The quest for unicorn gold!

Freeze drying some buds. Got about…mmmm 20 days left?


Gonna be setting up for the mix today! Feeling a little sluggish due to overnight glucose incident. The side effect is the voice from my brain seems so far away, it’s hard to hear the little bugger saying annoying shit.


I find weed makes it louder… :vulcan_salute: :laughing:


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Alright! So this observation I’ve been feeling out for the last… 20 or so years. It’s so true that the froth on the top of the bubble mixture is DIRECTLY related to the yield. Not even related to the quantity of material you put in, but the yield of hash itself. Now, marcus bubbleman says the surfactants from the weed is what makes the froth. So in a way, more hash, more surfactants right? I’ve been thinking about it since I made the comment on whistlertech about the froth levels. Buddy commented that the rumor is the excess froth is because you are beating it too much. Bubbleman shredded that with it’s actually surfactants. So I went and made the comment about the froth being tied to the yield. Nobody said I was full of shit. In fact, I got love for that. So… I’m thinking perhaps, that it’s not a crazy observation, and that it resonates with other makers.


Shit! Got a call! I’ll be back to make the hash though! hah hah buggers got the call in JUST before 10am.

Ohh this is why I have my most powerful concentrates. Days like this eh? You’d be like fuck matty dabs concentrates like a madman. mmm woke up this morning with a “Why the fuck am I alive” day where my hands are trembling like I have parkinsons and I feel like DEATH! A couple of high test dabs and I’m wheee turn that frown upside down!


OK! I’m back to “normal” and things are happening! Did a tutorial about ph in soils and how to manage it. $$$ in the bank when you know things!

So, here we go! Scrub them bags with baking soda. GROSS! Next time, I am seriously going to capture some of the shit that comes off and put it under the 'scope. I have no idea what could be washing out after I scrubbed the bags in cold water after making the last batch. I think this will be the new hash contamination SOP it seems to work so well!


lol! I had showed someone my hands and I’m just like ohh pretend that’s not happening. She says what does that even feel like??
Feels like death.

Got my supplies arranged! 220 bag, 90 bag. Timer and drill! Most important part: Red hot chili peppers!!! :wink:
OK! So to regale you with some unicorn chatter, I busted out with this:
me: I make sure to flush the 73 down the drain.
Concentrates expert mike: Woah! You are flushing away half of your yield!
me: I have to get rid of the sessile trichomes, they are shit.
mike: Oh but those trichomes have a lot of terpenes!
me: I made a batch of rosin out of the 73, and it was crap. Made me angry.
OK, so if you are reading this and are making 73 micron, then you are as good as the legal producers. They do the same thing. IF you want to go next level, you have to genetically select a superior hash producing plant where you will get 90% of the yield in the 90 micron bag. Toss the craptastic 73, and declare yourself a contest champion. lol! No, but really, you’ll notice the difference that quality makes.


So if it’s surfactants, that would mean it’s an increased amount of oils. There aren’t many studies on fatty acid components/composition of terpenes or cannabinoids but it’s definitely clear that the majority of fatty acids in cannabis are kept stable via terpenes, so maybe the increased froth can correlate directly to terpene %? But I’m curious how that would then relate to extractable chemicals. Fun thoughts. Thanks for posting them. Would also further explain the extent of pest repellent abilities. More oil = less pests in theory


My brain was traipsing towards the idea that perhaps the number of capitate trichomes with large size is more, thus more caps = more oils = more surfactants on the surface.

Oh yah! It’s definitely oils. Lookit it! Pools on the surface it does. and then gets whipped into a froth.

See how tight the froth gets? I put a handful of weed in there and it’s still getting mental about it.


I should get about 10 grams of hash from this pull. JOLLY GOOD! Oh hey! You think concentrates expert mike thought I was a bullshitter full of bullshit? Or… has he personally seen me defeat millionaires and corporations with his own eyes?


hmmm I think there was far less material in there than I estimated.

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Looks promising! Pre-pull!

Post pull! The 90 was removed.

Nuglets! I think I got more out of that handful of weed, than the last run I did with 800-900 grams.

Oh I forgot to do the hash ball next to my hand comparison! Oh well!


I washed my bags in cold water, really scrubbing them. Turning them inside out and rinsing and stuff. Before the next hash run, I will do the baking soda scrub again. I detected 0 old hash in this batch, so all the old crumbs have been removed.


Me: I identify as vegan.
Mom: Well how do you justify that?
Me: I only eat vegan animals.


Water hardness/quality is probably another variable. Not so much batch to batch but location to location… In other words, your mileage may vary between producers.

I wonder what the effect might be if you added a pinch of surfactant to a batch… interesting…



The interesting part is if you go and meta analyze the other makers on like the legends of hashish or bryantist or even whistlertech themselves. You can see their frothy ass batches created under different conditions. Bryantist uses hand tools only and whistlertech only uses huge ass mixing machines. One from the USA and one from Canada. I’m not saying the meta means something, but it’s very interesting to see with your own eyes. hah hah Pam was intrigued by my meta analysis of insta gram hash makers.