The OverGrow Podcast

I would love to help out as much as I can. I got a transcript made of talking points for the previous podcast I can send you to look over and if it would fit in with this one. The “niche” is “How to make your own medical cultivar”, so it’s related to breeding and is a guide to breed but is also with a pre set goal of enhancing each other life’s. I’m a firm believer of personal medicine and a holistic approach to improve both mental a physical health. My intent is to give the tools for everyone on OG to create their own perfect creations that is exactly what they need and how to get into that position.

Pz :v:t2:


Sounds like things are moving along nicely :ok_hand:


i’m honored to be part of it and will help any way you need. i was thinking of some sort of form interview type of thing, where you ask the same questions every time. that gets you a sense of familiarity and allows the guests to prepare answers so as to avoid the thinking part and stuttering. then a few minute ad-lib at the end. i like the idea of segments too. you could easily fill an hour slot monthly or even weekly, but that may be pushing it depending on the time allowances of the staff. weekly would be cool though. i’m thinking of a cheech and chong meet saturday night live, the bill murray john belushi cast. eventually.


Anytime growmie! I’m also down for being interviewed so long as I can prep my answers :wink:

Put @Foreigner on the spot though, I’ve know those hairy legs for a while and the brain attached to them is amazing quick witted and I think would add extra ZAZZ to any moment with them. :grin:


I honestly didn’t see these actions. I didn’t even visit the thread that much as its not my thing. I just seen that he put effort into getting it going and thought he deserved a little bit credit BUT I don’t condone his actions in any way. The OG site and branding belongs to you. The kid does his thing to survive is the only excuse I can give for his actions. Obviously not cool.


You know the story of Samson and Delilah? That’s me but substitute the leg hair :joy:


@Foreigner podcast episode would be hilarious…lol…“a series of one man plays”. :laughing::sweat_smile::rofl::joy:

I was once interviewed for a magazine and they ended up publishing it…lol. I didn’t think they would choose mine, but there it was…big goofy picture of me and everything…lol.

I could give a 20 min interview…and totally agree with this, below.

Would be so fun to hear the voices of our members…sharing stories and talking about current and previous setups.
I’m hoping this podcast comes to life.


So glad this is happening. Thanks to all involved. Just one more thing to unite everyone here at OG. Well done people.


@Heliosphear I can share my experience. I’m open to the idea of an interview. We can talk about what people might be interested in that I have experience with.


Thats a good way to open (and even to close, similar to the Potcast), with a couple of general questions that will get the guests talking and allows them to relax into the interview.
I wouldn’t have every interview be the same scripted questions start to finish though, that becomes too formulaic.
I think it’s also important for the host to be able to ask off topic/unscripted follow up questions to expand upon a guests answers.



of course, but you have to be careful of the time if it is constrained to a 15 minute interview. that’s why i suggested a format that included a few minutes of ad-lib at the end. and of course an interviewer has to expand on answers that don’t seem to get all the details out or to further expand on details that come up and invite more questions. sort of a scripted part that everyone expects and can prepare for then a unique part that allows for variety as you suggest.

the monthly or weekly segments sound like the part where the real fun will happen. sort of skits is what i am envisioning. kind of like that news skit i recall from saturday night live. i especially like the idea of a roaming reporter interviewing people around the world. something like that sounds like a lot of fun. not sure if i got that from this thread or am inventing it right now based on something i saw somewhere else.


This is why I was asking to see the Q’s in advance to hone responses. Anytime I’ve done open ended interviews it usually is a pain in the ass to wrangle the rambling. But when they got time to prep their responses with specifics like: “Please try to constrain your answer to 1-2minutes with potential for a follow-up question about your response before we more along to the next Q.”

Formula: initial Q, answer, ad-lib Q about response, ad-lib answer about ad-lib Q.

The meat is in the first 2 parts, but the humanity follows through with the later 2 if applicable.

:grin: :v:


Usually on podcasts what airs as a 15-minute interview was a much longer session that’s then edited down. Taking three to four hours of content and editing it down to an hour or so of exactly what you’re looking for is usually how it goes. The person doing the editing has the worst job. Haha Best of luck with this! Also, it was crazy obvious from the first post of the last thread about the podcast that the person was trying to monetize it and didn’t have the rights to do so. An individual owns this site. Made no sense at all that the owner would allow that to happen.


Yeah this is why i dont podcast :rofl:
My perspective is from live q & a’s.


Haha Yeah, usually it’s an intern or someone just starting out doing the editing and all of that. Crazy system. The ones making money just sit down and talk aimlessly for hours and hours. Then someone barely getting paid, sometimes used to be for just credit hours, has to sit there forever going through it and doing all of the editing and formatting and stuff. Then, all of a sudden there’s a perfect podcast released.


This is why I don’t like the idea of a fully scripted interview. Knowing every question in advance and Knowing your response to them, it just take away from the intimacy of the interview.
I know it’ll be more work, but it’ll feel much more authentic.
When I hear podcasts that are so prepared, I just think this is two people advertising something lol.
Where as when you have a real conversation and hear people’s stories about who they are, what makes them tick, so to speak. That feels like I’m part of the conversation, like they’re talking with me.

Just my thoughts on what I prefer to hear when listening to podcasts.



“I look forward to working with all of you in the future to continue making OverGrow a shining beacon of hope for a better tomorrow.”

Well said.
Best wishes for success.

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As this is a community project, we have to do some voting. @Rhai88 has made two graphics for the OverGrow Podcast.

0 voters

Which every one gets the most Votes will be posted on the YouTube Account and become the sticker that will be ordered on Friday.

About interviews, to make some samples of a new way to do interviews by using a growers thread to make a movie trailer opening. Then the person being interview could answer questions by Private Message for the interview and decide if they want to record their voice or shoot a Zoom video format or have their answers read aloud by me or a person of there choice. I want to have a sample ready to see and hear by Thursday.

It’s a busy day for me, here’s hoping everyone has the best day possible. :sunglasses:


I like the one with the darker green lettering. Not sure why, just feels better to me.

The other one with the fancy font doesn’t speak to me.

I think the graphics are on point either way


Legibility vs fancy-pantsy is my logics.