The quest for unicorn gold!

I went through my dabbing early on when skillets were the new thing and went thru the cheap to expensive rigs back when dabs were really first coming around in 2012.

Very lucky to have a friend who had the balls to mail back C02 dabs,when Butane was the main extraction method. The Northern Lights was my favorite one to make it over. I wish still had pictures of them and my favorite piece from back then.

Picture big yellow chunks of with thousands of craters on it from purge stage. A bunch of my friends who were around to try it still talk about haha. Anyone who came over never left without being a zombie with the globs I’d serve them. :sunglasses:


Sounds like it’s time to drop some Cheese beans.


lol! They are next, after these GMOxDHP. I only do one experimental run per batch, or else things can get dicey… if they aren’t good hash producers!


I’m just cheesing with you but I sure am interested in what you have to say


Definitely on this. I’m feeling it these days. There’s that old adage “the less you smoke the higher you get” referring to tolerance but I’m too old and weak for t break, lol. Now smoking less but “more” is def taking priority. For my wife as well as me. I wish tinctures worked for me but alas…


Was the event canceled, or are you just not entering this year due to the rule changes?


Alas, the personal and medical part of the contest were cancelled. Legal producers are still a go, but everyone else won’t be competing. blah blah rules were changed to comply with the government regulations that state the cannabis in question has to be deemed fit for human consumption by the Health Canada approved lab.
I was actually looking forward to the lab testing, even though it would cost me 50 grams of hash and 250$. It would have proven I’m in the 3 percentile. Normally a test like that costs 800 buckers!


There’s my dabbing table. Some kind of rodent could get high off those crumbs!


It’s contaminated with goodness!!! The process of shattering it into dust leaves the parts of the hash intact. I just crush the hash with a spoon after it’s freeze dried.


no e-nail? im terrible at torching dabs outside of cold-starts.


I use the terp timer, so I can hit them at 305C!


ah thats cool. ive thought about using a temp gun before. e-nail cost me about the same. usually ill set it around 600F if the stuff is 90u or smaller or 615F for the full spec. this fruit cake is so light and sweet that im really liking it at 600F. cold-starts are my go-to when i come off a t-break (starting one tomorrow :upside_down_face:), i find that i get much more of a creeper and maybe entourage effect in that scenario, very pleasant.


Your hash competition was cancelled? They ruined the karma cup this year too!!


What kind of testing were you hoping for? The lab I use has pretty decent prices.

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They were going to test:
potency and cannabinoids, metal analysis, residual solvents, microbial contaminates, terpenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, pesticides, loss on drying, aflatoxin and ochratoxin analysis.


I think you made some of those words up. LOL


Does the temp of the freezer dictate how quick the hash dries ?

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Sort of… Low temperature creates low pressure which results in better sublimation of the ice. It’s all about thermodynamics! Standard temperature pressure. You have to follow the rules for freeze drying though, and then you can freeze dry almost anything! If you are really curious about where I got my info from it was a “survival forums” where people were taking about freeze drying food for the apocalypse. I don’t even remember the name it was so long ago I read it.
There are many tiny details or ways to botch it. Too large an object, too much moisture in it etc…


hah hah just playing in a 60 gram pile of trichomes. Good times!!! I already have some dabs brewed up.


Damn Joe you need to come to my place and help empty out some of this hash! This is all the live hash from last season. Barely touched it haha. There’s more under that shelf too