Trimming, how y’all doing it?

Goal before next harvest is to setup a 4’x 12’ drying/trimming/storage room. No more cat hair! Most other people would probably just have less cats :sweat_smile:


Sometimes I see 3 or four in a bud, I really need to remove my dogs hairs and when the light come up I see my clothes and I am the problem.
But if it doesn’t come out, shave it! :rofl:

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The atmosphere is lie made up by the devil worshiping atheist pedofiles in the deepstate :crazy_face::woozy_face:

(Joking for clarity almost forgot it’s 2022 and this might be a thing someone actually believes)


Wow just looking at some of these scissor pictures are giving me hand cramps. A couple pairs are good scissors and a jar of iso to soak in between trade offs is worth its weight in gold. Spring scissors will kill your hands.

These are awesome. I will never use anything else and I have used a ton. (Fiskers pruning with anti stick coat and a couple of loops cut out of the spring are a distant second.


I’ve got several pairs of the No stick fiskars.

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I need to pay less attention to the news, because I actually understood what this was a reference to. :stuck_out_tongue: I’d be much happier if I didn’t, but here we are…

I’m so out of the loop I didn’t realize I was referencing anything in particular 🫤

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I just grab my trimmers and get at it. I like to wet trim but did dry trimming the last couple times. Was nice with a trim bin to collect the falling trichomes.


Quick example without having to half drunkenly search too much, sometimes they leave what I like to call “happy hands”, small leafs that just snap off easily. No matter what though it takes away 90% of my work when it comes to trimming. Yeah the price was a bit high but my time is more valuable than cash all day long, the hours I get to spend having fun with my family instead of making my family help me trim are priceless. Mind you I just grow for myself, maybe a little side hustle but I do all this for me essentially

5-7 days dry time is usually the ticket, I can usually feel if it’s dry enough, the tumbling motion brings out latent moisture in the nugs which can mess with things sometimes.


My fav set of Snips by far! I have some bent tip ones :+1:

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Same here. I used to use a cheaper pair of fiskars spring loaded ones and I got the worst blisters ever after trimming lbs of weed. I switched to a pair of Chikamasa and although the hand trimming is still one of my least favourite things to do, it hurts much less without blisters.

I still wonder if there’s a better pair out there. I have the coated ones but I find they still get gunked up after awhile and don’t seem as sharp as when I got them. I’d be willing to shell out a decent amount of money for a really good pair that compares to one of my japanese kitchen knives. Some you could even maybe take the 2 sides apart and sharpen with a stone.


I have the fluorine coated ones. They do get gunked up still…but you just switch em out and wipe off the iso/gunk when you pull your set that was soaking. Comes off in one swipe. I haven’t noticed mine less sharp…but maybe I’m oblivious and haven’t noticed. For $20 it wouldn’t bother me if I just had to buy a couple new ones every couple of years.

But yea I would be all for a better option. Maybe in a few years when things even become more mainstream somethjng will come out……but then we will have to worry about “hype” scissors lol. Canna shredder 9000’s. When it absolutely needs to be the closest trim possible. Gillette will come out with a 5 bladed scissor.


Thank you sir. Time is by far the most precious commodity.

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Hormones and trimmers :wink:

How I do it?
Too much.
Too much is my answer.

Nah really, observe the bud structure. Turn that into polygons and follow the dotted lines.


Purple looks nice on ya.



one of those looks like some silver haze!

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This stuff is kinda expensive but works extremely well .


On day 21 of flowering I remove all sucker leaves and trim the plant down so that they look like sticks I leave about 2 leaves near the top they look pretty ratty when I’m done but they always fill right up with bud and there’s so much less to trim when they’re ready


I usually am Mr. Pick McPicker.
I’ll try and pick off every bud site within an extended “Hang Loose” :call_me_hand: of the top of the plant.
…I guess I’m old and my hand signs have been usurped by a younger generation. 8^).
Now the problem is when to make that final call…
I’ll be picking from onset of flower way low where you know the buds won’t turn into anything.
Move up after the stretch, but not all the way.
This isn’t lolipopping or defoliation, as the solar panel fans are left.
…Just pinching off the little bit of a new bud site.


dude up grade the sword / knife. your thumb will thank you… my thumb hurts just looking thinking about this.