Yeah last and only time I had Death Star was at a festival in Ohio years ago. It was better than 75% of the other stuff there. Looked and smoked like a dream, and a heavy hitter for sure


We had a Silver Pearl 20 or 30 years ago that was pretty stinky. I have no idea what a skunk smells like but we had to stop growing this one before we got busted. Just too stinky. A mate got a bag and kept it in his wardrobe but had to get all his suits dry cleaned before he could wear them again :smiley:
What do you guys make of the Aladdin’s Skunk on khalifagenetics that just came back in stock a few days back? I ordered a pack anyways…


I have our old pearl in hybrid form. Really love her, but no skunk in my hybrid.
Golden Pearl
Silver pearl/g13 x wb.


That sure turned out nice. Great job!

1 Like

I have a death star back cross Im testing now. I expect some strong skunk phenos to be found but time will tell. For Now I have 2 skunk phenos in my Mayberry line (blue star s1).

#78 skunk spray, very pungent. The wife has covid and can’t smell. I ground up a bud to roll and she instantly got sick from the noxous aroma. Good news for skunk lovers, bad news for my wife. :laughing: ain’t that the way it goes.

Pics are horrible this round. Had my toughest round in a while with the ac going out. Hit some hi temps for a few and installed an intake/exhaust to get by. When I did that I messed up my light timer to run 24/7 and didn’t catch it for a good 4 or 5 days. What a nightmare. Always learning.

#46 Dead skunk pheno
Smells like like decaying dead skunk.


Very nice projects @Josh_Blue. Sorry to hear about your ac going out, the plants still look like fighters though. Keep up the good work!


Yum. Yum. Skunk. Damn I miss that. You breeding?


Yes i am. They are found within my Mayberry line.
A friend of mine found one in only 4 plants he popped.


@Josh_Blue wow. Thats awesome. Oooo that smell…can you smell that smell :notes: :notes:


That’s just all the more reason for corporate to ignore home grows. The vast majority of people aren’t going to grow their own if they can get seedless, uniform product at the store.


In the future we could see this may not work in our favor.
If home growers become fewer and fewer, the voice of home growers gets weaker and weaker.


Just going to leave these here for reference :grin:
Old family skunk plant from round valley, smells musky and peppery not skunk spray but is the most expansive smoke I’ve encountered and breeds skunk terps into her offspring.

A leaf from her offspring showing what I know to be typical signs of true skunk genetics, double serrations on a long middle finger with flat sides to the finger. This plant smells skunky when growing with a strong grape undertone of up close. Smokes like skunky candy but after 6 months cure the fruitiness goes away and it’s pure rank skunk butt.


the romulan is an interesting one for sure. What I will type next is not my claim it is simply the story as I have understood it since the early 90’s when romulan was around if you knew the right people.
The story here in BC is that draft dodgers/war vets brought the precursor of romulan to the BC Gulf Islands sometime in the 70’s if not earlier. It was not widely availlable but my first encounter was in 91 or 92. Never grew it but a friend’s dad , a former US navy vet , commerial fisherman and smuggler who lived on the north west coast of vancouver island was the source for the pounds of Rom that my friend used to sell in the Vancouver/Surrey/Delta region in the early/mif 90’s.
There is this story that it was called Port Alberni Pine Bud… I still have not verified that one and the bud we used to score was never called that.
But… Romulan existed in British Columbia Canada in the early 90’s.
I remember clearly our friend chris hartyl , goofy , pasty skinny little fella with a mouth on him and an attitude to go with LOL… he would always make this goofy face and funny voice and ask “hey… guys… any romulan around”. He got a kick out of the names of weed back then.
This was before the seed banks like marc emery’s and in a time when quality imported hashish was plentiful and sold for 200 an ounce versus Romulan at 300.
Did it originate here in the gulf islands??? It very well could have because a whole pile of growers left the US for the BC west coast… the gulf islands, the sunshine coast and vancouver island itself.
I don’t think we will ever know but the Rom is one I am going to compare… the BC cut to the recent renditions that have become popular in the past couple years or so.

none of this has much to do with skunk except that I believe the very same growers in the BC coastal regions were doing a whole lot of breeding that became the precursors to many popular west coast and PNW strains. I believe there was steady communication and collaboration from cali up thru oregon and BC thru the 60’s to the 90’s when it comes to the movement and combining of cannabis genetics. Skunk included.


I have been searching for the old snowdog since I lost her . It’s nice to see that she is still around . I hope to have her in the garden again one day


RIP Shamus


Reading the ‘Skunk’ thread for nostalgia’s sake…I grew Skunk Number 1 in 1996 and visiting a {non smoking} friend, she banned smoking in her house-
I rolled up in her boot room, and went on a walk to smoke.

Friend phoned{a week or so after my visit} and said ''The boot room STINKS of that weed- It has been smelling so strongly, and I found the cause of the smell, you’d left a few crumbs of it on the windowsill …

She said only those very few crumbs reeked out her room.

It really was a sharp, penetrating aroma ~quite lovely.
I wish I could sleep with a ‘‘Hop pillow’’ stuffed with it.

The aroma really adhered to clothes.

I did a stencil of that plant’s leaves - If I can find a way to upload!

Definitely remember the double~ serrated leaves, like sharks teeth.




I miss stuff lil that I’m still searching too lol​:100::pray:


What happened to it?? Is no one keeping those old genetics?
I have an old Sensi Seeds catalogue , 1990’s image

