Send him an once of skunk bud. “Full retard pharma bs this big man”

Maybe I should not say this… whatever.

I started growing in rdwc, when I was a budding cultivator I grew what I had access to, and was quite successful with stuff i selected from seeds. Fast forward a couple years, I show my stuff to the big boys, and help setup rooms etc then ask left and right, what about this and that cut, let me get some. I was turned down many times, I eventually got access to some bs cuts that wasted my time.

Im not in USA but to this day, I never grew a chem cut, an og, dub or the major ones…

Started breeding, networking etc still no cut. I’m no monk, how the f am I supposed to go please have this skunk when I was told to f off for years… I don’t know… this and many others are on lockdown for the time being…


I would like to hear this too.

He said he did it on purpose… :astonished:…LOL

People look at him as a cannabis hero. :star_struck:
Just think if he did breed skunk out and it is lost forever on purpose…

That very well may be the biggest bonehead move in cannabis history:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Well those may not have been the best words to choose but it gives ya the right idea.

Yes, there are a lot of cannabis plant patents currenlty.
There is a thread here about it somewhere.

Skunkman loves weed and he’s a zealous collector but at same time he’s been talking about terminator sterile females since the 80s :man_shrugging:

Because untouched landraces - and farmers around the world are gravely incapacitated by having fecond weed :wink: he’s a national treasure :money_mouth_face:

@Mithridate For a young guy you are pretty caught up on things of old. :sunglasses:

Plants that you can not clone, I have heard of that somewhere. :thinking:

I have also heard of plants that wont take pollen.
Oh ya, skunkface was askin’ for those genetics to be sent right to him…Hmmmm? :shushing_face:

You can not say this stuff on ICrag you will have mods all over you. :face_with_head_bandage:

I had 3 mods and a super mod in one thread, but that was not enough, Gypsy himself had to show up too. :hot_face:

If you want some attention over there just speak truth about skunkface and you will surely get all the attention you will ever want. :roll_eyes:


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Fleur Du Mal has a original hybrid of theirs named Janis that is Silver Pearl x Blue Widow, I imagine it’s still out there somewhere in CA


Diagonal speed reading and an uncanny desire to know wtf I’m growing will definitely get one to know some bits of history😉

Yeah, I like icmag tho, for all the archived threads etc and I never really pulled the devils tail. Well maybe once… and I was gaslighted by hordes of soulless Suzy…

It’s a not so strange case of money driven, hive mentality with the “riders” at its head - or should I say ridden :wink::yum:

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I do too, but…all of the helpful folks left ICrag quite a while ago.

Spurr and onlyornamental are 2 of the smarter members, spurr is banned OO is around you may be able to message him there.
Those two boys/men are real genius types, I think for real too… :100:
I called ICrag Trollitup 2.0, I don’t think they cared for that …LOL

I usually dont either, but it was so trolled up over there I wanted out so went down shooting.
I expected to be banned to be honest, I was warned.
I really did not think I would be on the pot forums still.

I found this place…again…LOL
Seems to be a lot better than anything else out there.
So here I am… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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“Poor people are assholes and rich people are full of shit. All an asshole want is to be full of shit”


There are still some awesome dudes over there… I just think that banning the few members full of personality isnt the way to go :wink:

That and when some learned gents join they get flamed. Meh.

I don’t care about your 140000 acre avocado farm and your degrees. My 2x4 tent and my cookie cross know.

Anyway, I’m out before I Ricky Gervais the whole internet lmao

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I agree, I still have some folks I know IRL that still hang there.
Some good info there too.
Just not a place to speak your mind freely…LOL

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Agreed. I lived in California starting in 1966. Started seeing old school skunk in the Santa Cruz and San Jose area in the later 1970s. My ‘experience’ was that it first appeared in the Santa Cruz Mountains grown by fellow hippies. Later the bikers in the bay area ran with RKS along with Romulan. I also saw skunk in the north LA area in the early 1980s with some really potent Africans. It seems that the self proclaimed “expert” millennials want to claim otherwise, but I have to agree on why strong skunks went out of fashion pretty fast. You could smell it a mile away and either got busted for it, ripped off growing it, or your friends begged it off of you. It just plain reeked. Like OG Kush does, but more of it and a lot more skunk to it. Smoking the stuff non stop like we did we became nose blind to it. But other people (like my grandmother) would tell us that we reeked. Its was not just strong Afghani. There was sativa in there.

