The quest for unicorn gold!

I’m going to test that out during the hybridization process. I’ve always wondered if it was really true! Or… just another math trick, lol!

Flash and non. That powder is definitely dry! I rolled a spoon around in it and made sure there were no lumps.


The darker hash nuggets are the ones that had some moisture left. Notice how the dry bits are still white as chalk.


OK here’s what I’m going to do today. I’ve told people my brain figured out how to wash the bubble bags without using a shitty solvent, and instead using baking soda. I’m gonna scrub some bags today with before and after photos. The secret is warm water and baking soda paste. Scrub with a soft bristle. I usually use a cotton pad.


fuck me it works better than my brain suggested. I just rub the bag against itself in warm baking soda water and all the hash remnants crumble away. Can’t wait for my camera to charge up so I can show everyone. lol! Not that it’s rocket science, just give it a try.


lol! Well it worked really well. I could sell that 73 bag as never used! All the little chunks of 73 hash that were stuck in the stitches came lose and I flushed it down the drain. The warm water was brown with hash! I knew I had left my 73 bag contaminated on the shelf, covered in hash and dust. Now it’s sparkling! I’ll take photos when I do the 25 bag. I’m thinking I should extract all the dust I can from the 90 bag and wash it as well.


This is just an aside, but I mean… wtf I would have never got the baking soda clean the hash bags trick. How come I didn’t connect the dots sooner? Seems so obvious now. The hell? Just like some little voice bubbles up from the back of my mind and said “hey stupid, you already know how to clean up hash remains, you’ve been doing it for years now.”


These are the before photos! The 25 bag was nassstaaay!


After photos! I think if I put a little more effort into it, the 25 bag would have come out as clean as the 73.


WOW, thanks homie, you the man, I was just trying to learn the best way to clean bags. What a synchronicity


Yep, tell everyone about it! I think it’s one of my best ideas yet.


ohh little hash gems. They are like tiny diamonds! How do I rip them?

Flattened out, that’s how! Hash crumbles melt under the touch of a human hand. Full melt!


It won’t be long now, I’ll be able to tell the rest of the LPs about cleaning your hash bags with baking soda. I already told bubbleman, so hopefully it’ll get out there regardless.


lol Marcus says he keeps his bags clean! The advice wasn’t really meant for people like him and me, we keep 'em clean and contained. It’s meant for those nasty situations. I’m looking at YOU. Random bag gunk master. mmm I did have some nasty gunk in those bags I never use though. I never cleaned them after the final cycle and then stopped using them and left them nasty on the shelf.


oops I forgot to mention that he just does the bag rinse in cold water after doing the pull. I like to dab the leftovers sometimes :wink:
I’ve still got a single batch of hash to make! And I should make it in the next couple of days, because I’m not sure what is going on with the tirah valley. It’s not looking done yet, but it’s getting close… I think lol! Lemme get out the microscope and check.


I’d have to say it’s powder now.


OK, so I am going to entertain you today. I have warm water, baking soda, and a 90 micron bubble bag. I’m going to completely de-smell the bag. I know, I’ve been making uninterrupted hash for years using that bag, and never “cleaning” it except the freezer crumble method. The bag reeks. I mean, like a good reek of a million fresh extracts, lol! The screen is actually really clean, but the stitching has some hash crusted into it. The baking soda will destroy that. It’s kind of strange how it works, but any sticky hash will immediately become non-sticky and just crumble away. Anything I don’t scrub at will just turn into crumbles of crap that I invert the bag and dump out the crumbles. One day I’ll see what’s going on by using the 'scope.
One of my students was by yesterday and he said of the idea:
“mm but I like the crumbles in the bag, I can dab them later”
Why am I cleaning the bag? Just idle curiosity. Right now I pick out the tiny fragments of old hash when the live extracts turn to dust. At a minor cost to myself, I can eliminate those fragments.


There you can see the crust of hash in the stitching of the bags.


magnifying pre-baking soda scrub

Post scrub. Only a single washing cycle by hand.


baking soda, and warm water mixture in the hash bucket. It needed a good cleaning too.

I never suspected it was actually that nasty.


I’ll give it another cycle later in the day, and really get it shining like brand spanky new. Best idea ever!