The relieving lair

Super Amnesia, SSH#8 * Amnesia#1

Supertroyer, SSH#8 * Destroyer#2

Ohaze, a 2 plants little test.


To be honest, I look to @nefrella for CS info that I can’t figure out.


Pretty plants you have!


I cant help you much with CS, but if I can guide you in the use of sts if you want, I have some experience.

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Surreal ((oaxaca79*tomhillhaze)*bshw) open pollination. Yesterday was a very windy day, and it coincided with the flowering peak of 3 of the 4 males. Today all the pistils are brown and the calyxes are beginning to get fat. The smallest male, only opened two or 3 flowers, so I don’t think he participated much in the orgy. All 4 males have been eliminated, Ive taken a good shower, and will sneeze from my allergy all day.


sts Destroyer#2 * amnesia1, amnesia6, ssh8, ssh4, destroyer2,destroyer3, sshp1,sshp5. 3 weeks at 11/13 for most plants.


As ex-President Trump would say, “They’re amazing plants, amazing. And they’re growing bigly!”

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ag seeds Original Haze


Surreal f2 seeds, from the red sap twin


Haze#1 cutting, flowering before that the same plant from seed.

Haze#1 plant from seed

24 original haze getting ready for the next rotation.


At least four of my 26 Todd’s Original haze bleed red sap.


Those seeds look like watermelon markings, lol… Interested in the O Haze. I grew the ON Haze an it was nice. Easy grower and a real nice female out of three seeds. peace


The remaining 22 hazes are at 11/13 since the last night. They gonna be under this lamp (200w led) until they show sex. Then i will cut several cuttings from each, and the plants from seed will be eliminated. Some cuttings will be backups, others will be used to make seeds.
I apologize for the horrible appearance of the plants, they are being treated against broadmites.


When do you start spraying STS and how often? I tried Sebring’s instructions on a couple of branches 3 weeks into flowering like his directions said and got nothing.

I plant to start the spray a few days before flipping next time to see if that works better but would like to hear your ideas on that. And what about autos? As soon as they show sex or with fem ones even earlier?

I’ve been making CS for 7 or 8 years at least but never did try it on plants.



Very nice grow


Blockquote When do you start spraying STS and how often? I tried Sebring’s instructions on a couple of branches 3 weeks into flowering like his directions said and got nothing.

The first application, the day of change to 12/12. Then every week / 10 days, until the male flowers are formed. Between 3 and 6 applications, depending on whether the plant is long or short flowering.

Blockquote I plant to start the spray a few days before flipping next time to see if that works better but would like to hear your ideas on that. And what about autos? As soon as they show sex or with fem ones even earlier?

I prefer to start with STS on the day of the change to 12/12, I don’t know how it will work with other schedules. Ive never grown or bred auto seeds, sorry i cant help with that. In particular, i havnt had good experiences with CS, i prefer STS, much more effective.


Hey @anon98660487 glad to see you around, welcome :clap:

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I’m still kicking lol


I shall try that next time with a fresh batch of STS.

Thanks much!


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I hope this is for many years,my best wishes buddy :facepunch:

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