The main reason that RKS and less offensive skunks went out of fashion was that growing moved indoors and the smell intensified and people got busted growing it. Hence Dave Watson bred and de-skunked skunk weed in Amsterdam and took the terps out of it. Sadly he later crossed that and Durban which also de-terped the Durban. Since weed has become legal in states like California my friends in Europe have been tapped for anything and everything in the way of skunk beans. I know several groups in Oregon and California that have been aggressively trying to re-create skunk from skunk offspring strains like Cindy99, the Uncle Fester lines and Skunk #1. As yet, I do not know of anyone that has recreated RKS. But there are a lot of bean peddlers that have claimed to do so. I would try to recreate it the other way from Afghani indica and Colombian sativa hybrids. Which I happen to have.

I also have some old skunks in the freezer here, particularly Skunk #1 and some of Uncle Fester’s skunk. Claim is that the Skunk #1 it is pre-Watson and the real deal from NorCal. Both sets are old beans though, and few have germinated. The ones that I have managed to get to mature came out with a strong fruity and floral smells, like strawberry (Erdbeer?) and floral notes. F2s? Hard to say. They are/were indica leaning hybrids. Throw in more myrcene and they would likely turn very skunky.


one step ahead, I have some Janis coming my way just suffer a bit of delays from Royal Mail strike or I would already have it in my hands… the reason I got it was the Silver Pearl in it, the Blue Widow also is an old classic, not as old but 90s I think.

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Sorry, but I have to refute a lot of this. Sam Skunk (Watson) was never busted in Santa Cruz. I searched the SC Sheriff records and newspapers in Santa Cruz and as he says himself, he was never arrested there. He has posted that himself (as Sam Skunkman) on ICMag. Also there was never a raid or big bust of the ‘so called’ Sacred Seeds collective in Santa Cruz County either. No record of that bust exists there at the sheriff’s office or any local media. None. Zip. Nada. Sacred Seeds never existed there as any collective, and certainly not stemming from the 1940s as described by many. SS was at best Dave’s “intended” seed company at some point after Nevil came out with his first seed catalogs in the early 1980s. It did not exist in California. Likely it was conjured up in Amsterdam as a sales point to sell his beans to Nevil around 1986, which in my and Nevil’s opinions were just local bag weed beans available in NorCal at that time. You can read Nevil’s opinions about that posted by him on the MrNice forums. As for the Watson and Sacred seed bust? That is a tall tale posted in Amsterdam at some point. I lived just south of Corrolitos when that bust was supposed to have happened. No one there I knew recalls any such collective or recalls it being busted, and I certainly never saw or heard of any when I was living there. I was in pretty deep with some heavies in that area at that time, both growers and dealers and importers, along with the bikers in the East Bay.

Rob Clarke also had boasted to many people after they made the first big seed sale to Nevil in Amsterdam what a HUGE SCORE they have made selling him their beans. Like they had conned Nevil out of his money for no investment on their part. Rob Clarke was later on the board of Phylos Bioscience in Portland, OR which ran the scam of the Open Cannabis Project which they set up and used to gain access to genetics submitted with the sole intent to use to breed a super strain and make a FORTUNE! So I would never trust either Watson or Clarke for anything. Watson was not a breeder or Sacred Seed manager in NorCal, and he was not the original breeder of Cali-O, Durban Poison, Skunk or Haze as he has made claim to many times. Nor were there any brothers there named Haze, and they were not even brothers, and they mysteriously ‘retired’ to Mexico some time later, so that story cannot be corroborated. the stories have also changed with time.

Watson did later de-skunk his skunk lines in Amsterdam, and he later bred Durban with that skunk line in Amsterdam. That’s about all I can find that he actually ever bred. Mel Frank originally worked what he called Durban A and B lines from beans his roommate Ed Rosenthal brought back from Amsterdam. Jerry Beisler bred Cali-O and documented it in his “Bandit of Kabul” books. Skunk was seemingly bred by several people, and I know of strains from the Appalachians, Europe, NorCal and the LA area. The NorCal skunk variant IMO (and what I actually saw and smoked there at the time) was bred in the Santa Cruz Mountains. As for Haze, IMO (again) it was just Colombian Gold. Or maybe at most a Colombian Gold x Colombian ‘other’ hybrid. Colombians bloom and finish so late that they are extremely difficult to breed outdoors, or even in greenhouses in California. I worked for an orchid grower near there in a large set of greenhouses at that time. I tried to grow Colombian strains several times near there and they typically rotted before they finished blooming. They were also prone to PM late, and they tended to herm with naners late. The males tend to bloom really really late as well. I am growing some Colombian Bag weed strains indoors now and they are still seeding out under lights, even after forcing them to bloom in July with light dep. Light dep was a virtual unknown there then. Sensimilla was still being figured out. We were used to cheap imported weed, and few of us had figured out how to grow good weed by the late 1970s, let alone in the 1960s when Watson claims to have started major breeding. Most grows there then were from Southeast Mexican strains as they finished in October before the storms, rains and cold weather hit central California.

