If a defibrillator can jumpstart a heart, a 9v battery seems like it could revive a seed to me. This is fascinating. Y’all are like cannabis encyclopedias it’s so awesome. Much love

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He used that skink project to make cannabis dominantly myrcene.
For one, thats the terpene drug dogs sniff out to find weed.
But it also has a pronounced effect on the mind. Similar to scopolamine


I appreciate the response, how did you come about this information?

I used to talk with sam and chimera a lot back in the day. They offered me a job to run warehouses and breed white label for them.


I use to do electronics years ago. I got rid of all my strange power supplies and wave generators. And even dumped my scope. But I do think electricity of some form might trigger a resinous response.

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Wow, that is something else and fascinating. Let me guess, no one can get a hold of Sam and he isn’t taking interviews? Wish we could get the whole scoop on what they were up to back then and what we lost in the long run as a result.

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Why the skepticism?

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Well I was skeptical in the beginning because initial claim seemed very confident/ matter of fact presenting a claim I had never heard before that I guess hit a sensitive spot somewhere inside. Same way I felt when I found out about certain government conspiracy’s I found out to be true. Almost don’t want to believe it.

I believe you after you said you use to talk with Sam and Chimera back in the day. At that moment I realized where the fuck I was lol (on overgrow talking with OGs).


Skunkman, kc brains and soma were interviewed recently.

Mods on another forum were asking for members to suggest questions for them…

Should be ready soon…


Drug sniffing dogs are trained with tennis balls to play with.
The only play they get is with that tennis ball.
Then the handler will stuff the tennis ball with weed, or more often with essential oil of myrcene
When the dog sees the ball, its trained to sit.
So, when the dog smells weed out it the field it will think it smells it’s ball, approach it, and sit down and look at its handler to please play with him.

So, breeding cannabis to have more myrcene makes it easier to catch growers/smugglers.
I remember in the 2000’s there were a couple breeders trying to breed strains with 0% myrcene for this reason.


Very good info, I have to dive into that

Are there strains without that terpene or just traces of it? I don’t know how accurate that is but I like the test results of terpenes that ace gives in their strain descriptions

Ooooo nice

that peppery joint, how long does it flower for and how’s the stone?

I’d be down to trade ya somethin for it if it’ll work in one of my projects. but it’s really cool either way.

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Hey I looove old pot but cookies didn’t do anything wrong

consumers lack of knowledge and creators missing creativity did

as a buyer you drive the market, people make what the market wants
you either progress the current demands or create an entirely new one
one is harder then the other
why the art of hyping is important
It’s a double edged sword
it could and has been used for good

I’d put the old original green cookie against almost anything
animal is good too. no one grows them anymore as a cash crop. it’s never been readily available to most folks outside of the bay in that few years period where it really caught on.
there’s still amazing pure cookie smoke to be found but it’s few and far between and yes it domainyes the genetic market but that’s not the plants fault.

If anything as a biological organism it did quite well for itself lol


Well I’m a big cookie hater… meh indifference would be a more fitting word. Like instant coffee, or room temp beer lol

Its somewhat of a running gag between me and me (and I guess a few other people)

My comment wasn’t so much directed at anything cookie but more like some kind of jab at the idea of crossing modern “pure” landraces (afghani, mexi in this case) and re-creating a 60 years old cross.

I tend to stay away from hype myself, I walk my own path with whatever the old boys drop on my laps hah


I liked the forum cookies and the blue cookies. It’s funny back when those cuts were new to me and my circle, I was told they were just for head stash since they did not yield much. Now I never see that stuff available anymore. All the newer cookie crosses available at the stores I could live without.

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I could grow some cookie for you to try that would make still thinking that way rather hard at least until the stash was gone lol

I think with the access I have and what little influence I may or may not be in possession of it’s my duty to try and drive the genome of cannabis as a whole in a more positive direction
If that means getting people excited about something through various methods (hype in its most simple essence) then so be it.
I don’t care about hype I want to use it lol
most the hype cuts aren’t worth the hype their given
Doesn’t mean they all are… and what’s hype to you

I think old 90’s kush are hype, hype to me just means there a following that really wants it.


That’s a variety of reasons, and also ties into the conversation here to a degree

I see people on Instagram calling like cookies and OG old school and it makes me cringe lol

Cookies doesn’t yield well…
or rather it’s incredibly hard to get it to yield. But it’s possible lol
but mainly they just don’t yield well and also won’t fetch a better price then say ice cream cake, so unless your in a tent for personal with other strains to take up the slack with a potential Fuck up in the yield it’s just not worth it for most growers.
So cuts get dropped, before you know it they only exist in pockets of growers when most think they’re gone.

and THIS is why I think the cannabis market is defined enough to start cyclical cycles.
It’s already happening
There’s a huge push for landrace and heirloom stock
even much so we have jokes about pre pre pre cuts now and having to doubt the legitimacy of questionable old finds.
If people are faking something the markets obviously asking for it

things are popular, they fade, people forget, other things come and go, then these things come back in one way or another.
that’s why preservation is so important
and I know that sounds goofy saying this about cookies
I don’t care about names I care about quality, uniqueness, yield, and how much fucking money I can get for my weed that hopefully I bred myself :slightly_smiling_face:


Do not know if i have had actual RKS before. There was a time, many years ago, working at a Nuclear Plant in Texas, we had a 1 year rash of what was called SKUNK. Was all over the site. You could walk by a lunchbox and smell it. It was silly in a car, and when smelling an open bag of it you HAD to say HOLY SHIT!!!
Stupid loud, but to me, not like a nasty skunk which makes me want to throw up.


(Took out pics they’re already above)

I’m forever using summer for old male plots from here on out.
Get all the pollen for the year in one go lol.

spray and pray thru the year

Oh speaking of @MAHAKALA would it be ok for me to post that beautiful federation’s Hawaiian male you have. it was insane the similarities between it and that old bean pop

I’m about to look up stuff about the federation line I’ve been meaning too