So the 1993 skunk line I was given did start flowering before everything else I put outside these last 2 years and also is ready before everything else. This seem to give some credence to the cross above.

I’m running 30 indoors right now and some were eager to flower and showed pistils after only 2 days of 12/12.

The cut I keep was fine, until I neglected it… it started to flower and it took me 4 months to bring it back to full veg, again showing a possible connection…

Or aliens :wink::joy:


Someone has been laying down this skunk autoflower theory on other forums lately too, and I am not as of yet convinced. If this were the case, we would have had many, many more potent autoflower crosses much sooner than we have. It has taken breeders until the last 10 years or so to create really good ones.

No way someone managed to do that in the 80’s AND created one of the most legendary cultivars of all time, without leaking the process to others or copycats.


Cross link to my 1979 Grandfather Skunk F2 project. :slight_smile:


Would that happen to be the 1978 Grandpappy Skunk from Jade Nectar? I picked up a couple packs of those I’m hoping to make seeds with later this/next year :crossed_fingers: Would love to see how those turn out

Yeah I read one post about it either on the farm or icmag but can’t for the life of me remember…
Seemed to be from a newer guy? Or less active member?

If you know where or who, would you mind pointing me in the right direction please I’d like to read that again…

Honestly at this point every theory has been put down so someone has to be right lol

I don’t know if it was a strictly autoflowering strain that was crossed, I would tent to believe it could have been some kind of semi auto/early flowering without ruderalis genes thing…

Just about everyone remembers smoking stanky skunk at one point but very rarely do I see someone claiming to have grown it, or at least someone who recalls the details ie morphology, flower times etc

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No, actually, this is a completely different source. This is a friend of Skunkman Sam (Dave)'s brother who hung out at Sacred Seeds as a teenager. He saved some of Dave’s Skunk #1 precursor work. He gifted me the beans for free.


It was the Skunk thread on Rollitup.

Here is a link to the comment:

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That’s the one! Thank you very much.

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There may have been skunk plants mixed with early girl, early pearl or some of the other work related to those lines as they were all very popular in NorCal in the late 80s early nineties. I’ve never heard that skunk was lost due to some mixing of those genetics though and can say for sure it was not mighty mite , that was a strain from Canada that was super popular in the early medical days but is definitely not skunk.
The skunk plants were held tight and the majority of people with it got busted and or moved onto different strains to avoid the troubles associated with growing such strong smelling plants.
In regards to appearance it is rather even mix between sativa and indica traits producing a plant that is not to short but also not to stretchy, double serrations on the fingers and long fingers that are more even width vs the more fat round leaves of indica lines or the super skinny sativa traits. Part of the problem is Mexican genetics got a real bad name from all the brick weed that came around so most people did not breed with those lines and the gold plants are part of the equation. The cartels quickly moved to faster finishing varieties and the fields of landrace Mexican genetics disappeared. I have beans that are a mix of the and a Hindu/skunk from NorCal but they are old and I doubt they will grow. I might give them a try in the spring. The photo below is a plant I made crossing a old skunk plant to sfv og kush.


interesting, I have a variety called Biddy Early originally made by Magus Genetics (not sold through Serious Seeds) and it’s a Warlock x Early Skunk F2 according to Gerrit’s description. Early Skunk is Skunk#1 x Early Pearl.

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The thing with the early girl and early pearl was that they would finish in September when camp did not start to rip crops out untill October /November. It was a very popular way to avoid getting busted or at least have a lot better chance.
They were often used to bring the flowering times of other varieties down but always reduced the over all quality and dependability of the line. Most people moved away from them as indoor hydro exploded and gave people a new way to hide from prying eyes


yes that’s why I bought it as I have two very different world I live in (my life is weird) one is the tropics and the other is far north where something have to be done by mid-late September or it won’t be at all. Biddy Early was one of those early varieties with no auto/ruderalis in it, at least not as far back as I could track it. Early Pear to Early Girl to Pollyanna to Old California Sativa etc.

also early pearl is part of Silver Pearl and she was a real good one…


It’s actually a Mexican sativa that is in there and I’ve always thought they used ruderalis to bring down the flowering time but sensi seeds swears it’s just Indian , Mexican and Afghan genetics. Indian and Mexican are long flowering types , hard to get a fast finishing plant out of that mixed to afghan but that’s how the story goes.


I think Sensi inherited the variety from The Seed Bank, so Ruderalis could definitely be a chance then when I think of it as Nevil spread a lot of things around the Globe and one thing he sold almost every year the first few years was Ruderalis. Roadside Ruderalis, wasn’t that a thing in the 87 revised catalogue? Hm, hope it doesn’t have Ruderalis in it though but I have the same line of thought as you, if it’s long flowering ones, how did they get it to finish that quick? I have the Biddy Early which is a hybrid of Early Skunk to Warlock so a bit more ”skunk and afghan” added.


This is not my picture but the skunk I run has a similar bud structure and flowers extra early


Skunk face says he bred it out of existence.
About the time overgrow just got started I saw a newbie running round Mr nice forum or one of those, buying up all the skunk seed he could lay hands on.

I tried to chase down the ghost too.
I think if it was still out there someone would have made their million by now.

Skunkface probably owns the rights to it, and if so it will never leave the lab.
Good luck on the skunk hunt.

If somebody was to have it I wouldn’t recommend calling it skunk , now the ghost og on the other hand is still alive and well.
I don’t think any real skunk genetics were ever in his hands.


What up Shaggy, How do you “bred out of existence” any strain ? Does anybody have “the rights” to any strains ? The Arkansas Skunk that I’m chasing does have the timeline from the late 70’s. My buddies took the Skunk down there and they all got busted because of the smell. It’s interesting that there now is a strain called Arkansas Skunk. I was promised some seeds and that fell through. The guy told me that the skunk smell was so strong that if you had some in a vehicle, and then took it out, it would still smell for days. People are funny about this strain!! One other thing about the seeds that my buddies brought back from Kabul Afghanistan was they were HUGE seeds with striations. We called them Easter eggs !


Why would anyone ever release rks pure :laughing:

It would be knocked off, pimped out and bastardized in an instant hahah

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Perhaps to spite skunk face for insisting it is gone to explain why he doesn’t have it.
But it would need to be a some what stable seed line or clone and be done in a way that nobody else could claim it to be something else. If it was found and released it needs to be spread to the masses in such a way that it can not be lost again and will always remain in the public domain.