The quest for unicorn gold!

The specific composition of cannabis glandular trichome cell walls remains unexplored but likely plays an important role in the accumulation of metabolites within the storage cavity (Schuurink and Tissier 2020).

There’s still the cuticle etc around the trichome head, I’d imagine whatever it’s made of affects texture over time as things volatilize and oxidize.

I wonder how much its thickness and composition affects the final product

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Oh thanks, I learned something from that study about what I saw under the microscope in terms of immature trichomes. The strange patterns are subcuticular storage cavities.


May be a Nightingale or Whippowill nest.

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I love this consistency for my spliffs. Scrap off top of the chunk like hard ice cream and pour it on.
The last batch I made was very similar when I left it out for two weeks. Darker on the top layer, gold streaks when you look on the bottom of jar. Like its an anaerobic environment in those areas.


I’m starting to think it’s a brown creeper nest! I have to sneak up and try to see the adult bird. It’s sketchy and flies away really quick!

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lol! OK today I am going to make that final hash batch in the freezer. I have to make sure I’ve processed all buds before the bigbud ones start to fill the freezer. In about 3 weeks I think. It’s 9 o clock and nobody has called yet, so it’s probably going to happen today. I think it’ll be a catfood batch made from GOG! I just have to make sure I have some of that primal bubble for the unicorn. That’s coming up in a few months! I’ll have to stabilize some hash to bring. ooo I’m definitely bringing the rosin photos! I’m super curious to see how many legal producers actually know that THCa crystals form in there, and what they know about it.


Yes sir yes sir two bags full. The bag at the back is actually…ahem sugar black rose. Damn that weed sucked. I should make it into tincture so I don’t have to look at it any more.


OK I’m on the final phase of the mix. Sitting around. It’s a batch of OGK and GOG, so that’ll be a really nice mixed bag. Those two hash types definitely get along, the terpene profiles are good together.


Woo hoo, The end is nigh with terps to lift you up high!

GOG what is that? Gas on Gas?

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GOG means Goji OG, it was the superior plant at probably 4% 90 micron yield. Here’s an up close shot of the hash, still wet!


Not much plant material went in there. 1/3 of it was OG Kush!


Drying in the freezer. Probably take a week I’m not sure, but I just whipped it around until I was tired!


That looks fantastic! Bet it’ll be tasty AF :yum:


Sweeeet Christmas! :yum:

I want to send you cuts of the Sugar belts x {Pablos Revenge x Black velvet} and get your take of how she dumps. I have to get the mother going again but if you’re up for it. I’m game. I want to say shes right there 4-6%.


Here’s what I can tell about the goo hash batches, they are resin-y like the good comes out of the trichome caps. That makes them all stick together.

You can literally see it blowing out here.

Strands of resin. yum! I’ll see if it crystallizes over night or what.


I live in Canada, but I would be down to try!

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I think the chop stick method would work. I haven’t tried it but I’d stagger three envelopes to increase the odds.


Ahhh got me some Good Morning Burger™ and I’m ready to go! Take two of these and call me in the morning!


Lookit this strange concentrates jar! Funktastic! I’ll put it with my collection for jar experiments.


Per usual, that golden gooey goodness looks…golden gooey and good! :love_you_gesture:t2: Got me wanting to wash, man.

Second thought - that jar is wild. I think I love it. We need all the grip and it really does become a bitch getting those smaller ones open sometimes. Haha maybe a middle ground is possible, but I like it more than I hate it.