A quote from the pdf below. 2009
"the heads up in the IC chain will do anything in order to shut mouths up."

Sam s lifetime Icmag member gets banned - MNS Forums.pdf (50.3 KB)

sam s dea summary.pdf (98.2 KB)

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First post basically says that cannabinoid ratios is a simple inherited trait and follows mendalian inheritance pattern. Same as ruderalis and color.

Second post, Joe’s account. Mix of straight lies, half truths and a pinch of self-evident claims for credibility.

Third post, same as 2nd.

I will say this… you cannot publish a book, get a patent, import large quantity of white or brown or green without some alphabetical agency having their say. Higher levels are highly scripted and compartmentalized. Each play a role, each is set a value within the system and put into a mold. If you outgrow your mold you get one warning, stick to the script bitch we made you.

Culture creation, no movement is organic. Those get shutdown.


shipping seeds and clones are leagl in the USA - from what I understand) Right ?

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I don’t know, I’m not in the US.

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Seeds are not an issue anywhere in the usa.
Clones can be if they have started to flower.(contain THC)
But if they are lower than 0.3%, don’t quote me on the number, then they are considered hemp and fall under the farm bill.


Joe Pietri is connected to Raymond Cogo via business dealings and such. Cogo WAS the informant in Neville’s case. Y’all been conned.

Pietri is still selling landrace seeds for $500 per pack too, LOL. Anytime you comment on how atrocious this is you get another user/bot saying how they are “really rare”. It’s all a setup.

I read both of his books and knowing everything I know now, it’s all a scam.


Less than 0.3%



I think I found the real skunk …

Some old lady in the store kept saying she smelt a skunk… it’s gotta be the one :sweat_smile: :rofl:


One tiny bud double bagged in your watch pocket. You walk into a store and within 30 seconds people are staring at you from across the room…Pepper ridge farm members those days. THAT SHIT WAS DANK!


Eating sloppy joes and looking at the Buns


The reason it is novel could be that, as Sam has stated early on, that he sold his seed lot to Nevil and others in ADam early on. So it seems he either had to recreate it or he linebred the line from a small amount of seeds to so far of an G-gen that Phylos sees it as different.

My thought, Sam was DEA and got pure Afghan from CIA/BOEL and sold those then when he got to A’Dam he bred it with sativas.

Sam is the reason cannabis has drastically increased in Myrcene since the early 80s, a terpene that drug dogs key in on.


Thats interesting how each breeder in Holland had an extensive dossier (target package, in S2 terminology).

And keeping in mind how Sam has focused on breeding single - cannabinoid plants, which takes the plant from being natural medicine to being an industrial bio-factory for pharmaceuticals.

And Sam breeding for Myrcene and spreading those genes to all the Dutch banks.

It makes me think of Colonel Oliver North and laws surrounding Civil Asset Forfeiture

See, Congress doesnt fund any additional military engagements unless Congress or the President declares war.
Well, every President has expanded JSOC and Black Ops more than their predecessor. JFK expanded more than Eisenhower. Clinton and Obama exploded numbers and ops to become a daily thing.
So, how do we find these ops Congress wont pay for?
Civil Asset Forfeiture

Here’s how it would work:
DEA would implant an agent into the scene they would make to be the mecca for cannabis seed breeding and distribution - dictating cannabinoid / terpene profiles while also compiling target packages on growers all around the world. Then, the DEA can swoop in to anyone they choose to arrest them for growing/trafficking and use all their money and assets to find black ops and JSOC.
This was a scheme created before Oliver North but North perfected it using heroin out of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam and used Air America to ship the product around the world.
Barry Seal and Kris Kristofferson were notable pilots in this operation. Kristofferson also brought weed from SE Asia that would end up in NorCal and Oregon where vets and merry pranksters would breed today’s notable strains with them, one being AAA / asian Fantasy which is behind OG.
And how would local and state police catch growers and dealers not included in DEA target packages? By having dogs trained to sniff out myrcene, the terpene Sam bred for.


clones are legal also that falling into that ctagory

Lmao I felt excited when I read the first sentence


It’s interesting you bring this up, the first weed I got in los Angela’s was in Tupperware’s marked AAA and then it quickly changed to kush and then og kush.
I’ve been told several times that Asian fantasy is a specific line of Cambodian.
Maybe after all the stories og is just Asian fantasy crossed to Afghan , doubtful but those little Tupperware’s have always made me think.


I find the chosen name ‘kush’ to be interesting cause that means killer. All strain names related to violence/gore are kind of not appealing to me at all… But they’re just names

Drug dogs are trained to smell caryophyllene and beta caryophyllene. Because they are some of the more stable terpenes that will be present after cannabis is old and oxidized.
They are not searching for myrcene


Yeah, so I met a guy who was in the Navy as an 18Delta, then got into the Air America/ North Virginia world. He told me about Kristofferson and some more stuff.
Then a few months later in the Dead Fam community I meet the guy who bred Asian Fantasy / AAA and he tells me about OG, and his story lines up with what the Navy guy tells me. He does crystal and bath salts, so I didnt want to get close enough to get his seeds, though he said he lost them in a raid that cost him his kids fir several years. All I can say, its kind of nice being away from the West Coast.
Yeah, AAA is Cambodian #3. And then the Af/Pak got introduced to the equation and the rest is history.

To me, the Gegax and Florida crew stories are like listening to Crystal Cole about large scale LSD production. Sure, she had her part in the scene, but there’s reasons she cant tell the whole story. So it makes it easy for her to say she had a larger, or smaller, role in the whole thing. When really, it goes back to Piccard, Sands, Scully, and Owsley.
Interesting how many involved with that missile silo lab were informants.


Great Read !!!

Madjag will be on the breeders syndicate podcast today qt 2 pm est. Sure to be lots of good skunk talk