Unomas vs. the 2x4 Perpetual of Doom

Quick update:

Day 79…chopped!

It was really LOUD after I chopped it. No specific scent, just an overpowering weed smell. Haven’t anything this loud in a while!

That’s all folks, have a great weekend!


Great way to end the week!

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Day 35

Getting ugly earlier than last time (by a few days). I’m thinking I didn’t reamend the soil with enough nutrients. Oh well…next time! Leaf necrosis will happen next after this weird discoloring and spotting. Good news though, no nanners so far. I’m keeping the light at 70% to be on the safe side. She’s smelling like pine right now.

TK (2nd run)
Day 2
Height: 22”

I started pinching the stems today to slow down stretch, even though most of the stems are woody. This one had some LST during veg, super cropped once, maybe topped once? I forgot…all I know is this one likes to get very lanky and I did every I could to contain its size during veg :sweat_smile:


Day 41

No complaints. Buds started swelling up on day 39. Very happy with this run so far. The only difference between this and the previous run is I’m using ferments this time around. Pumpkin ferment from a local-ish company to be exact. I’ve been top watering it in once a week. So far, the buds are noticeably larger at this point compared to last time…I think that’s the proof that pumpkin ferment does work for increasing yield :pray: (we’ll see for sure come harvest but my uncalibrated eyeballs are telling me I’m getting more buds)

The same company also has a peach ferment that’s used for the last 3 weeks of flower. Can’t wait to try that out and see if it makes a difference; apparently it may increase terpenes. I’ve used it on the two Secret Chiefs and TK…all came out very fragrant and smell excellent. BUT I don’t know if those strains are like that as-is or if it’s because of the peach ferment. So the C91 will be the real test.

Day 8
Height: 24.5”

Check out that variegated leaf. Have you seen this on your cut @syzygy ?

I owe you guys some smoke reports! I’m testing TK right now…loving it so far. More details to come.

Secret Chief #2 was excellent smoke. I posted a full report here: Bodhi Plant Guide - #880 by unomas

Secret Chief #1 (the huge OG looking one) was a letdown…all show, no go. Potency isn’t great. It takes twice the amount of bud to get the same effects as SC #2.


Yes, one of my neglected mothers under a 20w LED did that and my outdoor TK as well. I got rid of that one after I saw it and have yet to see it on any of the other mothers - will try to get pictures if it does return.


Day 55

The leaves remind of the infrared vision from the Predator movies. I noticed some of the lowers have a lot of orange pistils already compared to the tops…hopefully it’s nothing to be worried about :thinking:

Day 22
Height: 32.5”

The “pinching stems every other day” tech seems to working well. She bushed out a lot more than last time.

The search continues for a strain that works for Mrs. Uno. She gets anxiety and panic attacks randomly, seems like this happens more when she gets overwhelmed by her senses (this happens when she’s sober or high). It’s so weird…our SSDD keeper worked with her body for the longest time (no anxiety or paranoia). Then she switched to C91 for something more potent. That worked for a while and eventually she started getting paranoid/anxious off both the C91 and SSDD…

Do you haves have any strain recommendations? I’m open for anything right now. I popped the following to see if they’ll be compatible with her:

  1. Soulmate (Pinesoul x Wookie 15) - Bodhi
  2. Flight Risk ((GSC x T1000) x Ruthless Runtz) - CSI

I got two Triple Sunshine F2 (TK x SSDD) teens also. One looks like it’ll be female :pray:

More pics next time, homies! Have a great weekend and don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do!


SunRA may take a bit of hunting but is still one of my most memorable strains grown from seed. Would also suggest TK/TS but you already have the TK. How does she react to the TK? Could also try taking a TK branch or two down a bit earlier (day 65-70) if the later harvested stuff is too strong.

I think when dealing with anxiety like that the ultra potent bud is always a bigger risk. Might be worth trying to avoid anything known for debilitating power and limiting consumption in one sitting.


The TK is definitely overwhelming for her. She first tried it right before we went to a concert. In the middle of the opening act, she started having a panic attack because of the laser show and how loud the music was (when you can feel the vibrations on your chest). By the time the main act came on (like 45 mins later), she was totally fine and enjoying it!

The beginning of the high, for me, is pretty intense too. It’s my “get stuff done” weed. It’s not something I can vape/smoke and sit around and do nothing. My mind races if I do. It keeps me up at night too if I smoke it during the evening! How does it make you feel?

Your TS keeper, you said its effects were close to the high and intensity of TK?

Thanks for recommending SunRa, I’ll keep my eye out for it.


