The quest for unicorn gold!

Seeing the cystolithic trichomes is pretty wild too! Awesome! :v: :pray:

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There’s a better old hash vs new! Got a few ice crystals left.


Got it all cleaned up! The pile there has some bits of old hash in it and so forth. The crusted on stuff took effort to remove. I thought it was non-stick?


So I’ve been air drying this hash I made from really old flower that the resin in it had turned burgundy. I’ve been trying my technique of pressing it thin between parchment and letting it dry like that but this stuff literally won’t dry. It’s been about 2 months and the texture is still so tacky and stretchy. It almost seems like I rolled it with a hot bottle but I didn’t.

Complete opposite of contest worthy but I thought it was interesting.


Crushing the hash changes it’s consistency.


I think he was absent during this lesson :crazy_face:

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I understand that because I’ve been getting a nice waxy crumble texture from drying hash this way. This is the first hash that wont turn to crumble.


Here’s the strangest one. I had the teflon out with hard crusted hash on there, but once I had scraped it off with my fingernail it melted into tacky goo. In the picture 5 posts up :arrow_up: on the left hand side those are made of the same stuff on the right hand side. The powder melts when it touches your finger.

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hehheh never thought a getup like this could generate a shock wave, but even with all the cracks in the prototype it still does a really good job.


Woo arts and crafts looks fun. I’ll bring the glitter and stickers

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Some Caramelicious I believe…melts nicely. not as light and clear as the Chocolatina when I press on it but man does it stink!


Yah I swear some plants just get a few more fibers in the hash no matter what you do. Looks really good though! It’s definitely all about the flavor and what effect it has on the human mind lol!


I have my buddy coming over next week to try out all the good hash sitting in the freezer. He’s super into rosin (consuming not making) and has the nifty puffco stuff. I’m probably more excited than him since I haven’t tried much of it and definitely not through a proper device to get the flavor.

So basically next week I’ll know if I have any true winners


Yah that puffco gear works really good, and all my friends are jelly. I definitely learned my lesson about making excellent hash and then ruining the flavor with garbage smoking implements. Minimum you need a quartz banger, and do some cold starts in the bong, by tossing in some hash then torching the bottom until it vaporizes.

hahhah I got dab tool cruft in mine.


I’ll try and tape it all together tonight. I stabbed my finger in an unrelated project and don’t want to bleed all over it hah hah! it’ll stop soon.

lol! Holy crap man. That guy I ran the kilo for just sent me the data sheet on a run of 11 thousand grams. I better get crackin’ and see how good a job I did compared to the pros who got paid to do it.


How’d they do?

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They did really good on the yield department, but mine is a yellow golden rosin and theirs is brown. hah hah I’d love to show it to everyone but I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t. Here’s the thing. I should have measured the kilo sack he gave me. No guarantee it was a kilo bah hah. Duh Oh I should have measured it, I just assumed when I said bring a key, he did. ok so just based on the end product I did a really good job, better than someone who got paid.


Oh, I see, they mix all the bubble grades into one before doing the rosin extraction.

Oh the fucking strangest thing. They think those crystals in the rosin are trichome stalks. uhh… hmmm. I know that’s what it’s definitely NOT. I’m not 100% on what it IS, but I’m 100% on what it isn’t.

For some reason, someone thinks those crystals in the rosin are actually trichome stalks. I know they are not, but most likely thc crystals based on:

These images of thca I captured.