TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2020

No wonder I can’t find any jars to buy, your conering the market on them and filling them up. That’s a pretty impressive load of bud Trev, you are going to need a load more jars soon when the outdoor plants need chopping.

Your grow seems to be getting better with every new set of plants :+1: nice work man.


That’s a great deal of meds you got there @TrevorLahey :v::v::grin: nice work on them!!!


So I ordered a set of hash bags the other day. Wasn’t sure what I was going to do with them but was a little tired of the multi-day process of solvent extraction.

I initially planned to do a dry sift using dry ice but its availability here is intermittent this time of year.

I really didn’t want to do the classic ice and water “bubble” method because it takes a long time, gotta buy ice and is really messy.

I’m just looking for some half decent sift for bowl topping and mixing in with joints.

So I read a post on another forum about using frozen marbles to aid in agitation and drop temps and since I had marbles on hand I figured why not.

Top layer was 220micron and about 20 assorted size marbles. I tossed in two zips of old trim and got to sifting and jostling the bucket around.

Second layer was 160micron and also had a handful of small marbles to help agitate even more. The product in this screen I thought would be low grade but it’s actually pretty good.

Marbles removed and gathered up a bit

Final layer was the 25micron catch layer no marbles

Stuffed these two dab containers and compressed it down a little. Left one is 220 right one is 160

I really wasnt looking for a super refined 75micron end product, just something to spice up my bowls and joints.

And this was only a quick sift, I can still run the same material back through a few more times and for longer and get even more! There looks to still be a lot of goodness left on it. And I got bags and bags and bags of this stuff laying around. Pretty sweet.


In my mind I am seeing you rolling around on your bed with big bags of trim, pulling it out and throwing it everywhere :joy:


So I havent posted in a while. Honestly I’m in the depths of depression and it’s really kicking my ass. On top of that (or maybe even because of it) everything has been going to shit.

My outdoor garden got absolutely infested (think of the worst borg infestation you ever heard of, multiply it by 10) with spider mites. Lots of bud rot too. Been trying to work myself up to chopping it and throwing most of it away but I’m just so grossed out being around these plants I sometimes go a week without even walking back to look at them.

Then the expectations and pressures of the people in my life judging me and pissed that I’m throwing it all away (although they never even so much as helped me water them) calling me “lazy” because I’m too nervous of picking up some pest or disease and bringing it into my house so I’ve had to neglect the plants entirely.

Was finally gonna chop em yesterday then rain hit and made the fungal issues even worse.

Indoor grow is also gone to shit, despite my hest efforts.

Had them being watered 4 times a day automatically at pH 6.0-6.2 and 1.5ec then this started happening… I took em off water because I thought they were overwatered and needed to dry out but they just got worse without drying out at all they just stayed sopping wet for 3 days and now are quickly going downhill.

This happens every single run no matter what I try I’ve changed nutrients, irrigation systems and habits, strains, lights. I mean seriously wtf am I doing every single round that is killing my plants. I checked it’s been over a year and like 10+ runs and this happens every single time to some degree.

So yeah depressed beyond belief, no one to really talk to about it so as sad and pathetic as it sounds I come here looking for some kind of support I just dont know what.


I’m feeling it too man. I ended up trashing 3/4 of my indoor because of PM. Last run I yielded a pound. This run I yielded 65 grams so it sucks, I know.

I also get not wanting to go near your infested outdoor. I won’t go within a 5 foot perimeter of other people plants (even ones where I set up the whole operation) because I have the same fear.

As far as “lazy” they can just go fuck themselves. Do they grow? Do they know how much work it is? Do they understand the labour of love that is growing? I bet they don’t.

All the best.


Not sad and pathetic at all!! A lot of us come here for support. I am a new grower, so can’t help much with the plants. Sometimes it helps to vent and this is a perfect place!!


I’ve had whole crops trashed at week 5/6 of bud due to shit happening. Or a few weeks into veg and everyone’s going to crap for no reason. As long as you’ve still got reserve and haven’t had to roll roaches dig through your seed stash pick out something interesting and give her again.
Don’t let the devil :smiling_imp: lettuce fuck with you show him who’s boss!


Been there too, was also a tough time for me.

Yeah theres a fairly large peanut gallery in my life of friends and family who give me shit when I fail. Last year just like this year I had to toss alot of my outdoor garden due to rot, and I still am getting shit from people how I should have done more to prevent it.

So through this whole ordeal with the current outdoor I’m thinking “Ok so it’s not as big of a deal as last year because I finally have the indoor outputting enough to keep me and my family with smoke between harvests”

But then this current indoor run is shitting the bed real quick on top of it all so it’s just an extra kick in the nuts.


