The quest for unicorn gold!

GMOxDBHP it was the super mutant. I got a couple kilos of fresh buds.


What your ideal amount of power when mixing, 1/4 ,1/2 speed? I got some green in a small batch I was probably using to much power.

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Probably 10% speed I go fast enough to make bubbles but not fast enough to create a vortex. 1/4 speed would probably be max thrust.


I can wrap my head around this….it is not off base…

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Yea that where I went wrong in that small run. Thanks brotha!

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This bubble hash that buddy made was pretty good, I think the only way he can improve is if he grows the weed himself and then freezes the buds fresh. There is some minor dust in there, but I could have done it accidentally. You can see the difference between the colors.


OK boys and girls and others! Tomorrow, I am going to try making the GOG hash batch. This is excitement time where the rubber hits the road on my prediction. Am I full of shit? Do I know WTF I am doing? Stay tuned :wink:


My spoonfull of Fancy Feast™ is drying out in the freezer.


90 bag is undergoing it’s 4rth cycle in the freezer to clean it. Those GMO batches were damned sticky!


I use Phosphoric acid, it is sold as EdFred for use as a tile/shower cleaning solution. I pick it up at my local Ace hardware, about $14 for 16 oz.


Phosphoric acid is usually a base ingredient in most nutrient formulations. It’ll work!
As for what is going on… windows is having a heart attack every time it enters sleep mode. Me? I’m getting things done!


I save that fun for the summer, I can’t bring myself to play with ice water in the winter.

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hah hah sorry for the lack of updates there. My computer was… being a problem child. So I figured the dust bunnies had finally completed the “chaos circuit” on my motherboard. Couple hours later, she’s shiny and dust free. Take that bunnies. The hash batch was phenomenal. That’s for real! I was like yooooooo baby! We’re definitely over the 2 percent mark.

Chunky Mc ChunkLord!


Little bit of plant material, I think it’s a prize winner! Smells like skunk asshole. Lots of Thiols!

Kind of a yellowish green swamp.


Holy shit, it’s my fourth year here on OG. Incredible! If my friend was still alive today, I would tell him that there are definitely people worthy of knowing the secrets of making excellent hash.


I love it when I pull a bag and immediately go, holy :poop: that’s s lot!


There it is all chunked up like the Fancy Feast™ that it is! Flavor is ok, and it does get me really high! yay! It was a gooey kind. It’s got to be at least 2.5% and could even be at 3% fresh frozen(90μm)! Yay!
I’ll investigate the flavor later, see what it tastes like.


Oh that reminds me! I was definitely correct about the yields on the GMO vs the GOG plants! Science! Enabling future predictions since the 1600s!
I’m getting closer to predicting hash yield before starting bloom. This was actually a really important test for my theory. If I failed to make a future prediction about the yield, it means I don’t really understand what is happening. Turns out, it was another failed falsification of the trichome count. Damn! Next up is the trichome cap size. Will a few tens of microns actually make a difference in real life tests?? OMG can’t wait.


Congrats! Four years of hash making, issue slaying, PM eradicating AWESOMENESS! Much respect bro :facepunch:t2:


Thanks for the props! I think the mildew thing was where I had the most impact. It was a real cluster where people with voices of experience were drown out by gibberish. hah hah nobody wanted to jump on that hand grenade! As Jetdro said, I’ve got a thick spine. I stand my ground.