The quest for unicorn gold!

Don’t mind if I do! :yum: That looks scrumptious


Or make the cup stretch into the lid so it holds like 10 grams or whatever lol


@JoeCrowe I keep my hash in the freezer until I need it. Can I press it right out of the freezer? Thanks for any input!


I wait for it to warm up to room temps because it’s hard to flatten the hash out for pressing when it’s frozen. Ten min warm up?


@JoeCrowe last time i used way too much ice looking at your set up here. I remember you reading that if the ice melts you didnt use enough so i made sure i had enough lol.

Is that true that if it melts that there wasnt enough to begin with?

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I noticed you use a kitchen mixer bit on the drill. I went and bought a 5gal paint mixing drill bit which pulverized the ice and bud into a rough slush. You think i should switch to the bit you have to try and keep the ice solid as possible or it doesnt really matter?

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Don’t go too crazy with the mixing, I use a variable speed drill. The more you pulverize, the more plant material will settle into the hash. The cake mixer I use has been modified to fit in the jacobs chuck by removing one of the locking tabs. People online use things like brewers paddles or large cake whisks to make the hash with minimal plant fibers. I leave the ice cubes as ice cubes and don’t crush them. 6 trays of ice.


Gotcha. I was mixing at top speed and pulverized everything lol.

Next batch ill try to use ice trays so i get them big cubes instead of small crushed ice bits from the store bag of ice that way they don’t pulverize as easy.

Next round im gonna drill slower, use big ice cubes, and make sure i dont pulverize everything


Time to shake off the cobwebs! And make a prize winning batch of hash! Everything is frozen and waiting, but I’ve got to make up a few batches of ice. Of course, I could always buy some ice. That could make 2 batches. hmmm where’s my ice bag? I’m RUNNING LOW on hash! WTF! What kind of crazy world am I living in?


Do you have those magical ice vending machines that spit out 20lbs for 2.50 nearby? Those things are neat


Naw, I have to drive into town in order to get ice like that. I did see an ice making machine though it was amazing! I probably live 20 km out of town.


I got enough ice to make all the batches I cut down. Joygasm! I’ll do it tomorrow morning.
I’ve got a story right? I was watching marcus bubbleman’s live stream and he said something insane. He was talking about how he was dabbing some 73 micron hash and how you should use 73 micron instead of 70. The thing is, that makes no sense at all. According to the diagram, 3 microns either way won’t make any difference. The sessile trichomes will get caught in there anyways. Then again… why use the 73 at all? lol! I should ask him if he’s gonna be around the neighborhood next month. One busy guy!


Cleaning out the bag. 90, of course.

Tools of the trade! lol! I just have another cycle to go on the cleaning and it should be ready. It’s freezing right now.


This is gonna be a prize winning batch! mmm I can feel it in me bones! hah hah it’s more a case of “do the same thing, get the same results”. Soon I’ll get the other light, so I have three again. Got to start building up again, so I have a decent supply of hash. These days, I can’t afford to just take a bunch of hash and hit it with a blow torch to see what happens. Missing that gravy train! This should pump out a hundred grams of 90 micrometer hash. Then, I’ll be stylin’! Running too many non hash crops ffs.


two bags installed.

Toolz onboard.

Yash! lol! 90 micron like a True Maniac™.


Almost time to pull it! yay! I’ll take more photos of the process. ok then!


Here’s the hash in the waiting. Gonna pull the 90, now.

There’s the raw hash nug. Yum! Frothy with bubbles! heh heh.


Up close!

out of focus!

Nuglet territory! This hash is sooooo satisfying to chop up. It’s like sugar granules!


Wow it’s an amazing batch!!! I’m impressed.

off to dry. I’ll be ripping it later today like some kind of fiend. It’ll take a week to dry!


crap ball of weed and ice. I put extra ice today because of the heat wave.

Say goodbye to the shit hash grades.