The quest for unicorn gold!

Things are happening! I think the crushing of the chunks leads to way faster drying.


I just noticed the strangest thing. So, I’m cleaning the bubble bags and last time there was a bit of crud in the bottom that was hard to freeze out and get out of there. After I made the big bud batch, the bags came out clean as a whistle. Something about those granular trichomes of the big bud. They don’t gunk up the bags. And if the bags are gunked, it really cleans them out. I’m gonna have to start marketing it as a bag cleaning compound 100$ a gram :wink:


oooooo! My brain just arrived with a fucking memo. It claims I know a perfect solution to the gunked bag problem. I just don’t… pay attention to the ol noggin all the time, it can get annoying in there with all these stupid ideas. My brain says that I just have to scrub the bubble bag with a paste of baking soda and it’ll be sparkling with no damage to the nylon. Shut up in there already


ok, Almost done the hash batch! It’s going to be a prize winning batch! hah hah, I never tire of that joke. I’m recharging my camera, but just imagine it’s exactly like the one I just did. I’ll take photos of the end product of course! Also, I took the spoon and crushed the dust I made into further dust. I’m starting to think I can cut the drying time down to a single day or two at the max.

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After you dry yours what do you do with it? Just jar it and let it hang out? Keep it in the fridge/freezer?

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I keep it frozen, but realistically, it has a long ass shelf life. Terps evaporate over time though at room temps. Lemme go snap a photo of the hash aging project!

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I originally wanted to press it. But now I’m not really interested in doing that lol. How do you get it to butter up all nice like I like?

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Heat it and whip it! I think I did 60C.


Ill definitely be playing around with it. Im excited AF :grin:

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There’s the final fury!

ooo sparkles! Love it!


There’s my 90 nugget! After 10sec acceleration but before complete acceleration of 60sec.

After acceleration!


Chopped up! Like little sugar nuggets.

No flash so you can get a looksee at the natural color.


Hash I crushed with the spoon. You can see the nuggets that have moisture won’t crumble.


The murder scene where I murder the 73 micron hash.


Here’s my hash after sitting in an open jar for about 6 months. The dark patches were moisture!


There was something nagging me and I finally figured out what is was:
What’s the min. service temperature for these bags?.. esp. if you are cleaning them in the freezer…

MatWeb (if you don’t know this site, you want to look…)

Ans. -30C, so we are good.



wow! Is that why dry ice causes so much damage to the bags?


Man, I wasted my time and material washing about 1.6 kilos of very seedy hash. I think I got, maybe, one good pull out of it. The seed made a mess in the washer too. Lesson learned, seeded crops are best for dry sift.


I guess that’s the upside to doing it by hand, the seeds don’t matter! Though in that one batch three volunteers sprouted in the compost. :grimacing:
That other seed batch I extracted the seeds then run the bubble. It was dried bunk though back in '19.

Still doesn’t change the fact that the plant spent it’s resources making seed, not trichomes. Especially not of the size you like. :grin: