This conversation has been great to follow. and in line somewhat where I am headed., I came back to growing in summer of 2021 after our state made it legal to grow. I grew a shit ton of cannabis in the 80’s and 90’s and I remember those skunk type of plants. Were they rks? Who knows, Strain names were not important back then… How much weight you could grow was but most times it was really good cannabis. Cannabis has most def changed since back then fo sure.

In 1997ish I had started this seed jar with the some seeds we use to grow and when i would pick up one or two in a bag I bought after I stop growing I would put in this jar if it was good stuff. I stop putting seeds in this jar in 2003ish as it got packed away during a divorce. I found it in 2021 and when i popped my first grow back I popped two of these seeds. Very bushy indicas but one had a very strong peppery, very your gonna smell this in the room two hours after pulling a tube. It brought back some mems from the 80’s when I was growing. I remember hitting peppery stuff back then testing.

I hope to find more old stuff in my seed jar that I will be able to possibly find that are skunky and not seen anymore. That peppery plant was cloned and give to a grow buddy, he cloned it and gave it to another buddy, and that guy has one going now and his friends has one going now so I have already started raising the dead before i have actually started…

Thanks for the convo and good info.

Pic of one of the buds.


He did flex on us a few times :laughing:

I’d say he must have one of, if not the most outrageous cannabis seed collection.

He’s been collecting since the late 60s, there’s pictures of him in Afghanistan in 1971 and traveled the world, collecting from every region, district, valley, mountain he could get to. One thing is sure, he has literal tons of seeds. 45gallon Drums full of pre skunk1 pollution landraces.


That’s an amazing find. Bravo for having the thought of filling a jar instead of trashing them.

Peppery smoke is one hell of a start! Oh, the possibilities in that lot haha. Loving the structure of the bud here, got that oldschool vibe to it.

May you find stellar smoke.

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I agree about the old school look and noticed that too when growing it. I had a US seed GG and Wedding cake in the same tent. You can see the wedding cake towering in the background and its bud looks a hell of a lot different.



After 72 hrs, 10 of 150 germed. Sounds bad but it’s actually pretty good considering I don’t discard pale ones…

My good cut came out of a similar count.


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After growing a bunch of different things I have come to the conclusion that Skunk no. 1 has NOTHING to do with the RKS everyone is looking for. I’ve grown the ancestral skunk, some other 80s skunk, and early 90s skunk and nothing that was being sold as skunk in those times has anything close to a skunk smell. And skunk no.1 and all it’s crosses are all way to weak smelling and the smell they do have is far from skunk so there is zero chance the RKS came from Sam and his stock of seeds.

My guess is RKS was a completely different line that was sold as something other than skunk and then got the name RKS after it was grown and the grower smelled what they had, much like almost everything got a new name back in those days.


Thats the conclusion I came to, too. I’ve dug up everything I could find about skunk1 and nothing about it is rks.

Old weed price listings always described skunk1 as sweet. I saw a few ads offering a strong skunk aroma skunk, often simply named skunk bud or skunk but couldn’t find a strain associated with these.

There’s something terribly wrong with cannabis history… I think we’ve been played.


Durban x Affy


My thoughts exactly :100:
Either way, they gonna produce some fire 4sho.

I remeber ortega had a afghan type line that he was saying people used to call the old skunk. It might have been what people are looking for. He was looking to try to get it put out again. Not sure why it never got put out again in the end. Anyone else have any info on it ?

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Skunk #1 smells like feces, indoles more than thiols. It never smelled like skunk. Skunkman’s job was very obviously to commercialize the planets strongest smelling most putrid, most medical plant, not to share skunk with the world. The kids today don’t even know which players in Cannabis history were working with the feds and pharma industry to change the face of Cannabis. Growers want to boycott breeders and nute companies based on political views etc. How about the ones who are ex government sponsored career thieves and collectors for pharma companies? Can we boycott everyone who had a government license to grow pot before prop 215?

Never heard the term RKS until the ICmag. A website that sells registrants addresses to all interested parties. Never associated roadkill terps with skunk terps. 2 completely different phenos from 2 completely different gene pools.

Releasing skunk to the public would be like putting the hydrogen powered car into production. RIP Stanley Meyer. RIP Rudolf Diesel.


People really need to stop looking in anything Sam produced for skunk plants, your not going to find it. I highly doubt he ever had anything even related to it and with all his weird associations and motives I would not trust a thing he says. When you here him talk about true skunk smelling plants he will insist they are gone and laugh in a way like it makes him happy. I also believe very few people know what he looks like because he is scared to show his face to this day.
Afghans + Mexican , something grown by members of a certain motorcycle club that you have a card if your a member of. Sam was a hang around at best, find me one old head from Santa Cruze that remembers that seed company ever existing, one actual shred of evidence any of what he says is true and not just a romantic story to arrive over seas with.
You have a better chance with the super skunk or mass super skunk but that’s even slim to non, plenty of sour and rotten barf plants to be found but few have the dog poo smelling sweet but acrid smells like a skunk when smoked genetics.


The association with Bikers I find especially interesting. I had a buddy from Wilmington, Illinois in 2009-2010 that had the Road Kill. He got it from a group of old heads somewhere in Wilmington or Southern Illinois. He was a heroin addict that has since died but I think those who grew it may have had ties to that town and scene as well. When we met him to get a half oz in a parking lot, he was scared for us. Double bagged it still smelled through the trunk.

When I got home, I put the half oz in my bedroom in a 3 bedroom apartment and went to get coffee, came back and the whole complex stunk from the second you opened the door to the stairwell. Offensive, obnoxious odor…

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I have some seeds from old hippie that are oldies. I’ve wet 10 with no luck yet. I have like 20 more to pop.


So far, the worm casting method is the most efficient.

One thing I learned from my friend Rory, I take a 9v battery connector with a few inches of wires and zap the seeds. Literally touch the seed with each pole on top of each seed for a second.

The 30 years old seeds I used this on, are stubborn as all hell. With this, the few that germ are vigorous, and it seems to help with them not turning into mush…


His job was to increase myercene as that has a pronounced effect on a person’s psyche, and their ability to resist interrogation

That’s amazing. I’ve thought of stimulating the plants with electricity in the last month of flower to simulate an attack. It would be easy to do especially with a strain you know well. Now don’t borrow my idea unless you share the results.

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I don’t have hard data to share. I did notice the zapped lots have increased germination rates and vigor.

I wouldn’t suggest anthing of the sort if I wasn’t impressed by the results.
For a long time I was a big electro culture guy, messing around with all kinds of stuff.
This is truly the easiest form of this.

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Hold up, please explain.