The quest for unicorn gold!

There were a couple of grams on that black teflon sheet after I dumped the hash onto the parchment. I think this might be it, the secret to cranking out piles of trichomes. I used my finger to make a trail through the white powder and it stuck there. It became a part of me. The rest I ripped in the slurper.


Puddle is giving up the goods!

I noticed these puddles that formed as well. That’s where some ice melted into a puddle and then dried up, leaving this hard layer behind. Very crystalline, for some reason.


Here’s the nasty contamination, rolled into a dab. ooo can’t wait to…hmmm… toss it in the garbage? Contamination gives it that brown color. No beuno.


Thanks for sharing your findings


I showed my friends that once the thing freeze dries you just tap the hash and it crumbles, but leaves behind the contamination as a solid piece I just pick up and toss out. I think there is 50% less plant fiber ash. No solid number there, but it hardly leaves anything behind in the slurper bowl.


I ripped some “orange sherbert” cheater rosin and it was harsh. Probably from the vape pen. That thing is fucking nasty! I’m not sure if the botanical extracts make it harsh, it’s hard to figure out where it all went wrong.


Joe I want to thank you again for posting your findings. A lot of people would want to keep their findings private to try to gain and keep advantage over competitors and yet here you are sharing with the community.

You are making it easier for me to make a better quality product for myself and anyone else that reads your posts and I thank you for that. I’ve gotten really tired of people quoting the joker to me saying “if you are really good at something to never do it for free” as an excuse to give nothing back unless paid. It’s nice to see someone else that wants to elevate those around them, so thanks Joe for elevating my hash making techniques by posting.

I’m still hoping you make and post an instructional video.


I’ll second that and add your excellent photomicroscope work to the list of Good Deeds done with heart and soul! :+1: :+1:



Yup I third this !!
Joe has deff turned this whole community into hash makers

I reffer to him as a scientist :upside_down_face:


Thanks for the props! If you are learning from me, then you are worthy of knowing my secrets, and the secrets of legends.

See that dude circled in red next to bubbleman? Noel. After he thoroughly kicked my ass, he told me the whole process he uses to kick ass. I am on that shit like a fly. The whole attitude is not to shut people out from real knowledge! A few minor tips can really transform your product into top-notch live extracts.
Noel has a closet full of trophies, so you can’t go wrong listening to his advice.


This is how he transformed my hash. I only offer everyone else the same vicarious experience lol! If you want it, that is.


Knock it off that’s aloaf of bread :crazy_face:
That deff is a nice hunk brother for sure !
I have some drying in the freezer gotta take it out and cut into smaller chunks but I always feel like …everytime it comes out it gets a tad darker …
What strain produced that Calzone brother ?


Same strain the big bud. That’s what a big bud extract looks like if I gather the hash up and shelf dry it. The flavor is pretty good, but not like the live extracts. The thing I had to change was freeze dry it! heh heh Noel also said to do the mix at 32F in a big freezer, uh, but I won’t be doing that.


Ahh I thought it was the meat breath

Improvements upon improvements !!
Think somethings good …always can be better …


Yah nuts story there’s no way I’d win with the meat breath. It don’t cut the Chut. That chunk would be half that size for starters! Also it’s more kind of medicinal tasting where the big bud is like fruit piles mixed with a dab of axle grease.


Jeez BIG Dawgs up in there haha
Can’t beat a flavor profile like that though.
You know I’m along for the ride brother…
Only thing I lack is consistency of strain …
But that’s changing lol


I took the teflon out of the freezer 4 days ago with a pile of trichome dust on there that was really white. It hasn’t changed! My hope is I can stabilize the hash as a white powder.


if it’s literally teflon, it won’t absorb anything, but it will release PTFEs or PFAs (depending on the formulation, dupont teflon is a PTFE) into or onto whatever it comes into contact with. A class of chemical commonly described as “forever chemicals” which do not break down and will remain in the environment forever, and that are easily absorbed and accumulated in the human body.

They are considered “possibly carcinogenic” to humans, and exist in detectable quantities in the bodies of all humans, from both direct and indirect exposure.

I’m probably telling you what you already know, as it’s a common material in lab environments. Like most of us I ate food cooked in teflon pans for years before this information became public and well known in the early 00’s.

But now that we know about the way these chemicals accumulate in the human body and environment, I make it a point to avoid contact with these materials.

I use pyrex glass for all stages of my hashmaking process. Although I’m just making very simple food grade alcohol based honey oil for personal medical use, so my goals are much different than yours.


I’d definitely like to see your Chaldni line hash making technique…


heh heh yah I know, teflon is not my buddy, it’s nasty ass shit. I needed something that is:
non stick, flexible, and won’t absorb terps. I reasoned that since I was only exposing it to the cold, it shouldn’t break down as fast. Also, it was laying around, completely unused, so it was free. Tomorrow I make the experimental acoustic separator, lol! aka cardboard box with cone attached.