The quest for unicorn gold!

Fair point.
I’ve got no skin in this game yet, because I’ve smoked old school hash, and a bunch of butane (fill in the solvent) dabs, but never made it, nor had anything at the level you post up.
What I do know is that I love the rituals associated with smoking weed, so the chillum, the hookah, the rigs, etc etc. Which is why these vids get me excited.
The chillum in particular looks like such a social piece; best used with friends…maybe I’m just lonely :crazy_face::upside_down_face::thinking:


The contest is in 10 days or something like that. Perhaps a bit longer. I’ll probably be chilling there as a wannabe this year lol! Smoke some live extracts with bubbleman and noel. Oh well at least I can be frontin’ with my prize winning batch this year, because I don’t have to worry about giving away any hints on which is mine. I’ll be the guy sitting there making sure nobody starts any motherfucking fires. So Don’t think about it.
Or I’ll spray you with the fire hose.


whu…wait, what time is it? Uni-chronic time! Err unicorn time!


Some scenes from inside the gold mine. I went and ripped hash with DEM, and you can see Kelly on stage there. I gave Pam some hash and she really liked it! yakked and yakked! Some of them I hadn’t seen in a year! I’ll probably go hang at the dab bus in the evening and bring some killer hash to feast on. Smoked a couple fatties yay!


Good times brother! Always uplifting to be in community; glad you’re getting the chance

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I smoked so much hash, I think I’m becoming hash. Tomorrow I’m getting some seeds! Another day of fun and games. I’ve seen most of the old faces and some new ones! The glass blowers are there. I should eyeball their rigs!


And then share pictures of the rigs that you eyeball!


Hells yah, also I am rigging up a trade for some MAC seeds, so that’ll be interesting! That’s the seed exchange today heh heh. I’ll take photos of the vendors, I think they are all set up now. They were setting up things yesterday, and the glass blowers had their setup complete and started some glass last night.


I definitely want to attend some events next year. I’ve never been to a gathering or a cup!

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Very cool, Thanks for sharing brotha!

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I know a guy… I traded up for a dozen mac seeds!

Marcus “bubbleman” taking a dab on stage before the rambling talk he gave about stories from his yoof,

Annnd the trophies I won’t be winning.


hah hah everyone knows me, that’s for sure. I’m like a fucking institution up there, I’ve been there so long.
Lawyer called for more civil disobedience to get the government cowed into where we want them. Said that’s what got us to this place where it’s finally legal. So now we have to finish off the government by making places where we can smoke weed. Even though it’s “legal” weed you can’t smoke it anywhere but inside your house. A “dab lounge” so to speak. One guy pointed out that you can leave your stuff laying around up there in the crowd and nobody will touch it. A great atmosphere where everyone is like your friend! Talked to so many people including old timers!

There’s a photo of the industry heads from our area. Shannon there is antidote processing.

There’s the legal team… driving a fancy car lol! He says being a cannabis lawyer is great, we advise the clients, and then the government changes the law! So we Advise the clients again, and then the government changes the law again! It’s the cycle of life!


Here are a couple of fuzzy photos I took to prove I was there after dark! I was there after dark last night too. That’s when the party starts!
Cannabis people really know how to party! I also spent a stint with the indigenous elders they told me stories and I smoked hash with them.


Holy shit. It was off the fucking hook today!

Mark and DEM etc therapist and stuff doing a talk on psilocybin and psilocin.

The garden sage. Uh No offense but I’m not planting with the phases of the moon.

Che and Matt.

Indigenous Elders! They Love fucking Smoking Weed! Believe me! And hash lol!

And a talk about psychedelic painting.


hah hah you know it’s the unicorn after dark when an anime cat girl is playing soccer with a black dude in a white dress!

This is an image before everyone wakes up to pumping bass drums.


Then, at this point, I think everyone is high on mushrooms or DMT or something. Someone warping out of an extra dimensional pocket over on the right hand side.


Sweeeeet! :crazy_face:


Ahhh it’s over :sob: I think eventually that much fun could prove to be lethal. I’ll share some funny stories with names removed :wink:
One of the artists was talking to me and in my mind I was like woah this guy is on the razors edge is he in a K-hole? Then suddenly he runs across to the stage and jumps up on there and rips off his verse like it was an everyday thing.
This guy sees me and points he’s like “Yo it’s Joe motherfucking Crowe! Can I have some hash?”


Well, I think I’m getting to the bottom of that pile. I DID give away so much! Vaped so much!

Here’s my memento, it’s a recycled glass water bottle. The bottom has a crazy artwork on it!


Well show it then! (If you can)