Tracker's garden

Everything transferred into 3" starter pots now. There were several showing tails poking out already.


I’m partial to names with “Dream” in them for crosses with Blue Dream, but that’s just my convention. Lemonberry Dream has a nice ring to it.



Do you worry about the dew or rain? I was talking to somebody on RUI that said they went out of town for a few days and while out it rained for two days straight on their plants…by the time they got home they were in bud rot. I mean cannabis grows outdoors all the time and gets rained on. I’ve also seen folks say you’re suppose to go out in the mornings and use a blower to blow the dew off and after a rain storm. Do you do any of this?

I do get a lot of dew on the grass out here…maybe the plants do to but by the time I check on them they seem fairly dry.


Did someone say drop some pics?
Dream Genie fem

Indoors, no problems in promix hp and salts.
Diesel or turpintine smell.
Thanks Tracker, I’ll definitely getcha a smoke report when she’s done :call_me_hand:


I don’t see damage from dew, it’s several day stretches of rain and humidity steady that mostly cause problems. And Caterpillars.


Yes. I’ve found that varieties with fatter, denser colas and shorter internodal spacing are more susceptible to rot/mold due to late season precip, especially in the latter part of flower (late Sept through harvest). The fat dense colas allow for moisture to get trapped inside the cola, which gives mold spores a place to grow.

Varieties with a more open structure and less dense colas don’t have as many problems with this. Where bud worms have damaged the buds, there is also a chance for mold to start growing.

I have used a leaf blower or box fan to help dry them off after rain. If you do this, be careful to not blast them too hard and break branches. Also, grab the main trunk and shake the whole plant to get some of the drops off.

Some varieties have origins from more arid desert environments and some come from high humidity tropical environments. The plants from arid environments don’t handle late season precip as well. Hybrids will lean one way or the other depending on what genetic traits were passed to them. From what I’ve seen in my garden, it mostly has to do with the structure of the plant, node spacing, fattness and density of colas. I can tell which ones are going to have problems before it happens.


Looks beautiful


My plants are glistening in the morning, the grass is soaking. But, by noon they are dry. I see some folks saying cover them up when it rains and I was thinking wonder how @tracker does it since his plants are higher than the fence sometimes.

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I just let it rain on my plants outside. What happens in the wild? It gets rained on.
In fact, when I water my yard the plants get washed, as well. Late in the season, I start worrying a bit. Because of bud rot.


I’ve never covered mine when it rains, but I have had big losses on fat beautiful colas when we have late season precip.

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If we get late season rain, I will go out there right after it quits, and give each branch a good shaking. Almost to the point of breaking. (Don’t ask how I know, lol). I have lost lots too tho.


Just curious, when do your photos start flowering… as in about what month / time of month? Late Aug?

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Average start of flower is mid August. I’ve had some start as early as last week July and some as late as first week September.

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First sign of life on a Dream Blush.


Nice, looking forward to the smoke report!


I’ve got 1 Dream Blush, 1 BD1xSLH, and 2 D6’s popping above the soil.


A couple more BD1xSLH popped up.

@Kasper0909 the DB that popped up still has the seed helmet. The seed casing feels very hard. I’m afraid to try to remove it for fear that it will break the cotyledon.


If that happens I’ve had good luck just keeping that seed casing moist till it finally is plyable.

Haha always scary tho trying not to rip their little heads off.


I very carefully pried apart the seed casing and removed it. I was surprised by how hard it was. Hopefully it survives.


I’ve got a Dream Drifter breaching the soil