The Reset, Starting over from scratch with/for new(sort of) friends

New light gets here tomorrow mars fce-6500 with uv/ir bars, new tent a few days later(5x5)

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Gonna run the 4in fan from my 2x2 with a car air filter for active air intake. That way I don’t have to worry about light leaks if I want to open the curtains during the day.

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New lights here, new tent Monday.


hey man. i wondered what happened to you so i looked you up and found this. did you ever get those black snows going? i don’t think think you tried my blueberry diesel but if you’re interested i could send a pack of each your way. let me know as i already have to make a trip to the post office. :+1:


Thanks, I loved the black snow! The bbd was unfortunately lost in the fire before even getting a chance to flower

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Thursday Amazon lied about shipping times :joy: may have to top one more time lol. I will use the trellis net this time :sweat_smile:

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Getting the new tent setup and the cheap one taken down(never get the cheapest tent you can find for the size, mid range known brands is the way to go

Got the ladies in the bathtub while I get things torn down, cleaned up and setup. Gave em a bath with @JohnnyPotseed’s miticide recipe 2oz/gallon. Swtg Maryland is straight infested with spider mites


A lot of places have bad infestations of them F’ers! Mild winters do that. Oklahoma is flatout ate up with em, constant battle.


I never had a problem with em in North Carolina, but I also didn’t have fruit trees outside, dogs or other common spider mite vectors.


Ya know… thinking about it, we never had a problem with em in NC either. Coulda been the timeframe we were there, dunno… Right next door in SC, they were bad though!


5x5 is up, fce6500 hung and that was a giant pain in the ass solo :joy: I’d have asked my roomie for help but didn’t want to put them through decontamination protocols :joy: I will absolutely spray a mf with this miticide if they come in my room


Mites suck that’s all I’ll say . Lol

The ones to short to have been much help, a 5x5 is much harder to put up solo than a 4x4, hell i think my 4x8 was easier too, it’s just so awkwardly wide :joy:. Decent quality too, like the zipper flap. Gotta clean my clip fan and probably get another. Doin the active air intake now too should help keep some bugs out. Now I gotta finish this joint, get everyone watered and go to bed.


Nice set up .

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Looking damn good Eugene!

You have some flowmasters for exhaust to go with that K&N?
Nice setup :+1:
Following along

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Tonight will be first night of 12/12 gonna go ahead and give the schwazzing thing a try. Also gonna toss the trellis netting in some miticide before putting it up if I put it up. Hand watering I’m not sure how I’d reach the middle plant lol.

Think I might bite the bullet and get this 9 pot autopot system and give the grow dots a try.


That’s a cool looking system. Automation is the shit.

Well, now I realize why I’ve never done the heavy defols, it’s time consuming and a pain in the ass :joy: I’ve got 5 more to go, guess it’s a good thing I took little that nap earlier.