The quest for unicorn gold!

I could perform what is known as differential centrifugation where I spin the 90 bag then scrape off the green layer, and take that and spin it again, then scrape off the green layer until I’ve extracted most of the hash and left behind most of the fibers.
Then I would take the fibers pile and spin that until I had extracted any trichomes of value and left the green behind. Should be able to extract like 94% of contamination.
The thing about the plant fibers is that they are narrow, but wide. So they can be 300 microns long but then they are 50 microns wide. So they slipped through the 220 bag and settled into the 90 bag. Using the 45 probably wouldn’t help.


Got ya now

@breadwinner got me thinking of these rad experiments with frequencies


Afterthought: banging on a cardboard box would negate infringement of the technique, by making it a “you got the touch” type thing, which I fully support.

Have you fucked around with static electricity using the different charges to attract the desirabls up off the undesirables? I’m enamored by the puddle separation, seriously awesome.


Hilarious story the insulation dude was here and said he was at the unicorn cup last year. lol measuing the insulation bats in the attic and talking about the competition.


Yeah, man, cymatics, if there’s something there, it seems like @JoeCrowe is in a position to fuck around and find out, haha

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Dude, hide your projects, he’s a mole lol


Aren’t there frequencies that can levitate water?

Just have to harness this absurdity into some sort of useful constraints?, right?

Check that soundtrack on this video, bad ass, lol

Ultmately it might just over mix everything (if its fucking levatating, lol) unless it’s controllable, i/e the surface shapes.

I just want to see!


Amazing thread. Mad Scientist indeed. Can’t go wrong with Reggae. Lift up the vibes


lol! He’s a mole! ok I went down and scraped some gunk off the side of the hash puddle with my dab tool. I wanted to see what else was trapped in the contaminate part! Got a couple of trichome heads in there. So far, I can definitely purify it of plant fibers and dog hair, but at a cost of a few trichome caps. I’ll take a few scrapings from the good part later. I wanted to see all the ice crystals on this sample melt and evaporate.


In a former life, I ran an organic chem lab on a “Dry” oceanographic research vessel. We had a “cryogenic centrifuge” that spun these lovely little condom-shaped test tubes around in a sub-zero reefer. All the “sediment” (read, plant material) went down to the test tube tip, and when the whole thing was frozen solid, I could just nip off all the sediment and have a really purified sample!

I used it to make gallons of wine for the crew: “Pineapple Pinot,” “Welches Grape juice Merlot,” and, regrettably, “Fruit Cocktail Coolers!” What happens at Sea, Stays at Sea. Jus sayin.

Anyways, this is the Perfect tool for the job! Back in the Day they were going for about $30K, but nowadays on ebay, who knows?

Go git em Joe, You’re the Man!


Thanks! I’m busy brewing up a video showing the contaminates don’t react to alcohol, so they must be just trash fibers and stalks for the most part.
heh heh the rules I made up mean I have to keep it accessible to most people using just regular household stuff if I can. The centrifuging with the hash bag is great because it uses things already on hand.


It’ll take a while for the 4K version to arrive. I was actually thinking some parts would react to the alcohol, but it’s pretty serene in there.


I’m just gonna say it: @JoeCrowe is the new Frenchy Cannoli.
I’ve got this set to watching!


“Giuseppe Crowe” the new sheriff in town. Frenchy C. hand over your crown!

PS, friends don’t let friends blog stoned…


I’d kick it with Frenchy. No need for any sherrifs.


That was a rather subtle but trippy move at 1:40… :+1:



Frenchy Canoli all respect due. Bless up.

Joe has me unafraid of wpm. Now this. A bold cannascientist willing to go where a growmie suggests like playing with sound. True plant first just the facts kinda guy. Grateful for your efforts.


The puddle is losing integrity, so the water ice must be doing it’s thing! I keep checking on the progress, I want to see how it’s doing. Also I have the other process working, and I’ll get some photos.


heh heh thanks for the props everyone. I can’t wait to see what this year brings in the hash making contest!
I call the other technique… the cool black cardboard box.

I just take the hash kernels and fold them in parchment. Then I place it in a cool black cardboard box until it sparkles and stops sticking to things.


Hash porn alert! I staged it in a concentrates jar, so I can compare it to last years. Most of the kernels look good except one. Not sure that could be contamination with old hash? I’ll investigate.