Update on second grow in Phototron!

it’s judt hard for me because I’m trying to do it to provide my father with some flower who’s in late stages of Alzheimer’s and I am just looking for somewhere else to put it like u mentioned so I’ll still be updating my grow and I appreciate your time and input. The Dude Abides

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ive had great smoke from hermed plants in the past. picking the seeds sucks , but the smoke can turn out top notch.


I had a plant herm recently. I let it finish while picking off nanners. Mrs Foreigner says it is potent.


It shouldn’t matter when your lights go on/off…I keep my light on during the day time because that’s when the bathroom gets used a lot more than at night time…when my lights go off at night this small LED light goes on in my bathroom, instead of me flipping the bathroom lights on…its a total myth that it has to be pitch black dark during flowering, look at the moonlight outside and streetlights outside…

Bananas happens once in awhile due to the breeding/strains but your plant should still be good…I would finish off the grow heck you might not even get any seeds just the bananas, I’ve seen those happen to.


When I say “night” I just mean the dark period. My lights are off during the day as well.

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Here’s a couple pics from this morning of her/him lol

just wanted to see how you all think about the progress, week 5 of flower


I think it’s “they” now a days :wink:
Looks like they will fill in n nicely :+1::+1:

You know what I’ll say… I’d take off some fan leafs… but that’s just me, do your thing, looking great


Just carefully pick those nanners if they appear, your plant looks great and frosty, no need to bother so much … beer3|nullxnull


LoL thanks teacher joking but I have been debating about that for the past few days and I forgot about it and wonder if I take off like 2 fan leaves it’s not gonna stress it out being almost into week 6 of flower I’m asking because I have absolutely no idea but it’s just probably something that I need to do but I didn’t know about stress making it nanner quicker but I just don’t know…

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Being in the phototron and into week 5 of flower is it alright to take a few fan leaves away or to much stress and no need cuz it’s in the Tron

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Go ahead and take some off if you want, mine will be on 6 wks. of flowering tomorrow and I plan on pinching a couple off so the side lights can shine on my buds…now is the time to let as much light shine on your plant.


Deff looks healthy enough to me to not feel any stress from a few leaves being shed.

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This LED night light goes on when my SWC/TRON lights goes off, you can actually see your way around the bathroom…a true female shouldn’t hermie…hell look at the stress I’ve put this VTF through, bending the main stalk and side branches and sometimes flipping the light switch on a few times during flowering mode…I truly believe that your BEK strain hermied because of the strain/breeding…Dr.G you didn’t do anything wrong…

Same LED night light in my veg section of my kitchen, look how much light it puts out.


Whoa, that would make me nervous!!
Works for you though, right ?? :thinking:

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It’s just a piece of mind knowing that I am doing things right and not causing it because I just hate this shit sometimes especially in Denver and it is basically just another person trying to make a quick buck off myself from lack of knowledge when it comes to breeding and seeds etc so as always u and the OG community are very honest about things and I have yet to encounter any kinda shit I was dealing with on RIU so happy and successful growing to everyone…also I will be in week 6 on Tuesday so it’s pretty close and I’m going to get rid of 3 fan leaves that I have been eying at for a few days so I am going to ditch 3 and let her finish up and I am only removing nanners if I see it I’m not looking for them or I’ll be destroying good calyx and it’s looking very healthy to me as well @BeagleZ and better to do after I turn lights on or will it matter if I remove them before darkness? Also the smell is absolutely GLORIOUS :partying_face: it’s a very earthy/pine with a little fruity smell I can’t explain I wish I could invent smell-o-vision lol but I’m back to me and being a PROUD parent and can’t wait to see if finish up


Don’t think it matters when during the light period you pull nanners. I doubt the plant will even notice

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Sorry I meant the fan leaves

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Oh, I’m not really positive but my thinking is always to let them wake up a bit so it’s not so hard on them. So I usually wait an hour or 2 until they really start praying, then I let’er rip.

I’m sure someone else may have a better scientific reasoning on timing but that’s always my method.

I suppose there could be a argument against that and doing before lights out so they go into a more relaxed state while recovering? I don’t know, might be overthinking it. That would not surprise me :wink:


I’m sorry for the constant questions and I am just getting my confidence back after knowing that I am not causing the hermie’s so I guess that I’m a little more concerned about it but it’ll pass after I defeat my mind from over complicating things or overthinking simple things like fan leaves but like I mentioned I was just little frustrated when I saw the nanners and I was all over the place in my head and forgot about taking the few leaves off but I am starting to understand that it’s not a big deal because I’m still growing a nice and healthy plant and the pros outweigh the cons of the grow ten fold and…it happens and I’m excited to get the 5 regs seeds sometime this week from the Tuesday giveaway and I can’t wait to try a seed from @NugLifeFarms420 especially since he’s got great history and amazing genetics I’ve been told so time to stalk the mailman lol


By the way I just saw your grow and I wanted to let you know it’s absolutely beautiful looking and I hope that it smokes as good as it looks…congrats on an iholding e run gives me some positive vibes that I have the ability to grow serious bud and tje only thing holding me back is myself…I was also starting to keep a journal and plan on doing from here out.

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