The quest for unicorn gold!

Perhaps it is a supersaturated solution and you are growing THC crystals?



well… their microscope isn’t very good? No wonder you can’t tell what it is.


Are they 25 micron in diameter


There it is! I sealed it all up with tape. I woulda used duct tape, but I only had parcel tape!
I’m worried it’s going to work too good. I think I could use the shock wave to launch objects into space. hah hah just kidding.


I’m going to do a big investigation into the size, using my own images, which can be measured still. hah hah it does look like something extruded in play dough!

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Just cuz they all look same diameter and flowing in Same direction

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I went and measured the crystals of thca that I made in the rosin press and they are identical to the ones in that rosin image. Same lengths and widths. Little crystals 7-18 microns wide and about 80 to 100 long. It’s a match!


Archive of that weed says there is nothing about the buds that resembles the crystals found in the rosin. Everything that is solid, won’t fit through the 25μm holes in the rosin bag. In fact, according to the video I took when I hit the rosin leftovers with alcohol showed that all the parts of the hash were still there. So it definitely has to be a crystal of some sort. hah hah pops asks why it even matters… ahh, I wish I preferred ignorance. err… no, wait.


Ok it’s official. The water makes the hash change color! The only difference between the darker hash chunks and the really light one is that I put some water on the dark ones. They remain unchanged if they are totally dry then just taken out and sat on the shelf.


But the real important question is ,
Does it taste any different ?


I think it tastes the same, but also, it sizzles. There must be some moisture in it still. I’ll let it sit out over night without dabbing it, and see what happens.


Your thread has become one of my favorites to learn from your postings.


Thanks! I’m just working to understand as much as I can… in the quest for gold :wink:

Really interesting story. Once the color changes, it never changes back, even when it dries out. So the realization is that moisture at room temps permanently changes the color of the hash. I am totally leaning away from it being caused by oxidation. You can see that white kernel next to the more golden hash slab. Exactly the same thing, except it was already dried out of the freezer. Interestingly enough, it seems I can label the enemies now. Moisture, light, and heat.


Heat , light , moisture and maybe time ? The freezer tech controlling all 4

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Time is the delta in all of it. I just assume time as part of the whole mess right? So it’s like this:
light+time, heat+time, moisture+time, I just drop the time part. Then… if you put it in the freezer it basically stops light, heat and moisture, leaving behind just the time it takes to do it.


My caveman brain is always learning : ) delta , thanks for explaining : )

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In case anyone is searching for meaning in “time is the delta”:
Delta just means the difference in the time recorded. 0, +1s, +2s at 2 seconds the delta is 2seconds between 0 and 2. 1 second delta between 0 and 1 etc you get the picture. I don’t even remember where that’s from. Chemistry or something.


It doesn’t dry as fast, I think I left too much moisture in there. It’s really drying out into piles of trichomes. They are almost the color of the parchment paper! Once I get a big pile that I don’t dab right away, I’ll pose it in one of those concentrate containers. Then I can compare the “look” of it.


I was onto something !:crazy_face:


Any slight change in the process will result in a different appearance and texture.
I knew a guy who used to make like 15-30 different hash oil products all from the same trim , all with there own fancy names and everything.