The quest for unicorn gold!

That’s because nylon is not compatible with isopropyl alcohol. Ethanol doesn’t have that same issue FWIW.


So here’s my fucking story. I did a total cleanup on my gear, including the timer. I even scrubbed the lenses with alcohol, because there was so much hash splatter and dripped hash down in there I was surprised it still read the temps. After I got it sparkling clean with 99% iso, the timer read -50C. WTF eh? Turns out the alcohol vapors fuck with the reading. After a few min it went back to normal. Laser seems to read the temps more accurately now. Those ruby pearls are fucking unbelievable under ultra violet, they are like a light bulb.
If the ruby breaks, I’ll go next level with silicon carbide. Metal balls don’t break.


Hilariously, when I complain to people about the new contest rules they all say the contest is trying to get rid of me so I’ll stop winning. As entertaining as that conspiracy is, it’s definitely not true. “Legal” means everything has to be tested by a Health Canada approved laboratory. If they don’t follow the “new rules”, there is definitely going to be a letter coming from Ma Govn’t telling them to shut that down or face litigation.
Someone asked me “did legalization just make everything more complicated?” Of course. It means just some random fucker has to pass the same bar as legal producers, with none of the bonus of being able to sell it after.


Embark microprocessors throw away the 25micron. I knew I wasn’t the only one who thinks that stuff is garbage! hah hah I wonder what the 25 yield would be from 30 kilos? They say anything over 2% yield is profits. I agree, under 2% is trash! 1.6 puhhhleeze.

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hah hah still trying to get a handle on the new rules for the contest. I’m firing off questions. I want to see if I need to actually produce 65 grams or what’s up. Pretty sure that’s what I read, but we’ll see if I get confirmation.


It’s age restricted, but it’ll give you a slice of life up here at rosebud lake. Toured the farm there many times! It’s just up the road from my house.

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Making some ice now! Probably a couple of days, and I’ll be hard at work making the batch!


Did the Cheese beans arrive yet?

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Oh definitely! Hmm, I thought I had mentioned it! They got here about 2 weeks ago, thanks!

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That cheese plant I grew this winter has cured into a sweet welches grape wine smell. Not a heavy hitter but still an interesting smoke


They arrived April 26! I finally found the pic I posted on the “beans for everyone thread” hah hah easy to miss I shoulda DM-ed it.


Yep I got confirmation that I’ll have to produce 65 grams of hash. Fucking nuts I’ll try and do it all in one day.


That’s crazy.


That’s what?
…more than a couple kilograms? :thinking:



I have to get like 3 kilos of fresh green buds!


I’m using processed water for the hash making this year. I have installed filters and reverse osmosis system, in order to crank out sediment-free hash. I expect to see no little bits of strange unknown substance in there.
I went down to the toy store with whiskey jim, and we ripped a bunch of concentrates. The e-nail is always hot in the back room connected to a glass pipe. Crazy days! There were ounce jars of concentrates, and buddy says hey the secret is that these have been rejected by health canada, so I bought it at a deep discount. ha hhah, nasty! You can buy keys of contaminated weed. I don’t think that’s what the government had in mind.


Oh, it’s going to be great times in the acid mines today I’ll tell you what! The good news? Hash is going to be flying out of buckets and into freezers! I’m really going to rip along the razors edge today, so things could get bloody. Hopefully it’s not going to be like the slash of a fine blade to the face, so we’ve got hope at least!

ohh yah, and the tools of the trade. Time to get ballistic on these buds.


Special anti dust measures include washing the work bag and hand scrubbing the bucket with cold filtered water. The 90 micron bag never leaves containment, so I don’t see a probability of dust at all. That bag is… always cold, and always clean. Wipe down the tools…clean the room. Fuuuck, the joy and fun!!!


Who ordered the pulped up kilo of buds? Going fucking nuts on this one! Oh, and I’m going to do some rosin pulls, as well. hah hah!


The rosin pulls are going to be 72 micron, like in the olden days when I used 2 bags. I put the 72 in there and once I pull the 90, I’ll go to town again on the buds and squeeze out the last of the rosin grade hash.

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