Lol all well and good and that’s basically what I’ve been doing for a year straight yet still having the exact same issues over and over again feels like I’m going insane y’know? Like sure drop some more interesting seeds just to watch them wilt and die like posted above over and over and over again. Sure takes a toll on a guys morale.

I dont even like posting here or on discord about it anymore as I feel like I’m a broken record and people are sick of hearing about Trevor’s sick plants. I mean the community have offered plenty of good suggestions and I’ve tried mostly all of them to solve these issues so if it’s still happening why even bother updating the journal anymore know what I mean? Idk I’m just rambling lol


I hear you. One I’ve been hearing recently is “well it’s a weed it just grows” to which I say “if it’s so easy go ahead and do it, jackass.”

Somebody gave me shit for my bleach experiment but then in the same breath told me how he drenched his plants with copper (or whatever, I had stopped listening) at 6 weeks flower.

All you can do is make decisions and move forward. I could probably have saved a little more of my recent grow but I decided to cull them. Best decision? Maybe not. But I don’t regret it because I had to make a decision.

Buy them some peanuts, nod your head agreeably, then do whatever you were going to do anyway.

Growing weed is like driving - everybody thinks they’re better than average.

All the best.


Sorry to hear this Trev, I have been going through the same thing this year as you know with the mites and soil problems.

It does drive you away from the plants, the more you look at them the more despondent you get because you cant get rid of the fucking mites, and its just to depressing to keep battling them and watching the plants get worse, plus the worry of contamination spreading anytime you get near them. Just for peace of mind I think its easier to bin the lot, it was disgusting just thinking about them. In the end I made some oil from the last 2 plants worth of bud, that were suffering with mites, after I dragged them back out of the fire pit lol.

I have only just worked out my PH pen is running .88 to high, probably been like it since the beginning of the year, and why the plants constantly look crap, luckily its not too bad in soil with the buffers, but I feel happier knowing I have probably found my problem. I have been checking the pens PH accuracy with the solution that came with the meter, I thought it would remain stable over time, I used it up and bought some new PH test yesterday, and tested the meter, and was horrified that what was 7 was reading 7.88 and what was 4 was reading 4.53. It answers a lot of questions for me and today I actually feel optimistic to start growing again, rather than just doing it because I have too, knowing its going to be crap for some reason I cant fathom lol.

The break I took for a month helped as well and doing the autos as they are more plug and play and I didn’t really care how they came out, it was more a test for the soil change up I did which is probably going to need looking at again now the PH should be right lol.


Many challenges at this point in time.
Grow or personal, we are here for you.

I completely stopped growing for 6 months to help eliminate stress. For me, growing can be stressful because it’s a constant responsibility.

If you need help with coco, just holler at me!

Soil - Imma soil dummy. :laughing:


Are you able to move a tent to a different area of your house? Considering everything you’ve tried at this point it seems environment is the only variable left.

In my case I can now definitively say my pm issues are caused by my basement somehow. I did my seed run up in a bedroom using mothers that had previously had pm and didn’t see a speck the whole run, so something ain’t right down there.


I once spent over a year dealing with every single plant dying by the end of flower before I realized I had something in my room off gassing. The plants would do well as long as they were growing fast enough to out compete the problem, but by the time they slowed down after the stretch the race toward death would take over.

I feel ya.


Maybe radon? Might want to check it out for your own health’s sake.


yeah could definitely be a gas issue… I’m unfamiliar with everything you’ve tried so far but my only initial 2cents would say maybe bad batch of coco? or have you tried using ro/distilled water?


So I decided I was going to flush these plants out and take some runoff readings to see if there was anything telling there. The EC was at 1.5 which should be fine, but it smelled SOOOOOO bad.

Even though it was 1.5 it was so much darker than a freshly mixed batch. And it smelled like raw sewage and cat piss.

Needless to say I cleaned out the res (which was also nasty despite only being filled a few days ago) and sanitized things. Since I flushed em with freshly mixed stuff I’m going to give em a day or two to dry out as they’re super wet.

@Mr.Sparkle suggested I put a towel under em for a half hour or so to wick out some of the moisture so I tried that too.

Outdoor yeah @Shadey just coming to terms with the fact I gotta chop and toss it all. Then actually doing it without cross contamination issues. Gonna try to wrap my head around it again tomorrow.

I hope its not a gas issue, but it does pop up alot on me despite having made so many adjustments.

In the end though I feel like I always end up blaming the same thing: excess buildup and funky stuff going on in my root zone

Thinking I should switch my system to DTW so I’m not dragging all the nasty stuff back into my res constantly and can be sure they are always recieving what I want to give them feed-wise.

Thanks for all the suggestions and support everyone!


When I did that with fabric pots, I the towel dried the plants out pretty well in 24 hours.


I just did about 45m and the towel was fully saturated… what a crazy trick…