Tracker's garden

Yeah man if I wouldn’t have had that snafu with the spray, I think these would have been all amazing and even more pedal to the metal :sunglasses:

Can’t wait :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Babies looking good. Sex test kit just arrived. I’ll get it out this afternoon. Hopefully, I’ll know what’s up by Monday or Tuesday.


Do a tutorial on that sexing kit. I would be interested.


I’ve seen several labs mentioned on OG, and I’ve only used this one. I can’t say anything about any others. They’ve been good for me. Pricing is good, response time is good.

The kit has small plastic vials with the snap lid, instructions, and a return label.

Plant should have at least a set of true leaves. I wait until they are on the second set. Collect samples by positioning the vial to punch out a piece of leaf. Take care to not cross contaminate because even a small bit of male contamination might cause a male result on a female target sample.

Label the vials, and record which sample corresponds to which target. There will be pieces of leaf poking out from under the lid. What’s important is that the sample inside the vial is isolated. Just remove whatever excess you can easily remove.

Put samples in box and return to lab. Results posted within a day of receipt on their end.

For me, the cost is worth it to know early on for photos. Save on time, effort, and resources.


Very intrigued on how they sex. I hope they are males so you can have options in your project. If not and you have the space, maybe let a lady flower out. I think you’ll enjoy her goods. :grin:

Are the DD the very tiny ones in the middle row, Working on the second leaf sets?


Here’s my outdoor grow, I’m using tubs as hempy buckets and oscomote plus as the fertilizer. These are five weeks into flower. Some of them are fast bud autos and I swear they look like they are ready to chop. Can they really be ready or almost ready in five weeks? I’m concerned as I don’t want to go to long and get bud rot…and we have a week of rain coming up next week out here. I have a tarp to cover the fenced pin they are in but sometimes the rain sneaks up on you.

The small tote as three FB autos and I feel like they are close and would like a opinion. The larger tote has one Jack Herer auto and one shark shock photo which isn’t flowering yet. The Jack Herer looks like it has about another two to three weeks left.

These autos got a rough start and screwed up by putting them into solo cups and they got root bound before I transplanted and started to flower. They’ve only been in these totes for about 4 out of the 5 weeks of flowering.


I’d let photos keep going. When did the autos sprout?

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There’s only one photo…it hasn’t even began to flower. It’s in the same tub as the Jack Herer auto that is flowering…in the larger tub. The smaller tub , blue tub, has three autos. I didn’t even write down when I spouted them, it was my first time with autos. I can say that they started to show flowing while they were in the solo cups about 5 weeks ago. I moved them from the cups into the tubs on 6-19 …so one month ago.

I think the autos were sprouted for at least two months …because they spent around four weeks in cups.

Here’s some I just took of the autos up close after the sun went down with the flash on. My cam isn’t that great.

A pic of them in the solo cups on 6-19 before I transplanted and moved them outdoor.

The third pic down…the grey tub has the jack herer auto and one photo in it. Obviously the auto is on the left.


The autos that I just grew were ready between 60 and 70 days from sprout. I’m sure there is a wide range of time to maturity in autos depending on genetics and environment.

If it’s still throwing out new white pistils, then it’s still making new flower material. You are around 60 to 65 days now, so they’re getting to the harvest window. I like mine to be pretty ripe. Did you pollinate them? are there seeds in there, or just swollen calyxes?


I have just 2 Dream Drifters from the first attempt. They are two of the larger 4 plants.

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I didn’t pollinate …don’t have any experience with that yet but want to. I guess they are just swollen but I saw that to. If they are pollinated then it would have to have happened from the commerical weed farm literally right across the street from me… 100 yards or so. Close enough that when they harvest and open up the green houses it smells like a millions skunks exploded. I wish the sellers and real estate agent would have told me there was a large (legal) commerical grow op on the property behind me before I bought the place.


@InTheWoods these are the 2 Dream Drifters…


@BigMike55 these are the Chunky Junkies

@MNGrower these are the BDxSLH


@Kasper0909 these are the 2 Dream Blushes that survived the second attempt.


Awesome man they are looking great :sunglasses:


impressive grow! :seedling:


Nice! Some fat little leaves on number 4. :+1:


It’s been 23 days since I soaked the first attempt for this run, and the second attempt started about a week after that. Should have sex test info by this evening. A few of them are showing signs of root bound stress.

The selected females will get planted in the raised bed in the next few days, and a male or two will go in a 5gal bucket or fabric pot. That will give them 2 to 3 weeks of veg before the flower stretch happens.


Sex test results are in…

Dream Blush 2F 0M @Kasper0909
BDSLH 3F 1M @MNGrower
Chunky Junky 1F 3M @BigMike55
Dream Drifter 2F 0M @InTheWoods

I’ll run 1 female of each plus 1 Dream6 fem and 1 Dream Feature fem.

I’ll use the BDSLH @MNGrower male to make beans on everything.


Only one female out of four. I’m gonna hafta make some female seeds.

I have eight Chunky Junky babies that I’m about to flip to 12/12 for a few days so I can get the boys and girls separated. Then determine if I want to make female seeds, regular seeds, or what. I topped all of them yesterday. Ill give them about a week and then try to sex them out.