The quest for unicorn gold!

prices went through the floor here for anything but rosin (and nano). top grade live resin is now $10-15/g for brands worth watching, dropping from $18-20 3-4 months ago.
maybe 1 in every 4-5 vape carts will fail, doesnt matter which type. stores and suppliers eat those costs nonstop too to add to the pain. never seen fake terps though, never tried the $3/g BHO either :sweat_smile:


I hesitate to call this hash. Looks like someone broke off a bit of pavement!


I read the whistler tech thing about hash making. It’s true. Use good fresh buds to make the hash. Not some old crap you had in the corner. Garbage in garbage out, so they say! No stupid leaves. Old buds make dark hash.


Fresh bud from good genetics. It’s simple. Lots of love when they are alive and all good.

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I think this is the final form. It’s more chunky now instead of glassy! Smells great! Reminds me of… the rosin I made out of it.


Other than the texture change, it looks pretty much like when it comes out of the freezer and I crush it with my finger.


And this is how my hash supply will disappear! My buddy gave me his OG peak after he got a pro. It’s heavily used but it’ll serve me just fine


Yah those puffcos work great! Hash full melting in there?

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It sure is! He had his peak pro with him and we put some through it. Smoked just as good as his live rosin he brought. And he said it cleaned up just as easy too


Every time I run some bubble hash it makes me so happy when I’m done. Thanks for sharing all the knowledge. Great thread.


I just finished up my first tiny batch of bubble hash. For drying, should I put it in the freezer?
I transferred them on to parchment paper after taking this photo.


Looks a little wet to slow freeze dry this decade. Maybe let it sit where it’s at for a bit until it looks drier and then chunk it up and freeze dry it the rest of the way. Very small chunks and they will freeze dry in a 2-3 weeks.


Haha this decade. Thanks for the advice Ill do that then put in the freezer.


No problem. Next time try to get the hash as dry as possible in the bubble bag before transferring to parchment. You can swing the bags like a helicopter and it will fling water everywhere, but extract it from the hash. Once barely any water is coming out when you swing it around, then put it on parchment. It should chunk up easily and it’s ready to slow freeze dry. @JoeCrowe will tell you best if I gave shitty instructions


I have them drying out now, I put them in the freezer briefly to get them to harden up to be able cut them into small chunks while still being saturated with water. I will let them drain more before moving them to parchment paper.


Sounds like you get the idea. It’ll still come out nice. Always room for improvement


Jeeeebus! I’ll be making a new hash batch before long. puts on some ozzy
One of my friends wants me to teach their dad how to make hash… properly.
“I keep telling him…it’s quality over quantity!”
Heh heh yah… tell me all about it. Been a while since I’ve seen 'em all. I partied my ass off and stayed up late. AKA smoked a gram of hash. Some of their conversation though… holy fuck me. Yo… I think the information age is making people stupid.


Yeah agreed, super wet. Did you press it out using the pressing screen, or did you just scrape it out of the bag?

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Got some real dark hash to look at. My eye says the problem is this was made from old weed. old weed, tastes like cabbage. Soft and really dark.


If you really zoom in, there aren’t many parts you can determine what it was/is. You can’t pick out anything for certain except the plant fibers.