The quest for unicorn gold!

Well some of the hash seems dried out already. I didn’t have as much so I spent lots of time crushing down the little nuggets by chopping and smashing. Seemed to dry out way faster!

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Hey hey! On hash church 5.0 the doctor Kevin McKernan quoted the study I made a meme out of!!!

Keep them banned substances out! Also 92% were contaminated with “some kind” of pesticide. hah! Fuck 'em.


hmm interesting theories about hash yield. They floated the classic Gooey VS Granular. Someone said it might be terpene related. You think they’ve looked to see what hash is made from? Wow that guy recognized that the terpene theory was based on “surviorship bias”.

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Skunkman sams words of wisdom that thc percentage isn’t everything, it’s all about the terps! Also, “I only worried about if I liked the seeds”


I finally sent bubbleman a message describing the hash yield theory. I asked if he had heard that one before? After watching all 4+ hours of hash church, nobody had floated that theory, and I’ve never heard anyone else say it.


Well, bubbleman says MIT is using that tech with robots and AI to predict harvest outcomes and thc levels. I told him thanks it was really encouraging to hear it!
hah hah I guess I wasn’t insane all along, and it was a really fucking good idea.


Hash church is on again. It’s live right now, so I missed a bit of it!

Looks like Marcus broke his arm or something.

They are talking about the importance of keeping your dried buds in a coffee canister. He’s using a fellow atmos. hah hah then Marcus pipes up “Hey you could still make hash out of that with a cake mixer” hah hah funny shit, I use a cake mixer on a drill.

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uhh I think the hash church ended prematurely. Suddenly the screen went dark and it was over mid-sentence. hah hah ohhhhhhhhh well and it was just getting fired up. I wanted to hear the breeder chatter, 'cause that’s where I’m headed next.

Oh here we go! It’s running again and Marcus has a broken clavicle. Said the pain keeps him in the moment.

ooooooo K. I think what I said jogged bubbleman’s mind or something. He personally validated my theory on hash church and they were all talking about it like it was an every day diagnostic criteria they all use. Skunkman sam and Marcus as well as Arturus. hah hah That means they knew the answer all along. Even when I was talking to him, he already knew the theory was correct. Even had his own microscopic data. Hah, I wouldn’t have said that was a likely outcome. :man_facepalming:
Just go watch that shit. It’s fucking crazy! I have to complement him on the panel again. They are fucking radical!

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Man I wish I had time to listen to cannabis podcasts. I was all over the Regenerative podcasts a few years ago but had a completely different lifestyle then. Maybe i will have to spring for some bluetooth headphones. I hate headphoes at work though.

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I definitely recommend the hash church. It’s not just about hash, but also about emerging trends and the latest research. Reminds me of the unicorn talks. Even has some of the people I’ve seen up at the party as panelists.

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I’m headed to the toy store tonight! I’ll have stories later, lol! Just imagine old dudes sitting in the back room of a toy store, ripping live extracts and yakking.

hah hah sorry, no stories. Except! I’m going to be making another hash batch soon. It’ll be meat breath, so I’ll probably make it into rosin. Bubbleman says not to press your full melt hash. I agree when it comes to certain hash, but not the meat breath. It’s substandard. lol!

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Oh this is what I use! How validating :pray:t2::smiling_face_with_tear:they’re nice.

I like hash church, I just find it hard to let it go for 3-4 hours or however long they are. Haha with most weed podcasts I find stoners like to talk slow so let it go at 1.25-1.5x speed. Rambles aside, glad you’re on the cutting edge with the rest of the gang! Excited to keep learning with you :sunglasses:


lol! I watched it for 7 hours because I watched the second half twice. Oh they did ramble on sometimes! The part that really grabbed me by the balls was when they brought out Arturo. I was just like WOAH!!! MY BALLS! Now, I’ve got another question brewing up to ask bubbleman. I typed shit into the live chat for Arturo to ponder… I said get rid of the sessile trichomes. CRISPR that shit out.

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Wait… what the fuuuuck? I didn’t know that’s who Johnny B was. :exploding_head:

So here’s the plan right? I’ve got two 3% plants. The latest one I’m not sure it’s 3%, but I estimated. Those truths will be uncovered in the future. So potentially 3, 3% plants. I’ll hybridize them.
I learned from hash church you just toss those percentages around like a MOFO and everyone knows WTF it means.
When someone mentions percent yield, they are talking about trichome weight. So 3% means 3 percent of the buds mass are trichomes.
The only difference when I say 3% is, I’m talking 3% of the buds mass are trichome caps above 90 micrometers across.