TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2020

Trimmed 3 plants, two Dark Sparks and one Dark Devil x Sugar Black Rose.

The Dark Sparks were double planted so didnt really get many good pics of them as I just cut the branches off to trim while the plants were still in the tent.

This green dark spark pheno grew short and stout with a half a dozen or so side branches with a big, dense, round bud at the tops.

This second one also was a double plant and a bit of a mutant.

This Dark Spark here got light bleached really bad and had a lot go foxtailing and scorched leaves. Bit of a mess but yielded well.

Then came this monster Dark Devil x Sugar Black Rose

4 main colas trimmed

Barely made a dent

And I still have 9 plants to go, some of which are even bigger. It should be a good harvest!


Looks like you’ve got some trim jail :sweat_smile: but with really superb results :heart_eyes:, enjoy your smoke … beer3|nullxnull


Very well done! Trim jail is one of my favorite ways to hate spending hours bent over a table :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All the judges are holding 10’s!!!
Except the Romanian judge holding 9 (because of the figure skating) :sunglasses: :+1:



:heart_eyes::open_mouth: Wonderful looking plants Trev, you’re definitely on a roll :+1:


Beautiful plants. Nicest Autos I’ve ever seen! RESPECT! What are you feeding those beefy girls?



Thanks guys, thankfully I’m only trimming one or two plants at a time, else I’d be serving hard time in trim jail this week lol.

This round I decided to give the new MegaCrop V3 a try. I fed at ~1.5ec through almost the entire grow. Along with MegaCrop I also used .3ml per gallon of DripClean to help with the salt buildup issues I was having from previous runs. Not sure if it made a difference yet but I don’t think it hurt.

Irrigation schedule was every 6hrs with runoff.


Very nice. Do you think 1.5ec converts to 4 or 5gr per gallon if hand feeding? Old hippie needs to know. Thanks brother. Some fine work. Version 3 is a two part correct?



Version 3 is still one part, just a reformulation and it comes in a finer white powder instead of chunky brown. (They also came out with a 2 part though which I think you’re referring to)

Honestly I’ve been pretty sloppy as of late, I use the big scoop that came with the original megacrop and I put 4.5 scoops into my 9gal mixing bin and it ends up between 1.4 and 1.5 (my tap is .1) and I just go with that.

Something to consider when using weight as a means of measuring a dry nutrient like MegaCrop is that its weight changes as moisture gets into it. For example my current bag which was 2.5kg feels like it gained weight by sitting in the basement despite me using it for a full grow. It’s a significant change.

All that said I do like the new MegaCrop. I still ran into some feed issues but more from too much input than not enough. Low calcium always seems to be a problem when I run MC in coco and I might try to work some calmag back into the schedule next round to help with that.


Playing around with some macro photography today. It’s clear I have a lot of learning to do in order to get the right shot.

But initial tests are promising…


Those are pretty buds , awesome job


Just waiting on these last 3 FAM plants to finish.

They are way too old to still be finishing up. Hell, I cut back my nutrients last week thinking they’d be done by now but here we are a week later they’re still growing and fading and consuming themselves like crazy due to the drop in nutrition.

They look and smell really dank, though, with two of them having a musty, skunky smell and the other has hints of that gym sock/cheese smell. And they’re quite large, too, might even be the top yielders this run.


Looks like they are still stacking it on. What are the trichomes like?


A mix, really. One of the plants has a ton of ripe trichomes but also a ton of clear ones and one plant has mostly cloudy but is the plant that’s still throwing out alot of new flower.

Annoying, especially when they’re so unhappy nutritionally. Is what it is, though.


I hate when they start throwing amber then you think your close only to have them keep growing and more clear keep popping up.


They’re also like a month past when I expected them to finish from past experience.

All 3 had some hormonal issues about half way through. They started doing some intersex wackiness just on their lower halves. I’m sure I was quite late in catching it and these remaining plants are likely seeded pretty heavily. Maybe that’s what is slowing them down idk. I dont want to still be growing them next week, so their days are numbered nonetheless.


Yes @TrevorLahey! I know just how you feel. I’m gonna kill me some slow growin’ bitches.

Blessings my friend…



The only comment I have is it’s too clean. Needs some dirt and dead leaves. Lol
Looks great man.




Damn son!!! You’ve been killing it!!!
Looks like you got your new setup dialed in. Nice buds/hauls!!


Damn has it really been 11 days? Been busy. Will give an update on what’s going on in the grows today or tomorrow but here is what the last 11 days have looked like.

I harvested the last 3 of my plants 9 days or so ago.

They were pretty impressive:

8 days later

+4 jars not pictured

Should keep me going until next harvest. I’ll post an update soon about what’s growing now but I’m about 30-40 days out on one tent full of Dark Sparks and I just started a new batch of seedlings from some of @Mr.Sparkle s latest creation.