The quest for unicorn gold!

50 grams were for testing purposes, apparently. I had only run into two other people up there who were willing to throw down with those requirements. 3 competitors, yikes! The claim is that for liability purposes it has to be tested. So sayeth the government. By that I’m talking about Heath Canada, the wing of the government responsible for this mess. When I told people they had to trust that I don’t put cyanide in my hash they sometimes looked alarmed. hah hah like that was the first time they thought someone could spray nasty shit on the plants. This one person had a story where their dog ate some weed and the vet told them the tox screening come back positive for insecticide.


Looks like someone took a piece of dog shit and sold it in the store as hash.


Looks like burnt foie gras


Hash brulee


Definitely been melted. I think I see plant material in there as well! I’ll have to give it the alcohol treatment.


Something in there is definitely reflecting on the green spectrum…ew.
Oh I forgot to tell you: my roommate/partner/ex (long story, but we’re super close) and I are going to pool Christmas money this year for a microscopy setup!
Would you have a recommendation?
I’d like to capture digital images if it’s in our budget

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I think nowadays you can get a digital microscope. They are all standard compatible, more expensive ones are brand name. Fairly decent results from cheap kit these days! If you look around on the forums, you can see examples. Mine is old school, but I got a modern digital microscope camera for it due to ancient 1800’s microscope standards that are still followed.

Definitely plant material. What worries me, is the lack of trichome caps in the images. They are rare as hens teeth. Also when I added the alcohol it changed from gooey to crunchy. I see lots of trichome stalks. Looks like low grade shit.


Machine trimmed and then extracted. Would explain the plant material and the lack of capitate resin glands…

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Also it doesn’t melt at all it’s like my 25 micron hash. Oh hey, that’s what it is. Looks just like it!


Alright. I took some hash and melted it down at 60C for a few hours until it became this unholy liquid. Then I left it to cool and solidify. Looks like the hash I was given to look at. So I suspect it was heat treated.
The good news? My heat treated hash still annihilates your ability to form coherent sentences. Like that one I just typed in. I’ll post some photos… just a sec!

Looks like someone baked a custard pie.


That’s gross looking. No offense.

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Hey! That’s PRimal Cat Diarrhea! Just like you buy in the store, lol!


Oh, like in the store?! I stand corrected then.

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It does look a bit like a container of earwax haha


There they are side by side. You think I captured the essence of the legal store product in that melted goo?
The real difference is my hash melts in the slurper and is 90 micron. That dark hash does not melt and it’s 25 micron. OK Real question is how did they melt that non-melting hash? PRobably need some real pressure as well. Heated and pressed frenchy style?


Pastry torch/Dab torch :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ahh yes. So it WAS a temple ball. I went and got the package from that brown blob.

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Some dehydrator hash.


You can see the top of the dehydrator hash there. Nobody has seen the bottom. I’m willing to bet there is crystallized THCa on the bottom of each hash nugget!