Uknow808 (Hawai'i, Outdoor Grow, Medical.)"

Yup agreed :+1:t5:

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:

Video 6

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:

Have inspired my cousin in Hawaii to have a serious go at a personal grow on Big Island this spring. You probably answered this question but where’s best to source soil/amendments in your area? She said potting soil is expensive, like everything else there…


Yea it is pretty expensive here lol :rofl:

Ive been trying a couple different ones…

Tried this Kellogg’s soil but I feel its a little on the dirty side.

This is from our Walmart

I also use promix or sunshine mix from Ace Hardware

Black gold is another good one From Ace Hardware, Home depot or Walmart.

My fertilizer and stuff I use Amazon cheaper then most local places.

But I use more organic friendly and avoid chemicals.

This blood meal was from Ebay

These Epsoma Organic is available at our home depot for a decent price but bigger quantity available on Amazon

Down to earth products through amazon also

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Much thanks my friend! My cousin is visiting her Hanai Family in Yelapa thru end of May, taking a moment for herself after full time caretaking her folks for the past 20 years, trying to figure out her future path. She will have much more time for herself when she gets back to the island, and has a great love of this medicine as we do!!!


Not a problem man :+1:t5:

O she will have a blast growing in Hawaii for sure.

It’s so therapeutic.

Does she need to link up with a
Local Doctor here in Hawaii for the medical part ?

If so I might be able to help with that.

I can refer you to a Doctor here for medical card

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Appreciate the offer, think she already has one. She’s been on Big Island for @ 28-30 years! Pretty hooked in with , well, everything there. Her folks have a coffee macadamia farm in Honaunau, but discord among the kids means it will now be sold :slightly_frowning_face: and too rich for me to buy it. She and her husband in Ocean View Estates, decent private lot, lotta native trees, catchment, south facing hill. Former outrigger crew like me!


Wow yeah they in a really nice spot.

Sucks that they got to sell the company.

But they in a nice spot for sure to grow some massive plants :seedling:

Are they planning to try out a company in the cannibis industry ?

Or just testing the waters?

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:

Thinking just serious headstash for friends family and Hanai family on the island…they have enough. They are not fancy or arrogant, just good peeps who know it’s the love u give, not the money you make!


That’s awesome. Great people

Yea I smoke so much :fire: :triumph: :dash:

I’d would never be able to sell lol :rofl:

Or I’d have to buy from someone else :joy:

Dont want to do that again lol :laughing: too costly.

I’m hoping for some type of job in the cannibis industry… it would fun I think :thinking: reason I asked if they were planning a company :rofl: Looking for some jobs lol

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Got it braddah, all my income since last St. Patrick’s day has been under the table/side jobs for cash & unemployment. Was in executive transportation, when travel ended, that ended. Will fall back on my IT/Accounting degree after vaccinations. My girl is in banking, and working from home the last year! Would like to work from wherever we want to be at the moment, which is much more feasible in the long run now than it was a year ago!


Watching to see when it (the farm) goes up for sale, may pull out all stops to grab it. This upper-Midwest sub-zero shit is getting on my nerves!

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Hell yea @Sasquatch do it, That would be sick.

Your own little plot in paradise :palm_tree: :rainbow:

Atleast you guys know other things to keep things in motion workwise.

I’ve been just chilling out since this covid shet but its slowly going away so more jobs will open up here soon, Hopefully :joy:

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Hawaii is the best, I tell my wife all the time “Id rather live in Hawaii in a cinder block hut, than a mansion anywhere else”. Its just that good.


True that :+1:t5:

It is a very beautiful place here.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Crazy Weather in Hawaii :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


:nerd_face: :call_me_hand: I’m gonna blame that street right above the slide. Water running down it & from all the houses(where plants would normally be). No doubt some strong weather, but I still think we cause most of our own problems for some reason. :sweat_smile:

This haole gonna be movin to Big Island soon… just gotta get my dog there without putting her in cargo…makes me terrified.

The month I spent there was like starting a dope addiction or something. Pele seems to be OK with me, so far. :laughing:



Move to Big Island in my future as well!!!


@cannabissequoia for sure bad designing as you stated.

Hell yea would be nice to meet you guys here in Hawaii @cannabissequoia and @Sasquatch

Would be nice to meet everyone one here on OG also.

@cannabissequoia try getting your dog, service certified might help with transporting her here.

One friend of ours from Baltimore showed us by getting his dog service certified, he was able to bring it with him on the plane.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Lot of growers on big island lol. Hawaii is great for cannabis growing. Just gotta watch out for the humidity and mold