Tony Greens Tortured Beans

With the timing, I figure it must be, someone’s gonna fess up before too long…


Sowah Grapefruit, maybe the Casey Jones x RIL come to mind


ya I thought one of the Lou Dog workings threw some orange terps , was it the Casey Jones X ?


Yessir @LouDog420 worked the New York Candy Orange line from the Italian gentleman Dr. P/Catnip Seeds into some things that he had on the Beans For St Jude benefit and then Tony’s been working with them for the Ruby Red Gorilla Bubble, Orange Grapefruit Rabbit Hole and then now Sowah Grapefruit:


@LD50 conveniently that’s a pack that’s BOGO at GLG and other banks, my two packs probably have something like 50 seeds between them since Tony does two scooped tubes of “10” per pack, plus the freebies besides. Honestly a killer fuckin deal:

$157 shipped for about 70 seeds and a TGTB rolling tray, shot glass, or flashlight, my homie


@SHSC-1 def a bunch of Casey X work out there leaning toward the oranges, I think @corgitron could probably address the CJSB and others

Or of course @LouDog420 himself can say more than anyone about it from direct experience with the line.

@Connoisseur_Genetics has also done a ton of Casey Jones work and I think he describes a bunch as tropical citrus fruity


I get some tropical fruit from casey, but never any orange. Same with the CJSB. Corg grew out a bunch of the CJSB.

Look towards the rabbit hole or Sowah Grapefruit from tony for the orange grapefruit, imo.

There may be some additional lines on the St Jude thread coming soon with a OG Chem x NYCO mom I found that’s loud orange grapefruit, same as the original NYCO cut but with extra vigor, yield, and potency from the OGC. Awesome plant and should make tasty hybrids. I imagine tony will get his hands on those as well :wink:

Good vibes,


Sounds delicious!

Some linkage:


I missed out. it’s all good. I’ll get some when I’m ready for them


I have a set of ogrh parents picked out if I can keep them alive long enough to find a spot. Year old Jamaican lamsbread from bushman waiting too ha


RIL Fast :crazy_face:


(Ril x Sowah) x Dogpatch(Luckydog)

Long story short…I got hit hard by leaf septoria this season.This cross of mine only got slightly affected on the leaves and while I would have liked to have given her another week or so I decided to chop as weather is not playing the game still… regardless I’m still super impressed with the results-she yielded well and terps are a mind boggling mix of oily// gassy rotten breath if that makes sense
A match made in heaven from work off 3 of my favorite breeders …
Future Collab??nudge nudge wink wink


Bro, I drove to Chicago to meet Skunkva, we chatted it up. Tried to close the deal, didn’t get a yes or a no so left him with a tube of RIL and said hmu sometime. I tried ha


Are there any meaty/fruity terps to be found?


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I talked up your RIL when i met him last May, i should have thought ahead and handed him a fatty, but i wasnt carrying at the moment as i knew i was stopping in on return from airport.

I took a QP with me on that roadtrip.

So Tony, where/when are the shows this season where we east coasters can come and meet some breeders and aquire some genetics?


After 420 is done I’ll be free to hit the road! If I do any events the plan is just to backpack it. Being tied to a table all day sucks when you got no help. Then you’re supposed to be professional and not try to pick up women too lol. I’m open to suggestions though. This is a must visit for Mi peeps tho


Like the man said this will be a very cool event to attend.
Travelers are welcome to attend this event.
I think this is the 7th year in a row, we hope to keep this going as an ongoing annual event.
This is your chance to come out and meet some very cool cannabis loving people.
Some of those fine folks just happen to be well known Cannabis seed breeders.

Do you think you grow the best weed the world has seen?
Submit an entry and see what the rest of the world thinks. :smiley:

The Cannabis cup festivities are on Saturday after dinner.
Camping spots are abundant if you are bringing a tent.
There is plenty of room for big rig campers and motorhomes too.
A limited amount of electrical hook up sites will be available. (I think they are 30 amp??)
The sites do not have water or suage but there is fresh water on site VIA a hose.

Near the pavillion area is a nice sandy beach area, the water is very nice for swimming, there will also be a fishing contest, not sure what the prize is this year.
Last year there were a few canoes and kayaks free to use for fishing ect.

In the past we have a table that is stocked with free weed to smoke as you please.
This allows you to try a whole bunch of differnt weed at your own pace.
Just walk up smell the jars until you find your favorite and smoke it up how and when you like.
Please, no doggie bags… :joy:

Usually if there is enough submitted, we get to sample all of cup entries as a bonus. :yum:






In years past we have been able to offer some awesome swag bags I hope this will continue for this years event.

Last year went great!
@Great_lakes_Genetics always does a fantastic job with this. :partying_face:

There also may or may not be some free elite clones given out.
This will depend on who brings what.

So come on out for an awesome time, eat some free food, meet some breeders, sample some free weed and maybe take home a first place prize and a pretty nice trophy. :exploding_head:


This should be drivable for you folks… I think?



Gotta be from in state to have an entry??? Could use a “get away” around that time :sunglasses:



No you do not, travelers are welcome to attend this event.
I will know more of the gory details very soon.

You would not regret the trip.
Historic Frankenmuth is very close if you have never been there and if that sorta thing interests you.


Find out if an entry can be “mailed” in or brought by other than the grower???