Yep and I grew out some paki chitral kush recently they all had double serrations so it’s not necessarily a indica or sativa trait but rather something else going on. The original haze plant had them so does blue dream , would love to see a study that pinpointed what it was all about because it’s definitely genetic as it passes on to offspring rather consistently.


86 skunk 1
Edit oh shit a lot of accidental photos one sec lol
3rd and fourth pic down aren’t meant to be there can’t fix it


Looks a lot more like skunk plants then a lot of what I see people posting, has many of the same traits as the one I have, curled sugar leaf, the structure combined with bud formation. There are a lot of strains that look similar now a days but if somebody says they have skunk lines and they don’t look like this I pay it little attention to there claims.
I had a uncle go to prison for growing warehouses of skunk and Turkish bud somewhere around 85-89 and that’s what the skunk looked like , the Turkish were short squat and potent but smelled and tasted of dirty socks nobody would smoke it but him and that suited him just fine :rofl:


It was assuredly an old skunk haha
Thadocta got to try it and really liked it

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There’s similar morphology on parts of the plant to the old one I think is skunk
irregardless it’s got a nice deep skunk permeation around the plant

You gotta pay attention to the 86 in flower fans as well to see more what I see in it as well


That’s really cool
Obviously not the prison part but I love hearing about similar skunks from then
If I’m lucky I’ll find my 86 skunk x (Cuban black haze x Big Sur) beans one of these days

@Wuachuma @Heritagefarms
Had to edit my old post can’t do three in a row
Just talked to a homie
So luckily I was able to put together an impromptu situation for these males while the pollen is still fresh and Uber viable
Still putting it together but as of now the skunk spray and “Hawaiian” male will be crossed to
91 skva
Leadville diesel
And a few different sours

Better shots of the serrations on the skunky male

The “Hawaiian” has em too




Dude I’ve been telling folks I’ve been talking to (may have mentioned this in my suge thread)

But it’s insane how hollow these male stems are in some of these
They’re like supersized big gulp straws
I’ve never seen it so exaggerated

I know dj liked hollow stems (idk why I never read the whole book)
I’ve always noticed it in plants but never to this type of degree
I’ve started cutting snips to let open indoors over a paper plate and the stems are just insanely hollow but yet strong
Think straw dimensions no kidding

I was like 14 with my first and unfortunately one of few encounters with live RKS plants and herb

my buddies dad grew it
He had bunkers and various things all over his property as…
Hmm I can’t really get too specific but it had to do with air soft and the military
anyways we would sneak buds from his room sometimes and when I brought a bud to my friends house afterwards, I had it in 5 diff ziplock bags and as soon as I took it out of the first bag, the smell lmade my friends house entire first floor reek of skunk spray

but getting to my point
thinking back the plants were squat Xmas tree shaped Indica looking bushes
Untopped single cola plants

I suspect he’s still likely growing the rks but I can’t exactly show up after 15 years of not seeing him and explain the situation
I likely could and have considered it thru the years but haven’t been brazen enough to do it
Me and his son don’t get along anymore


High Voltage F3, zeroed in on the 80s Skunk

DJ liked hollow stems because he figured if the plant is not focused on making pith then its focused on making bud.


Leaves look on point

Is that giant bud up top that as well?
what’s high voltage

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Yup, its all high voltage that i took to f3 to chase down rks

PPP x Merlins Magic

PPP is Durban x Skunk
MM by Dutchgrown is Acapulco Gold pollinated by her C99 line.

On paper, I wanted to shit on this line. Then I grew it. It interested me more than the 78 Skunk I was growing at the same time.
The 78 through out many phenotypes (sour apple being the best) but comparing the rks from each line, HV was the winner.

Every year, I always pop Goji, HighVoltage, and BB (my blueberry projects)


My 86 skunk was hashy apple

Archive when he sampled it said it was like the best of his traits Thai and Hawaiian cuts he’s had forever mixed in with old skunk 1

When smoked made the room smell like the bud did


This is an F2 of Tiger Claw.
Golden Tiger x Congo x Kandahar
The only other plant to compare to HV’s yield.
Both those were in 3gal soil. I had about 10 plants in a 4x4 tent that run. I think it was a 400 or 600w light.


Ive heard there was a Skunk line from the 1940s. That was from the Appalachian breeding project in 1800s that got handed off after weed was made illegal.

SK#1 being bred in the 70s up and down CA. There was/is a guy on the forums who worked for Sam in CA back in the day.
Interestingly, MadJag has a flyer from the SK1 seeds he got from Sam and Mel which says its 100% pure afghan.
Then the forums come around and Sam says its (Lumbo x affy) f2 x AG.
Who knows. But I do know the breeding done in Cali for SK1 was after BOEL did their thing in Hawaii for several years.


Oh yeah, I have noticed the straw stalks too. First time I took cuts from a skunk run I was confused as to how the hell are these going to root haha. I had to stick to taking cuts from smaller fresh shoots.

Here’s the male I had found, and still regret losing to this day. He was gnarly smelling. Friends would pull their head back on a stem rub.

I only ever smoked rks, but had never seen the live plants. All these tid bits of info a incredibly valuable.


Wow, that first hv plant you showed look mean and oily.

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Re: Hollow Stems

I’m in the fence with this one. On one hand, I’ve seen some pretty incredible plants with hollow stems. Straws! Notable in the blue lines for sure.

That said, I’m not convinced they correlate with drug varieties. In fact, there is recent scientific literature starting the exact opposite.

Figure 1.4 in Cannabis sativa L.- Botany and Biotechnology states that “Fiber cultivars have stems that are hollower at the internodes, i.e. with less woody tissues, since this allows more energy to be directed into the production of pholem fiber.”

I also remember reading on Icmag a couple posts talking about this very phenomenon with some pretty interesting takes. Starting at Bluebeard’s post #32. Still learning the functionality of the site and not sure how to add screenshots to the posts here like some do. Much love


I’d suggest that hybridization lends to the confusion, with some drug specimens sporting the hollow stems of an ancestor, or vice versa. Much love


Yeah that dude that’s really into haze went real depth into it I remember that

Well here’s to hoping this isn’t hemp lol

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I appreciate your descriptions. I’m starting a skunk hunt this Winter. I’ve got 3 strains to grow, the other Skunk in my genetics collection is going to the birds. I used to donate my less than perfect genetics to the trail I hike. But after 3 major scatterings no eye candy, just a small patch that grew to 6 inches when last seen alive. I’ve had real Skunk in Cali in the early 80’s but only smoked it, never seen the plant.

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