Again I’m so sorry for thinking of you as staff! I should have done my research before saying that. Hope you understand where I come from.

Thank you :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


That’s very kind of you to say.

1 Like

Thank you for the vote of confidence @Rhai88 im down to help in any way possible. @Heliosphear as I’ve said before I’m here for whatever you need. I’m just a mere pm away


Learning to make music goal is to learn to make downtempo electronic music only instrument I’ve played is guitar but real basic cords and stuff


@Heliosphear if you’re looking for some music for intro/outro or between segments etc, me and a few friends used to make music, and we have a load of instrumentals that you’d be welcome to use. All we’d require would be a name credit for using it.



Would love to help out in any way possible! This sounds great, and would be a good way to highlight all the cool stuff on here. tried to sign up for the wiki but it is in slow mode.


…timer, timer…


switches off the timer My apology for the delay, huge update Saturday around noon.


You have NO REASON to be sorry when shit like this gets thrown at you:

BIG LOVE @Heliosphear !!!


Damn right! We’re all looking forward to it, just the same, @Heliosphear ! Take the time deserving of the endeavor and keep you and yours safe as houses for us, eh?
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


Keep you and yours safe and sound bro @Heliosphear !
That’s all that matters.


I’ve been going over it in my head about how to make an exciting weekly podcast that focuses on who we are as a community. I’ve watched and listened to several kinds of podcasts about cannabis and my conclusion was that it is indeed a gray area for YTube and several other streaming servers. Most of them are showing people getting high, chatting with others and generally being themselves and trying to make it interesting.

Interviews make a huge difference to listeners when they are with people that have some kind popularity either here or other social media sites. The call in or voice only interview will be the primary for our podcast as most people don’t want to show their face. Zoom interviews will also be available where you can show your face or hide your identity, you can scramble your voice as well if you like with either option. Interviews will be 15 minutes by default more time can be added if requested by the person being interviewed.

Anyone can request to do an interview here on OverGrow or you can do your own thing and say what you wanna say by voice recording or Video with or without hiding Identity. You can make your own shout out to friends and OG’s then have the video’s put in the weekly podcast. Email and FTP will be available for file uploads. If you interested in showing off pictures from your grow during a voice only interview it will be available, you can also set up a interview where you and I can communicate about the pictures presented during a voice only interview offered with video as well thru editing them into the Final Cut for release.

In-depth stories about growing and breeding… @LonelyOC I’m 100% down with doing the project, have you already filmed something to use as reference that can be seen or heard in a podcast? If you want to film or record what you want to say and then have it put together as a feature length story and broadcast either in parts along with others films and recording or as a stand alone podcast.

@Budderton and @sfzombie13 I would be honored if you could write for the podcast show, I’m currently learning the equipment to put together a sample podcast so we can all be on the same page for the one made by OG’s for OG’s on OverGrow. I’m writing a snappy intro but hitting the block wall with so much other information I’m trying to get into my brain about legality and a dozen other things. Anything you can write up would be much appreciated and I would be most grateful.

@Pigeonman you got mad skills on the media front, I will be looking to you for advice and idea’s @Foreigner you got jokes and I believe you would be a great commentator for call in events, I will provide more information and how that will work later as scheduling has to be worked out to make it happen. Everyone on OverGrow is here voluntarily which means we all have lives to live in the real world that require constant attention.

The OGP crew: @Rhai88 @Ix3u @DougDawson @Pigeonman @Budderton @sfzombie13 @LonelyOC @sprinklememaynee @SonsOfAvery @insaneyanish @TopShelfTrees1 @sunra108

@lemonadejoe @Northern_Loki @toastyjakes are any of you will to do a interview?
@Emeraldgreen are you interested in doing an interview, if so what would you like it to be about?
@holyangel if you are interested in doing another interview, in any format you want, I would be grateful and very willing to make it happen.

Anyone one who contributes in anyway will be credited for their work.

I have no interest in monetizing the podcast or content that is used for broadcast, @LemonadeJoe has made the official podcast section on YouTube for OverGrow and I am the editor. I am against commercializing what we do here as is meant to entertain and inform the community. My understanding with LJ is that if we make it to the big time any funds provided by the podcasts we are going to create, 100% of any funds generated goes to support the OverGrow website.

This graphic is a collaboration of @Rhai88 and myself, getting some stickers made will show them off when they arrive.

In February of this year I spoke to several people about expanding the Cannabis Cultivation Network and making a news show where reporters go and do interviews with other OG’s and we build a news center together. I will be posting examples of how this could work and looking for ideas on how to make our podcasts something no-one has seen or heard before.

I look forward to working with all of you in the future to continue making OverGrow a shining beacon of hope for a better tomorrow.

Have a great weekend. :sunglasses:


I could definitely take care of the Canadian side of things for you. And whatever else is needed


I actually had a similar idea , showcasing individuals and their skills. Possibly video clips, interviews etc. a while back


I would love to work to do an interview or do some writing around Canadian history! I feel like there is an immense amount of history and knowledge from our members here. Truly an honour to ask to be involved. OG has made such a positive impact on my life in the past 3 years I have been here, and has really helped out alot in my journey to become a competent cultivator.