Also I would point out that no one (and I mean NO ONE) sold any cannabis seeds in the 1970s. They were free in bag weed. By the hundreds. Everyone had seeds. Few saved them correctly in dry conditions or in the freezer, but some of us did. The first seeds I ever saw for sale was when my brother showed me Nevil’s first seed catalog in 1984 I think it was. I thought that $5 a seed was insane, as did most of us. Who would buy beans when they came for free in bag weed? Bag weed in the 1970s was full of seeds. Most early local grown sensimilla also had a few seeds (or even many) in them. I collected seeds starting in the 1970s myself. I was the only one I knew that ever did that there then. Word got around that I collected seeds, and I got the better beans from people. All for free. They had no value then. In the later 1970 and early 1980s people started asking me for the better seeds which I gave them. In return I typically got a bag of the final product. I also got lessons on how to grow good sensimilla. Also some friends in the South Coast area started using them to breed with. But that was a rarity then.

Now I am sure you and others will refute this, citing experts, magazines and posts online. I am just an aging hippie that was there then, and still kicking now. Nevil and I are (or were, RIP buddy!) the same age. Well, we were a few months apart, he was ~slightly~ older than me. The older I get, the more and bigger the BS I read on these forums though… about Watson, the BOEL, the hippie Mafia (I was there), Big Sur (I was there), Haight Ashbury (I was there), Telegraph Ave/CAL (I was there), The '67 Monterey Pop Festival (I was there), the Days on the Green (at many of them), Winterland (also at many of them), Warlock/Dead consents (I survived them), The Hippie Movement (I was at the epicenter), Laurel Canyon (I lived there and never realize that was “THE” canyon until years later), the beaches and surf scene in Santa Cruz, LA and San Diego (lived there), MANY rock concerts (cannot remember them all), the origins of the hippie culture, the beatnicks before them, imported weed strains, the origins of modern west coast weed stains, the Vietnam war (I was NOT there -too young), Neil Young playing at the Old Sash Mill, Ken Kesey and the Merry Prangsters (my ex owns what was once the Mu Farm commune south of Eugene), yadda yadda. Not much in High Times was ever true. Except that they destroyed the cheap local weed market in the early 1980s posting the prices we paid for pot here on the west coast. The &^%#ers. Watson used to write for High Times, which should clue you in on his sense of truth.


Mornin Pancho, I read your recent post on the Skunk and it’s journey from Afghanistan to the U.S. and I noticed you rarely mentioned the Brother of Eternal Love. The Skunk seeds we were growin in the midwest, in the early 70’s, were obtained in 1973 from outside of Kabul, on a hash run by a couple of my buddies and another person affiliated with the BEL . Here’s a part of a conversation I had with one of my still remaining buddies that was there…“And there was a midwest-west coast connection, The Brotherhood, which Morgan’s friend, Kevin, from Springfield, was part of.” T. Morgan has passed away recently, and Kevin is unknown to me. Peace


It’s possible “Kevin” was Kevin Gillan, one of the BOELs top LSD chemists, who was from Omaha, Nebraska and went to college at Antioch in Ohio, he later ran a lab in Ohio for BOEL, among other places before he was busted in 1980.


Nice, I hope they’re good for you. I just grew some of his OG breeder mix crosses of True OG to Janis and they have some of the most interesting “old school” complex scents, not super loud but really engaging subtlety. I found this old 2006 post on UK420 from when B released them as a new cross/testers with a longer description than the current FDM one, hopefully being from an 1990s gene pool means that the Pearl you seek is in there!

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Last time I talked to OhSoGreen, he said he had RKS and was working to stabilize it in seed form.

Im usually dismissive when I hear this claim, but OSG does have Mendo Joe’s Skunk seeds from 78.

I ran OP generations 5 and 7 and they are the best pure line.
(Best hybrid line goes to PPP / High Voltage)


Spot on.

Just wanna add, MadJag bought Skunk from Sam around 1980
And theres a member from the MNS forum who worked with Sam in California greenhouses back in the day. Sam ran a couole crews at a few greenhouses, but was not the ringleader he describes himself as.
Shit, Ive run crews of tarp-pullers for farm owners - doesnt mean I own or run the farm. But, maybe in 30 years I’ll change that story to say I did. Lol.


Kevin was also getting large shipments from Colombia and Mexico.


Nope, I’m just here for the ride :smile:

Thanks for the information. I really like the idea of the cross as the old Silver Pearl was a nice one and the Silver Pearl Haze was really good, in my opinion different to the NL5 x Haze but equally special. Cheers

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