Tracker's garden

~49 days

Low 90’sF today. 2 week outlook is mid to upper 90’sF and sunny, with temps near 100F at 10 to 14 days out.

Gave a good drink of water this evening with no feed. Pics at dusk.

Scoutcicle 1 (left)

Afghani 5 (far right)


Spectacular, as usual my brother. I see you’re using something for ground cover but I can’t tell what it is. Something beneficial to the plants??


Thank you my dude! That’s spruce shavings, small animal bedding material. I like it better than typical garden mulch. Smaller/thinner shaving pieces.


~50 days

David Payne said the high was 94F, but my backyard temp sensor was showing 101F. What do you think @BigMike55? Do you have an outdoor temp sensor? Piedmont’s official high was 99F, and that’s not far from me.

Scoutcicle 1 (left)

Afghani 1 (far left)

Afghani 5 (far right)


~51 days

It is hot outside! Full blast sun!

Scoutcicle 1 (left)

Scoutcicle 2


~52 days

At sunrise

It’s going to be another hot one with temps in mid 90’sF. Fed/watered this morning. They were looking happy.

All of the Afghani’s have yellowing leaves toward the bottoms. I imagine being heavily seeded, they want a lot of food, but the scoutcicles are equally seeded ad not showing the same symptom. Maybe the Afghanis are hungrier plants that like heavier feeding.

Scoutcicle 1 (left)

Afghani 4 (right side inside of #5)

San Marzano setting lots of fruit

Jersey Devil has a fatty

Jalapeños putting a bunch on

Galapagos Habanero my scalp’s tingling just looking at these :boom:


My afghanis have yellow leaves on the bottom too. Are you keeping your soil moist? Mine are on a new garden plot and Im having issues with the soil drying out completely. I usually kill autos with too much water ( root rot ). Hey @Kasper0909 do you keep your soil wet?


I keep the soil moist. It’s well-draining loamy soil with a lot of compost mixed in every year. Anything I’ve ever planted in it does pretty well. The Scoutcicles and pepper plants growing in the same bed and getting the same treatment are doing very well. The symptom looks like typical nitrogen deficiency with lower, older leaves turning yellow, but new growth looks good. I think they’re just hungry plants, at least hungry for N anyway.


All my afghanis have been under fed and yellow :grin: I believe they definately like that nitrogen, especially seeded.


I have come to use a medium that’s not easy to over water. I water when the pots are light but they are still slightly damp. I don’t wait till they droop. Every so often I will let them droop tho just so I know. If I get extra gnats I bottom water for a week.


~53 days

Overcast sky this morning supposed to jump up to low 90’sF this afternoon.

The plants are now pushing out a new wave of white pistils and the buds are growing out again. Starting to get more fragrant too.

Dug up some potatoes this morning too


Loving your raised bed and gorgeos plants. Going to be a good season. :+1: :eyes:


Super excited to see what treasures lie under my potato bush. That little Afghani is gonna look like a green traffic cone. :rofl:


Gorgeous bro. I’m going to have to use some spinosad I guess as the spider mites and leaf miners are tearing up my garden and are just waiting on me to move the plants outside. I know spinosad has a bad rep here which sucks since it seems to work so well. I was planning on putting some bug netting around them as well.


I sprayed the plants just a few times with the mix I previously described. Haven’t applied anything for a few weeks since buds started forming. There’s a little bug damage happening on a few leaves, but getting them to the start of flower pest free is helpful for sure.


I dump these into a wheelbarrow and sift through to find the potatoes. Then dirt back to the fabric pots. Several of the plants still had healthy roots and a few new growth shoots, so I buried them back in there with a generous watering. We’ll see if they give another harvest.

@joheimgrohen Scoutcicle 1 is getting more frosty and fragrant every time I check the garden, which isn’t very often. Yeah right! :rofl:


I might do that, mines starting to take over my little garden area and the more I trim it the more it grows. I see you got the mint. Growing too. That stuff grows like crazy!


I’ve got various things growing in buckets, fabric pots, old planters, raised beds, just popping up around the edges of the yard, etc.


That’s my goal is to have stuff just popping up around the edges of the yard honestly. In the alley too. Putting some sort of garden in the alley is on my bucket list.


~62 days

Hot this past week. Temps showing 105F in the back yard today. I know it says 2023.

Buds have plumped up a bit. Leaves on Afghani’s have turned more yellow. I think #1 is my favorite now. It has swelled up a lot.

Scoutcicle 1 (left)

Scoutcicle 2

Afghani 1 (far left)

Afghani 2

Afghani 3

Afghani 4

Afghani 5 (far right)

Big tomato :tomato: