Trying to Identify another Defeciency

Vermicompost or worm castings… PK boosters for sure, and it makes the soil more alive.

Or if you are cheapskate like me, I’ve been know to gather worms and relocate them into the garden directly. Bury some rotted fruit and compost in there to keep them happy. Works good for my veggie garden outdoors.


Make a nice worm tea 1/4 cup per gallon of declorinated water bubbled for 24 hours should do the trick a think you would see great results 2-3 days .


Any bloom fertilizer will take care of it. If your plant suddenly grew then you might have used the available phosphorous and there isn’t a lot you can do because the nutes are there but you used them faster than the soil can supply. That is a plus for hydroponics. Adding more will help but do it too often and you change the ph of the soil and get salt lockout. You have to learn what you are growing and what it can tolerate. One leaf wouldn’t worry me. a good percentage of the lower leaves suddenly would be a problem.
Edit: Worm tea would work great! @Tinytuttle @GrowerGoneWild

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What do you mean by solar panel? Is that a bad thing that I took the leaf off?

The leaf in the pic seems to have a lot of aphids around the petiole, are they on the plant too or just jumped onto the leaf while on the floor.

Solar panel he is refering to the leaf as a solar panle it gets the sunlight, photosynthesis…


I don’t know how to diagnose aphids. I assumed I was doing good with pest control using diluted neem oil as I was suggested to do.
What do you suggest
A couple pics of the girls


A magnifying glass to look, spray the undersides of the leaves too, its not possible to completely prevent outdoors, you canplant other types of plants around them that aphids dont like as a detterent also.

I have marked the bits I can see, the left finger of the leaf seems to have some bumps in the oval, suggesting thrips possibly or other aphids.


ok thanks for the suggestion. Im def on it .

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Good eye there Herbie! @4HundredFifty3 i was just teasing you for pulling a leaf. I leave a lot of leaves on my plant as safety. Leaves are your reserves, solar panels, and sugar manufacturing devices.

lol oh ok. cool.

I have seen other growers lollipop the shit out their plants and til there is barely any foliage. You dont suggest this?

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Not at this point you need your leaves for plant energy I’m realitivly new to growing but I think that’s meant more around late flower!

That was a great observation @Herbie I would of missed that also but I can so those putos on zoom!


To me those plants look great for being out doors not much leaf munching going on from what I see but do keep an eye out for those aphids !


Check and see if you have those pesky little black ants running around. They actually farm aphids for there sugars. A little Diatomaceous earth around your plants and you should be good. Remove or spray pyrethrum to kill all the buggers first. I don’t lollipop severely but do clean the undercarriage and a few up top if they overlap and sweat on each other. If something goes wrong and all your leaves are gone the effects will show on the buds first not the leaves.


I tried safer soap brand and really liked the effects it had on aphids in my yard !

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what brand did you use? and do you dilute with water?

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That’s the name of it “SAFER Soap” little silver/grey colored bottle 2oz in a gallon of water in a pressure sprayer safe for beneficial I believe !


This product is pyrethrum based pretty sure its extract from chrysanthamums


Here another one that can be sprayed and watered Microbial RTU I think from memeory its an australian product but widely available.


A powder aimed at prevention and cure.

Have a look at here, see what the active ingredients are and you may be able to find something that you can get cheaper with the same ingredients in.