Trimming, how y’all doing it?

I can’t Say for sure,but I do prefer using my hands because I am still a NEWBIE and could do more damage with a self constructed trimmer.

Yeah man, I spent 20 hours on 2 lbs last time. I can’t afford to spend that long on it. The flower is pretty though. I hope to cut my scissors time in half with this guy


Yes,trim jail Is fucking real friend…I have the time actually,but Will have to figure a way for the future

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Ain’t say mine was ugly(y’all’s looks great too) just sick of dipshits being like “cmon that’s homegrown let me get a deal”


That’s beautiful

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My fingers hurt just looking at that beast.


Yes friend,that shit Is a scissor for…vaping cotton.Yes.Vaping cotton.Rebuilding atomizer for vaping devices.I use It for trimming and It hurst like hell.My plants are small autos,and It hurts Just trimming those…


one of my favorite plants has way too many leaves inside the bud that are not rich in crystals so i absolutely have to pluck out most of them to have a good smoke. I do this when the buds have some humidity left in them and i simplu pull out the entire leaf. Some other strains give me thick nugs that need very little trimming. So it is a matter of strain and how the bud grows.

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I get my trimmers from the Dollar Tree, I buy about 10 spring loaded trimmers…mine have lasted over 15+yrs.


There is one thing that I avoid and when I see it I have to speak up.
It is so ugly to see a hair coming out of a bud, I do have pets and usually some hairs get into the growroom but I remove one by one so my weed look clean.

Anyone agree?


Oh yay one of the few threads I get to show off :joy::joy::joy:

I use my TrimPal 2lb trimmer, throw a bunch of buds off the main seems in, twist a knob and let her go, boy was it one of my favorite investments I made. Saves me literal weeks of time all year long, plus all my friends get their weed trimmed for free or I won’t turn down an ounce if they feel real generous

Also, it got cleaned before using again :joy: if the weed is too wet a lot of the small stuff rubs and leaves trichomes on the metal, the amount of dryness is a huge factor


Very very high…with good company and good music to keep us focused on the task at hand - getting out of trim jail.

These help too:


I think I’m in love with that sweet piece of metal. Can’t spend the 3k to get new but if I saw I used one, well a boy can dream

How long do you dry before you put in? What’s it look like before and after would be great. Just some quick snaps supper supper cool, please.


Lol yeah, I’m pretty good about storing clean, but when I take one out there’s cat hair in the air so it attaches :joy:


I think the one with the moustache did it.


I did not mean to load that many photos my bad :joy:


Stupid phone just auto selected half my gallery :joy:

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It was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick. He definitely did it… he also faked the moon landing. The kittens are just a red herring, cat hair can’t blow in the wind when there’s no atmosphere.


No way they let a moustache like that on the moon.


A mustache like that goes wherever it wants…