The quest for unicorn gold!

Looking fire!


Hey I’ll take some of that pollen if you’re offering it out :sweat_smile::rofl:


Ahh you can see the second batch is still infested with moisture. I think It’s my own fault for putting the trays on top of each other. Seems to slow down the drying.
So the first batch was almost 30 grams. We’re talking just shy of thirty! With that in mind, I could have probably made a successful run for the gold. Watch, I’ll be 3 grams short lol! None of that matters, now, but what the fuck eh?


So they need the tiniest wisp of air movement…
…that makes sense…



I 'spose the moisture vapors have to diffuse! I think it’s powder, now! Going to weigh it today and I’ll see if I had even done the math right on the quantity of harvested buds hah hah!


thank you for sharing all of this

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Are most of the crystals about 125 microns? Are they growing?

Inquiring Minds…

Good stuff @JoeCrowe!

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I’m going to do another crystal one in a week or two, but I’ll video record it. That will tell me if the crystals are growing and at what rate! It’ll be like watching paint dry… exciting!


Oh that reminds me I could have made it into the contest, I think I have 65 grams exactly… or did :smiley: dabbed a few grams heh heh


i havent ran a live bud bubble before but it sure seems like ripeness of flower is ultra important with rosin just based on the money ive wasted at the weed store.


I try to let the buds mature by using microscopy and the smell of the buds. The standard process for making live rosin is live extract bubble hash then turn that into live rosin after it’s freeze dried. Using the freezer to dry it helps you make industry standard live extracts at home without a 5000$ freeze dryer machine.


here industry standard is nothing, you could present anything and get by. they dont perform any tests. its a wild west. whatever youre doing is levels above whats going on here.

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just letting you know what youre doing is worth over $100 a gram here (in the prime examples) and weed is worth literally nothing here (i can get you 30% thc bud at $5 per oz). thought youd want to know that.

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@shade Its incredible what he pumps out. it blows my mind every time he posts.

I can only imagine the amount of frozen material he has waiting to be washed. It’s got to be a massive walk in freezer stuffed to the gills. :joy:

Looking forward to giving it my first attempt soon in the next couple weeks with harvest a week or two away.

@JoeCrowe Do you prefer to do separate runs of each strain or big mix of multiple strains?


I keep them separate, unless there isn’t much material left. In that case I toss it into a mixed bag.

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Thanks! I’ll try to do separate batches depending on amount of trim I get back, most likely will run a mix.

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Each strain can pump out a completely different texture and flavor. Sometimes you can mix the flavors and get something unique! Also, each different plant can yield less, or more. I keep track and throw out the one that yields less. That way I’m always moving towards more product, instead of just fooling around. I need lots of hash in my life! OR… I could run out. HORROR!!!


Oh it will be, again. I’m experiencing a gap in productivity due to LED light failure. The clones I planted before I bloomed the mothers didn’t grow up in time to replace them, and things pretty much were at a stand-still. Fixed that problem with a new spider farmer.

I actually make it to crush the competition at the contest… except that has been cancelled due to government interference. So I will be dabbing it instead!!! Too bad :wink:


Makes sense, I like to smoke flower too so most of my runs will be small trim/larf buds and another reason is I like variety of smoke and only have one plant of each strain.

If I ran a full tent of one kind. It would probably be more fruitful to run separate batches.

Glad to hear you back up and running with that new Spider Farmer!

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I transitioned to mostly hash ripping about 10 years ago. After smoking 8 fatties in a day, my lungs would be all gunked up by the next day. Cough up some shit. Then I was using hot knives and a bottle. That wasn’t good either! After my last win, I upgraded to the unicorn dab rig I am currently using. It’s really nice custom glass. Quartz slurper and a ruby pearl. I’ll take a photo later when it’s set up for dabs!