The quest for unicorn gold!

Had the same thing happen with some chunks that got smashed in the sifter. Never dried.


lol! That settles it, I’m going to have to examine a piece and see why. I find it really fascinating that applying a certain amount of pressure before putting it in the freezer prevents drying. But also… Any rosin that is pressed from wet hash and has moisture trapped in it will never dry out in the freezer. In addition it really slows down drying once you take it out of the freezer.
I ripped some of that lake of hash from the freezer, but there’s still a bit of moisture in there. It should take another week to dry? Damn… it’ll all be gone by then :wink:


I think it has to do with the oils in the broken trichome heads. Similar to how pressed has gets that exterior layer that preserves the insides.


While it’s not ideal for the hash you want to freeze dry, pressing the hash really thin and air drying it still pressed between the parchment really slows the air dry process. I think it gives you a better end product than just microplaning and then air drying. It’s more of a wax/crumble texture


What it seem happens is that it becomes a “mass” instead of trichome caps. The mass is tightly packed like extra density or something.


I have been taking bits of the contamination from the hash puddle and looking at it. Mostly plant fibers and trichome stalks. A few caps, and other tiny bits of something. Are those contaminates bits of the pistils? Some organic debris from the environment? Old bubble hash crumbs? :eyes: on the prize, not the chicken thighs! Errr…


I broke up the sample using isopropyl, and removed the trichome caps. For “some” reason they are affected by the iso, where the fibers are not. So once the alcohol evaporates, the tricomes have moved to the side, leaving the gunk behind for me to examine. In all it’s glory.


Well, that is sure as hell worth knowing Joe! You are making some game changer breakthroughs here. Not tryin to fluff you but WOW!

Can you do that Isopropyl trick on a larger scale and decontaminate your hash of the garbage? Does it work the same with non-tox Everclear?

You have my attention Maestro,


Naw, the alcohol only moves the trichome caps a few mm. Best bet would be to soak the garbage bits of hash in alcohol and make a tincture.
I always use the alcohol as a diagnostic tool though, it’s great!


IG is the strangest place. I’ve noticed there are “gfx” people in their comments section. Are those fuckers from fiver or something? Each one trying to extract five bucks to draw some kind of logo… to do with weed? Crazy world, they must be scanning public profiles looking for cannabis related things? I can’t even imagine trying to make a living doing something nuts like that.
Anyways, someone must have been saying my name down at the lift expo. I’m looking at you, unicorn people. lol! Must have told people down there I was some kind of nuts extractor. Probably Che or Marcus bubbleman, they were both down there. Though… Shannon was there as well. I’ll ask who ratted me out :wink:


hah hah I read what I posted there, and I suppose I actually am using people’s names now. I remember when I first joined I never name dropped shit. Everyone would have thought it was fantasy world shit anyways. Some random fucker knows real world legends? fuck that shit.


Take your old ass hash making techniques back to the dark ages would yah :crazy_face:

Okay now that the jokes over …with the hash in the puddle of water to float bunk materials to the top ,how do you extract that frozen layer of gunk from the good stuff …dental floss @?lol


Oh yah I just grab the dab tool and break it off, or wait until it falls off. Lots of the green actually got trapped in a piece of paper towel I used to absorb the moisture. It’ll be this pool of hash VS the crystalline nuggets in that jar to see which is superior when I dab it. Then that’s what I’m going with at the contest, is one of these two ideas. I think it takes a bit longer for the hash puddle to dry, but I’m hoping I can reduce the plant fiber char by 50%? Just a random percentage I picked out of the air.


My brain just told me probably the best bet is to combine those two techniques into something special. I told it to hold off on that kind of thinking until after the sampling.


Go with your gut lol …your brain can be a great but terrible thing haha


Amy: You need to stop hanging out with your brain so much. It’s not a good influence.

The interesting part is the plant fiber combined with the trichomes forms a meta-material that sticks together when poked with the dab tool. I went and shattered part of the puddle that was mostly dried, but the green areas don’t shatter. Afterwards I could pick the green bits out of the pure white hash lol!


Well it was some good shit. I let it sit out for 10min, then gathered it up by pressing the dab tool against it. The hash gathered up like that until I had too much. Took that one and did it again! I dabbed the green fibers pile above. Those fibers are just on the top of the layer, the back on those pieces was white. No moisture was present at that stage.


ok I notice a difference right away. The puddle hash is fucking white as a ghost. It was crumbly today, but also sticky.


The puddle is giving up the goods! Yummers! :yum:


ohhh man. I got waaaasted! Some parts of that thing are pure piles of trichomes! The fibers are still sticking together but the hash itself is falling down into piles. It’s fun to fuck with it! I just go and tap tap on the teflon or whack it with the dab tool, just to see how much more crumbles. So I can gather it up…and dab it?
ok so, the rounded tube is made from a pile of trichomes I squished between parchment and rolled into a tube. It’s really hard… I could probably use this product to roll white hash tubes. I dabbed it. yum! Like someone took a pile of fruits and dropped a little bit of axle grease on there. That’s the closest description I can come up with.
Short story long, I’m prepping to make the next batch. It’s gonna be meat breath, so I want to see if I can make trichome piles with it in the same fashion. Now, if I can, which I am pretty sure I can, then there’s the answer to sticky ass batches you can’t cut up. You can also puddle them up and freeze dry them.