TK for me comes on fast and does seem to mesh well with mental or physical activities. I don’t consume a ton of anything but 2-3 hits is reliably strong enough. I can smoke a bit more of the TS and so by that metric I feel like the TK is stronger than the TS. I don’t get any mind racing on TK but it does seem to enhance my ability to focus like coffee. When I think racing mind I think scatterbrained highs where it’s hard to hold a thought. I usually don’t consume the TK within 2 hours of when I want to sleep though as it is mentally stimulating.

My Triple Sunshine affects me like TK, and there is a bit of SSDD calmness present. A handful of people locally have told me it’s stronger than the TK that I’ve grown, but I’m still unsure on that one. Could be… I don’t consume enough to have a solid opinion on that. My past 2 grows of the TK I would have said that TS seems to be a superior plant but with this coco run the tk is really looking spectacular so far. I like both plants and flower.

SunRa for me was very similar to the TK / TS but not as strong - even more functional. Probably just a good OG type like the TK. Limiting how much is smoked in one sitting seems to be key with anxiety - cannabis induced or otherwise.


I’m convinced we have the same cut! TK definitely pairs well with coffee. Yeah, if I’m not doing something, my mind will just run wild and I end up worrying about some non-trivial stuff or worry about things that aren’t even an issue…after typing this out, I just realized I described my anxiety. So I guess TK can be anxiety inducing for me and the wife (only in the beginning of the high).

Well….that’s the problem with me and the wife :joy: that’s how I got my user name. I’m always down for one more! Her issue is she likes to have too much fun and doesn’t know when to cut herself off :joy:

So far, I think TK > C91 plant-wise. TK isn’t as finicky and it seems a lot easier to keep happy in smaller containers.

Can’t wait to see how the TS ends up.


Quick update before I forget what day this happened…found three nanners on C91 (day 60). One was in a top, the other two were in a “middle” nug.

What made me take a closer look was this nug on the TK (day 27)…uh oh Spaghettios! This might be a happy accident if a C91 nanner I didn’t catch busted open :thinking:


Haven’t updated in awhile…

Day 80…chopped!

Made it to Day 80! Can’t wait to see how it’ll smoke, I’ve only taken it to Day 73 in the past. She didn’t throw nanners until after Day 63, about 10 total. Not bad…I think it started after I used a humic acid product (Rootwise Bio-Elixer?). I used GreenGro Flower Finisher (bloom booster?) too after this and I don’t think the plant liked it that late in the game. Lessons learned:

  1. Cut off humic acid and bloom boosters earlier.
  2. Keeping the light intensity at 70% resulted in way less nanners.
  3. Confirmed heavy feeder.

Day 48

She’s been looking hungry, I topped dressed Craft Blend and Bulidaflower on day 42 so that should be kicking in soon.

Since there’s an open spot, a new challenger has arrived…

Bubble Milk #6 F2 (Mother’s Milk x Bogglegum) @monkeyman @Ris
Day 26

Excited for this one! Bogglegum was the first seed pack I bought ever…too bad they didn’t germ :sob:

Not pictured is a Strawberry Starburst in a 1 gallon pot tucked in between TK and Bubble Milk….under the canopy :man_facepalming: She just didn’t fit in the schedule and was way too nice looking to cull.


Just catching up - for strains that assist with anxiety, I’d try to figure out if heavy indicas help or hurt, and the same for daytime sativa leaners. I find pure indicas, with the “clear your thoughts” effect to be very helpful for calming down after a long day - the TK or chem91 are a bit more thought active. Some daytime sativas can have the clear your head effect as well… goji og had a pheno or two that really helped.


Nice! Does the 91 seem a bit greasier at 80 to you as well?

I havent experienced nanners on her yet, just foxtailing with light intensity.

Iv got one around 56ish… i have less than an oz in fridge. Too close for comfort :wink:

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Thanks for your input! Lately, the wife hasn’t been partaking much. BUT when she does, she’s been taking one hit of TK per session and it seems to be working for her (enjoyable high with no anxiety).

I forgot about your Goji F2’s! You said to look for purple stemmed phenos, right? I’ll have to pop a couple soon to chase the head clearing effect you’re talking about.

I’ll give her a rub tonight and let you know…:joy:

Edit: @GCBudz it is a little greasier at day 80 for me too. Nice observation, I would have not caught the difference if you didn’t say anything.

Less than an oz is like when the gas light comes on in your car. You’re playing with fire getting that low, young man!


I remember my favorite pheno had more vertical branching and was main stem dominant, compared to others being a bit bushier. Purple stemmed too. It had the sour pine berry thing going, very tasty, and moderate potency chill zen daytime high, at least when smoked in moderation. Also helped with headaches!