The quest for unicorn gold!

lol! yah I meant 2.2 percent.


Now that makes more sense. It’s not bad for just being the 90-220.

I just weighed out my 45-120 and one plant hit 4%. Of course it’s the least favorite for flower. I’ll be pressing some rosin tonight to see how it tastes.


Heya @JoeCrowe my Friend
I’m really on my ass when I read and observe your experiments :astonished: :exploding_head: :+1: :muscle: :pray:
Bravo et merci

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here in my country
there are some who show off with their black hash full of residue saying that they are the best but frankly when I see what you put out I tell myself that they are really doing shit


The irony is even if someone is making top notch hash that’s dried on the shelf, there is only a slight change to the process to make it next level. Some people want to go there, but others want… black hash? Never understood the concept.

True story. That’s the way my hash producing plant is! Anyone would take the meat breath over the big bud, but the meat breath is 1.8 percent yield.


Alrighty then! Going with the new information, I can slap some measurements on the GOG at day 85. Then tell you what will wind up in the hash bags! I will be getting capitate stalked, and antherior sessile, but no sessiles. Should be a decent yield!


Ehyy Joe …
It’s beats

Quick question way off topic but yah know I like to ask someone I KINDA trust :crazy_face:

Think this will work alright to ph my water for the plants ? …


It should work because sulfur is a plant nutrient. Just be careful sulfuric acid is powerful! Personally… I use a few sulfur pellets mixed with water to maintain the soil ph.


Thanks bro we were at the pet store and for $4 I thought if it works can’t beat the price lol

So if I unph’d water is ran through ph’d soil it will remain unfazed?

How do you feed organically or salts ?

Edit just ran a test for science :crazy_face:

Tap is 7.48 4 drops brough it down to almost 6.5

Now I gotta calibrate my meter


Here’s what I do when I need a soil ph of 5.5 when it is 6.8. I’ve already lowered it a bunch with aluminum sulfate when the plants were looking like shit so then I take some sulfur pellets and sprinkle them around on the surface. Less medium, less pellets. I have a ph meter, and the ph is always trying to drift upwards. So that means I just add more sulfur next year. The ph adjustment from the pellets lasts about a year. The aluminum sulfate acts fast and the sulfur pellets last a long time, but act slower. IT would probably speed up the sulfur to mix it with water first then water it in.


So @JoeCrowe is right, the 45 micron bag is trash (food grade) maybe next time I’ll add that 90 micron bag.


According to the pieces of the puzzle, at 73 you are getting lots of plant fibers and sessile trichomes. Anything 90 and above will exclude the sessiles. I should make a hashishin diagram!


Reminds me, I’m going to make a hash batch today. The rosin I made from the GMO was… unique. Shit rocked up like some kind of diamond. According to microscopic images, that’s basically what it was. I’m intrigued!


Poorly stored bubble hash aging carelessly!


ahh yes! It’s on!


uhh yellow swamp and shit yields! Nice!

hahhah I knew it was a 1% yield before I started.


Nice wet cat food! Fancy feast!


hah hah soon it’ll be freeze dried cat food. I spun it in the cold, and picked it apart pretty good with the titanium blade this time. Then I’ll press it into rosin! It presses really well, and I was ripping that last batch for weeks, I think!


I hope it’s surf and turf flavor. My cat digs that one.

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Which plant was that?

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