Well I didn’t see any if that’s what you are implying…them parts is scary man. Looks abandoned…but you got guys popping up watching you koy like…not a weekend vacay viewing the fall colors. BUUUTTT…if you got the right kinda $$$ and ask around Id bet you could score something…south central FL…by the coast…:wink:, Not Miami…good luck ladz :wink:!


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Know the area, lived in Venice, spent alot of time ft meyers port charlette. They have some pretty bad ass swamp buggy racing over there , the red neck country club is alot of fun also


I gotta agree that there is in fact RKS still out there, obviously it’s not common but I believe it is still around. I typically thought that “skunk” however was a name used to describe particularly strong smelling strains, not skunky or rotten specifically, but strong smelling…very pungent like…sweet, strong fruit, rotten, etc. I would describe bubble gum as skunk!



You guys really want non sweet skunk to come back?


What if RKS was just Gassy weed all this time? What if we just got bags of Chem and didn’t know what it was?


Yeah maybe it came to mean that…

I can 100% attest to fields of skunks being grown outdoors before local blues had the budget for choppers :grin:

And the impossible to grow cut I keep is skunk. Very impractical though… I’m trying to find a way to keep the smell but make it easier to grow…

So far test crosses aren’t satisfactory.


What makes it hard to grow?
Is it an outdoor strain that doesn’t like being indoors?

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Definitely is an outdoor line. It tends to throw pistils and single blade leaves if stressed, then it gets stuck in this mode for quite a while after correcting.

The other thing is I do not know how it was bred, but I suspect it was an accidental outdoor pollination, a missed male or intersex plant.
For how many generation this happened is another mystery, I think it’s pretty inbred and seem to get stressed easily.

Nutrient wise, she’s not too finicky, ph can’t swing at all though.

Outdoors, she’s eager to flower and finishes early september. I tried to rejuvenate her this summer but even 2 months of veg in the sun didn’t fully bring her back to 5 finger leaves.

I just finished a seed run with 28 plants… I’ll grow a big patch this summer and take cuts from idk 30-50 promising ones to o.p and 1:1 all winter.


Well then. I didn think I’d get that many responses on my theory of burnt rubber. Gas. And skunk. Nice conversation as I’ll be saving all this. Really hit some high points. Um. All that skunk info was awesome. But I’m referring to the Oder dead skunks give off. As skunk spray is completely different than dead skunk. Road kill has also been sitting for a while. Fermented I guess would be for a better choice of words. And yes. Skunk species have different compounds in their spray. That’s why In the west. You’ll smell dank weed but in the east you’ll smell rotting cabbage. But it’s the common vcrs that cannabis and skunk carry. We’re not looking for what’s different. We know what’s different. But rather what’s the same.

What’s the common denominator of skunk weed. And dead skunk? That smell of dank. Those are the sulfuric compounds we’re looking for and tryin to understand why cannabis has them. And why they’re so identical to skunk.

End of the day. Truth is. Skunk is around. Whether it’s cultivar specific or not. That smell, I smell is exactly the same as dead skunk in lone pine. No body can tell me my nose is wrong. Or everyone else for that matter, just because they refuse to believe what’s right in front of them. Skunk genetics may be gone lol. But the aroma is certainly not!

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This is for those that said skunkface was not trying to make sterile plants.

Sam_Skunkman said:

At the time I was hoping to combine all female seeds with all sterile plants that could not set any seeds.

Anyway, all female is easy, making your all female seeds also sterile I never succeeded with although I tried for 3 years using a method that watermelon seed producers use to make seedless watermelon’s. It almost worked but still made white nubbies and a few to a lot of black seeds no matter how I tried or what genetics I used.


Seedless watermelons are created by crossing a male with 22 chromosomes to a female with 44 resulting in triploid seed. Dark heart nursery was advertising sterile triploid plants right before the company went threw there recent change.
Even then true triploids can make the occasional seeds they are just much much more resistant to it.
Mac 1 is supposed to be a true triploid but if you throw enough pollen on her you will get tons of deformed seeds and a few good ones.


I know this is off topic…sort of…I have a very large type plant, that I would probably describe as a skunk… probably! The thing is this…some large type plants won’t flower unless they get big enough. With this plant however, if you bend the branches, that branch will begin to flower if under 12/12 independent of the rest of the plant (the rest of the plant obviously not flowering). Anyone seen this?

I’m assuming it is a stress related response that the breeder has breed into the strain…very cool.


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Last night I was sitting here staring at it wide eyed OMGing!!! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:. Then I got to rembering what the breeder had told me…WOW! 🥲


Uh Well …


Haha … … no it’s a Skunky plant :wink:. She didn’t really give me any specifics other than generalizations. I remembered she was working on such a plant but had forgotten…omg :scream:!


I have worked death star for a long long time. Its the core of my breeding work along with blueberry. I call the old death star cut skunk diesel. I have ran a few s1 that were strong burnt rubber but not the skunk I was looking for. I found 2 skunk plants in my last Mayberry (blue star s1) run. I have another friend that found a rks in the mayberry. Im gonna cross them back into d star. I also am testing out ds x bs, my ds back cross. And I made Island sweet skunk x blue star to hunt some skunk plants too. The skunk is strong with ds.


So , here’s one that I haven’t been able to solve yet .
We have a local strain .
Still goes for good monies vrs the 50$ a zip , said to be Kmac from Breezy seeds kush mints x animal cookies .
It’s a heavy hitter , non smokers say that it stinks , I like the smell and do not find the smell of a real live skunk that bad lol.
When friends smoke it I get the smell of burnt rubber .
I’ve asked the ones that love this “Kmac” to describe the taste .
The reply I get is that it doesn’t taste like anything else out there .

I’ll throw that into the “real” skunk out there .


I miss smoking deathstar. We would get one jar labled sensi dominant and one labled sour dominant. No longer in my galaxy


Would you mind if I DM you regarding the DS? peace

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Feel free amigo.:facepunch:

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