Tracker's garden

Well… I did something wrong with germination. Only 6 of 26 had breached the soil surface, so I went digging around. Looks like almost everything popped and sprouted a root tail, but they died before getting out of the soil.

I used FFHF with some worm castings and a little extra perlite mixed in. I might have made the soil too wet or maybe I soaked the seeds too long ~25 hours.

All I have up right now are…

2 Dream6 @Tracker
2 BD1xSLH @MNGrower
2 Dream Drifter @InTheWoods

Nothing else survived the first round. I just put more seeds to germ. I’ll soak for only a few hours and make the soil a little less wet.


I tried Ocean Forest one time. Without adding any worm castings. Seeds popped but they burned up. I think OF is too hot to start seedlings.
I always use happy frog mixed with some perlite and never have any burn.


On the last run of auto seeds and this last failed attempt, I was using Happy Frog plus worm castings and extra perlite.

In the past, I used Ocean Forest successfully for a few years. I just picked up some discounted bags of Happy Frog at GrowGen in the spring, so that’s how I ended up using that.

Previously, I would soak the seeds for only an hour or so while I prepared the soil in starter pots or trays. Since germination went well on the last auto run, I figured I’d do the same thing this time, but it was a fail.

Also, I had never used H2O2 in the soak before, but I used it on the attempt that failed. Not sure if I might have done wrong with that, but I cut it out of this second attempt. I’m trying to lean everything back toward the previously successful method.


Maybe those worm castings were a bit too much. ???
I honestly never have a problem with HF.


I don’t know. Everything that didn’t break soil looked like it sprouted roots and then damped off before reaching the surface. Might be a combination of different factors. Too wet, too much worm castings, etc. I put this next round of seeds just barely under the surface and left the soil very loose at the surface. Fingers crossed.


@BigMike55 when I was emptying out the failed starter pots, I found one Chunky Junky that popped up, so add that to the others listed a few posts up. I also put a few more of those to try again.


Oh man :flushed: I hate it when this happens. I’m thinking you might have hit it on the head with too hot or too much water.

Also which “P” number of my seeds did ya plant? Just curious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I planted only P1 because it looked like on your thread that was your favorite for aroma/flavor. If you have another suggestion, I can try a few of those too.


I feel ya. Fried all 6 seedlings from too much heat. They were doing so good too. I have such good luck germinating in mostly cocoa coir. A little labs soak or a couple drops in the soil over the seedling keeps the molds from causing problems and seems to help them germinate. The cocoa is just so airy and clean.


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Dang that’s bummer to see that ratio. I fried and/or damped off plenty of seeds in the past couple runs. Hope the second germ rate is at 95+% . :mechanical_arm:

How many did you try to germ?
I forgot how many I sent you, but I think you have plenty to keep trying with the DD.


I tried like 8 DD’s. 2 popped up and look healthy.

Yes, you sent me plenty. Thank you.


Two of the Dream Feature fems breached the soil. Excited about those!


I chopped the autos at 78 days today. They were ready a week ago, but I wanted to give the seeds an extra week on the vine.

@joheimgrohen Both Scoutcicles were pretty nice with good trichome coverage and aroma. I like Scoutcicle 1 a little better for its aroma, funky, overripe tropical fruit salad.

@Kasper0909 The Afghanis had a lot of variation. My favorites ended up as A1 and A4.

A1 is like a solid cola, thick from the soil to the top. Old school spicy, fruity aroma.

A4 has nice stickiness to it, and it has a very unusual vanilla and spice aroma that I haven’t smelled before on cannabis


These are the survivors. Nine more popped up in the second round, so 15 total. Sex test kit is on the way.

Peppers are dumping

Tomatoes are tasty

Got a baby watermelon popping out

Put down some zinnias where I pulled up potatoes


@InTheWoods @MNGrower

The stem rub smells on both of your Dream6 x Haze work that sprouted in the first attempt are super dank. They smell awesome already, and both types have excellent vigour.


Awesome! I’m stoked to see what you get. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Finger crossed you get more sprouts to look thru in the second attempt.


I think all the seeds that are going to sprout already sprouted. I have 4 mini pots that I didn’t throw out yet, but I think what I got is going to be all there is.

The stem rubs on that DD are very stinky overripe fruit and poopoo, and the plant is still tiny. They usually don’t start smelling that strong this early.


Sorry man just getting back to this. How are the 2 P1 plants doing? Mine are coming along nicely and man I love the structure of these plant.
Trees I tell ya.


Little video :sunglasses:


They look good so far, good vigour and excellent stem rubs very early. I have a couple more P1’s that popped up in the second attempt. Fingers crossed for a nice looking male.