The quest for unicorn gold!

The rest will crumble out after it’s dried up. I do notice the stitching is kind of lazy in one location, fuckers.


OK, I think after all this fucking around, I’ve landed on the scheme to use with the bags. Each use will clean them more than when you started.


Here’s my hash working zone. It’s a deep freeze! I will transfer some dust into the pictured container, and move it into the fridge. It’ll age for about 30 days and then, it’ll probably be trotted up to the unicorn. That’s next month! I didn’t see Noel last year… perhaps he’ll be there if he’s not too busy? If I don’t see him this year, I’ll have to find more legends to dab hash with. lol DEM for sure. I’ll be dabbing that shit with Josh and Kelly. I wonder if I can lure Marcus out with promises of full melt hash? He can be pretty elusive.


Destroying it, man! It’s really epic what you’re doing, I mean how you’re telling the story of making it, not just the hash itself!


heh heh It’s concentrates day all you funky Makers! Just remember, if you don’t smoke hash in the morning, then you’re not smoking hash all day long!


Well, I think that process worked. I’m looking at some pure white dried hash. Sticks together into an excellent dab material!
So it was like this: I took the hash out and waited about 60 seconds. After that I crushed it into powder and came back and crushed it again to get rid of any chunks. Then I let it sit there in the freezer for a while and after a bit I dabbed it! I took it out and let it sit on the parchment for a half hour? It was super soft and sticky, so I just used the parchment to roll it into this tube of soft hash. mmm then ripped off some dabs of it. Good times!


Wow, it was sitting in the freezer for 20 days!


I went for a swim in the lake it was sooo warm today like 35C. There was a group of people mostly from the neighborhood so I slipped in and walked down to the water. A girl on a paddleboard sees me and says “Hey it’s YOU! Congratulations on the victory!” I knew exactly what she was talking about pats his dab rig and it’s time for another round!


Hey yo what size bag do you press hash through? I’ve always used 20-25 but am rethinking


25 micrometers!

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I think I’m going to try my 160u dry ice through a 45, 73 and 90. Idk. It’s not very contaminated so I’m curious.

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Make sure to use the microscope to check out the end result! I have a few plant fibers in the mix probably less than 10%, but the 25 screen definitely holds it back. Since it got stuck in the 90 screen it should theoretically be filtered out by any screen that is smaller.

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Right right. I shall. If nothing else I think it’ll turn a dry hash into a different texture. Guess you’re right on the plant fibers. How annoying! I’ll report back. Eventually I’ll try this whole static tech stuff to remove fibers and then press that. Thinking out loud really. Thanks :metal:t2:

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time to de-nast that concentrates jar.

dump in a shot of baking soda and add a few drops of water.

scrub that shit around with my finger. And then rinse it off with hot water.


Hard to get a good photo of it hahhah the camera won’t focus. Came out pretty clean, but the strange part is how it eradicates any leftover smell. Always knew baking soda cleaned shit, but never thought to apply that to plant residues like weed.


This is the most curious part. The plant waxes that float in the dab rig after 10000 dabs sinks as soon as the baking soda gets in there. Then I just dump it out.


Phew cleaned up all my stuff! Tomorrow I am going to make another batch of hash. This one will be just before I hack down the tirah valley plant. Gonna scrub the hash bags a final time tonight before I do the mix. Then I’ll make the hashishin diagram and see what’s what. Based on previous measurements I should be fine with 90 only.


Even though I rinsed out the 220 bag every time, it was sure filthy. I washed the 90 bag again to make sure there are no crumbs left. I’ll rinse the bags in cold water after, and then clean them with baking soda again. Should be reaching the negative crud zone where each cleaning gets it cleaner than before.


Alrighty then! I have the bags set up and it’s almost time to begin. Just waiting 'till 10am then I’ll start.

Clean as a whistle, chaps!


hum de dum, just cranking out another prize winning batch, lol!